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Seldom impale.
Of methodized ignorance.
That steam does not die to order.
That the scrap-heap is not the final end.
—0 Of prosecutions for the use of spot-lights.
That such lights do constitute a danger in certain circumstances.
That winter dismantling revives many a chassis, That not a few multi-axle efforts are locked up.
That the best motors give power from parts above par.
That some experts imagine ton-miles apart from loads. 0 That power. there's no revolution without. a transfer of That the first motor prodigy of 1924 will soon appear.
Of grips on the Hackney Motors Regulations Com mittee. 0 That congested despondency continues in British tyre circles.
That more rats and less rates would have been, had it not been, for heavy motors..
That one can only distinguish bad petrol too late— when it has extinguished one's power.
That considerable expansion is recorded in the motor trade in Canada during the past year.
That steam men want to know the reason why of unkind proposals to tax them more, but that they need not worry.
That treating the imaginary as the real is at least as dangerous as treating the real as the imaginary in transport matters.
That a profit of over £5,000 on the Royal Counties Show proves that the perennial agricultural shows are still exceedingly popular.
That a five per cent, exaggeration on the part of some sections of thedaily Press concerning the number of road accidents is calculated to do more harm than good. That " Super" is on overtime. Of fewer " Signs " of the times.
Of overgrown rubber and the irony of it.
That this is the age of the initial stage.
Of late hours studying Crown and Camber. Of three-point suspension in political circles.
That Guy's advertisement is as good as a fanfare.
Of the preconcerted again resulting in disappointment.
Of a scramble for high visibility" in certain advertising circles.
That the caterpillar-track constitutes a band-of hope for wet countries.
That commercial motor traffic can• now count on at least 390 votes in a House of Commons division.
Anent the new Coventry-BerkswelI Red bus service—that local residents have changed their "query" to queue! --0 That cost per vehicle-mile remains the test of an engineering staff, and, if the traffic is there to be got, cost per ton or per ton-mile that of a traffic staff. 0 That the converse of Dr. Johnson's experience (that abstinence is as easy as temperance is difficult) may be found to apply in respect of tariffs this year and next.
That Mr. J. S. Pool-Godsell, M.B.E., of the Roads Department, Ministry of Transport, may not be back at work for another few days, following a pre-Xmas spell of serious indisposition.