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Less Than Fair To Hauliers
"CANNOT recall hearing any examples of the railways having come to the rescue of road transport during the recent weeks of wintry weather, If there are such examples I should in......
Local Authorities Consult T.r.t.a.
OCAL authorities are beginning to . 1 —■ show a greater awareness of the essential function of the goods vehicle in supplying shops and other business premises, reports the......
Annual-hire Vehicles Qualify As Firm's Own—e.e.c. Spokesman
'WHERE vehicles are on contract or VI' are hired foleat least a year by ownaccount concerns, these should be classified as part of the concern's .own fleet. This suggestion,......
E Growth In 1962 C-licence Vehicl
D URING 1962 the number of C-licensed vehicles in Britain rose by just over 1 per cent, to a total of 1,267,777. This increase of only about 14,000 compares with a rise of......