Alleged Hijacker for Trial A FTER a pantechnicon had forced their
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lorry to stop, a driver 'and his mate were attacked by about eight men, armed with coshes, who came out of the pantechnicon, it was alleged at Brentwood, Essex, magistrates court last week, when Thomas Michael Wynn of Rephidim Street, Bermondsey, was accused of robbery with violence. He was charged with robbing Mr. S. T. Scott of a lorry and cigarettes and tobacco valued at 412,000. Wynn was committed for trial at Herts Assizes.
At an earlier hearing, when the police opposed bail for Wynn, a detectiveinspector had said he believed him to be " part and parcel of a large, south-east London gang responsible for hijacking lorries all over the country ".
Motorway to Docks, Please ADIRECT motorway from North London to the docks, as an eventual
replacement of the presently proposed lorry route, has been asked for by the British Road Federation in a request to the Minister of Transport.
The latest proposed extension of M is too far to the west to be useful as a docks approach road, says the Federation.
Last Meeting
THE last meeting of the vehicles and highways committees of the National Road Transport Federation (which is to be dissolved) was held on Tuesday. Since the committees will still legally function
until April 29, it was decided to appoint a. sub-committee to discuss with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders the Minister of Transport's recent proposals for longer, wider and heavier goods vehicles.
A number of other matters were referred to the member associations, who
(although they have not had them so far) are believed to he setting up their own vehictes and highways committees.
Maintenance Meeting: Next Monday, February 18, at 7.15 p.m., the Cumberland, Westmorland and Barrow -in -Furness regional maintenance advisory committee is holding a meeting devoted to the road safety and legal aspects of goods vehicle maintenance. A film " You and Your Diesel ", will be shown at the meeting which is in The Enterprise Hall, Distington.
MI Into London: Work is to start within the next 12 months on two schemes extending the MI motorway from its present terminal at Aldenham, near Watford, to Brockley Hill, and beyond that to the point in Hendon where Al and A41 divide to serve the City and West End respectively. T.R.T.A. Meetings: Mr. R. E, G. Brown, London and Home Counties secretary, will be the speaker at a T.R.T.A. meeting, open to all C-licensees, at the Bodega Restaurant, Brighton, at 7.30 p.m. on February 19. He will speak at a similar meeting on the follbwing day at the Star Hotel, Southampton, when a talk will also be given by Mr. A. T. Hills, operations manager, Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd. Mr. Hills' subject: " Accident Prevention and Bonus Scheme ".
Principal Guest: The principal guest and speaker at the R.H.A. Metropolitan area ball at Grosvenor House, in March, w ill be Trevor Bailey (cricketer).