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ARECENT census of the numbers of passengers carried per taxicab at certain points in London revealed the fact that some 75 per cent, of the vehicles observed between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. only carried one person. The popularity of single-seater taxicabs in Paris and other European cities also indicates that, in a great number of cases, a., vehicle which will accommodate only one person supplies a real need.
When the vehicle is light and small it can obviously be run more cheaply than a cab constructed to carry three or four people, and, when in use, should represent a considerable saving from the point of view of the fares paid by the public. For some reason or other, however, the Public Carriage Department of Scotland. Yard has not licensed single-seater cabs in London. No particular reason was assigned for the attitude adopted, although in some quarters the idea that there were already sufficient cabs on the streets was thought to have provided the cause. On the other hand, the sanctioning 61 250 new American cabs belonging to the Yellow Cab Co. discounts this suggestion. The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., whose 7 h.p. fourcylinder single-seater taxi was recently illustrated el8 in this journal, despairing of getting the machine on the streets of London, have recently been investigating the possibility of its being sanctioned in the provinces.
Naturally, Birmingham was one of the first cities where the feelings of the authorities on the subject were sought. The case for the single-seater, as outlined by Sir Herbert Austin, stressed the economy in time and money to be effected by using so small and light a vehicle. Sir Herbert went so far as to suggest that a cab built on these lines could be operated on a fare scale of only 6d. a mile, whilst, owing to its liveliness, small dimensions and ease of control, it would be actually faster on a long traffic route than a larger, heavier and more cumbersome vehicle of the accepted type
Now, Birmingham already possesses a fleet of sidecar taxis which operate at the rate of ed. a mile, and it is interesting to hear that several of these sidecar shivers have evinced the greatest interest in the possibilities of the single-seater cab, and would undoubtedly transfer to it if given the opportunity.
On the other hand, at the present time the local authorities have no scale of charges at the rate of 6€1. a mile in force, and it is understood that, before anything definite could be arranged, it would have to be proved that a single-seater could be successfully operated with such a scale of fares, which is exactly one-half that asked for in the case of the ordinary taxicab.
The present situation is that a private owner of one of these single-seater Austins desirous of operating in Birmingham must apply in the ordinary manner for a licence from the watch committee. This will bring the whole question forward in a definite shape, and it is then possible, if the watch committee regard the proposition as one that should be encouraged, that some definite regulations governing the design and specification of the single-seater cab for public hire work may be drawn up and imposed. From the point of view of the public the advent of the single-seater would be welcomed, not only as an economy so far as fares are concerned, but also as regards the saving in time to be effected. One may quote as an example the fact that on an Austin Seven it is possible to save something like 10 minutes on the eight or 10-mile journey between Long-bridge and the centre of Birmingham when compared with the time taken in a large cab. In some quarters it is suggested that the " Seven " should be converted to a two-seater cab,, but, at the present time, the idea is to submit it in singleseater form.