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T HERE IS so much money being spent upon road maintenance and road consteaction in these islands, and so much of that money is...
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A RECENT census of the numbers of passengers carried per taxicab at certain points in London revealed the fact that some 75 per...
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Seldom impale. Of methodized ignorance. That steam does not die to order. That the scrap-heap is not the final end. —0 Of...
" Did the police ever find that four-tonner of yours that vanished so mysteriously ? " "Not a trace of it. The ground might...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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An Important Gathering of Representatives of 191 Scottish Road Authorities. MO-DAY (Tuesday) and to-morrow will -IL be devoted...
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The Use of Light Fuels Being Avoided as Much as Possible in Germany • Because of Their Cost, the Methods Adopted to Make Heavy...
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C ONSIDERABLE difficulty is sometimes experienced in procuring replacement parts of commercial motors. In a. business such as...
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Each Pair of Cylinders has a Common Combustion Chamber, One Cylinder Compressing Air and the Other a Combustible Mixture. A N...
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What Has been Done by the Local Authorities at Halifax in order to Organize Haulage Work on Sound and Efficient Lines. A VERY...
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T HERE ARE many travellers who have had experience'of the pleasures of motoring in the Tyrol and many more who have heard of...
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The Many Advantages Which are Claimed for the Type, By T. CRESPIN HARRISON, A.M.I.A.E., A.M.I.E.E. T HERE IS no doubt that the...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Food Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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The Selection of Various Components is Dealt With in This Contribution, and the Reasons for Buying Instead of Making are...
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An "Independent ' Bus Problem with the Conditions Reversed—the Established Small Man Having to Meet Competition from a Big...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A YNESIDE OMNIBUS COMPANY PURCHASED. The Absorption of a Fleet...
How the Efforts of Certain Prominent Manufacturers to Cultivate Overseas Trade are Being Rewarded. T BE BRITISH commercial...
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The Latest Activities of One of the Largest Provincial Bus operating Companies, who have just Taken Over the Bus and Coach...
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Sir William Hoy, general manager of railways and harbours, Union of South Africa, deals briefly with the subject of road-motor...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 471.—An Improved Stop for the Vulcan...
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Useful Ideas Adopted with Success by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. T HE apprentice to mechanical engineering gets into...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. W E HAVE already described the Rolle chassis at some length in our columns, and have...