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15th January 1924
Page 9
Page 9, 15th January 1924 — THE SCOTTISH ROAD CONFERENCE.
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An Important Gathering of Representatives of 191 Scottish Road Authorities.

MO-DAY (Tuesday) and to-morrow will -IL be devoted to the Scottish Road Conference at Edinburgh, which is being held under the auspices of the Convention of Royal I3urglis, the Association of County Councils, the Association of District Committees, the Association of Road Surveyors of Scotland, the Scottish District of the Institution of County and Municipal Engineers and the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, the joint hon. secretaries being Mr. R. J. Smith,, C.B.E. (secretary of the Royal Scottish Automehile Club), and Mr. W. E. Whyte (secretary of the Association of District Committees. • se

No fewer thatt.409 delegates have expressed their intention of being present, representing 191 of the municipal and road authorities of Scotland, in nearly all cases the burgh surveyor, engineer, town clerk Or road surveyor being the repre sentative. The Ministry of Transport will also be represented in the presence of Sir Hem-y ISLybury and others, whilst there will be representatives of the Automobile Association and Motor Union, the Scottish Motor Traders' Association and the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association.

The proceedings commence at 10.30 this (Tuesday) morning, when the representatives will be welcomed by the Rt. Hon. Lord Provost of Edinburgh. At 10.45 papers will be read on "Road Administration and Finance," with reference to the counties, by Mr. J. Harling Turner, C.B.E., Convener of the County of Ayr, and Mr. Wallace Fairweather, DL., chairman of the Upper Renfrewshire District and Roads • Committee and president of the Association of District Committees in Scotland; and with reference to burghs, by ' Sir Henry S. Keith, of Hamilton, these ' papers being followed by a discussion. After lunch the following papers will be read : "The Maintenance of Roads in a Large City," by Mr. J. R. Findlay, City Road Surveyor of Edinburgh, and by Mr. Thomas Somers, Assistant Master of Works at Glasgow; and on "The Methods of Construction, Repair and Maintenance of Highways," by Mr. W. L. Gibson, M.Inst.M. and C.E., Road Surveyor to the Perthshire County

Council, Western District. The pro ceedings will terminate at 4.30 p.m.

The Wednesday session opens at 10.30 with an address by Sir Henry P. Maybury, followed by a paper on "Some Administrative Questions Connected with the Management and Maintenance of Roads," by Mr. W. E. Whyte, 0.B.E., Clerk to the District Committee of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire.

After a discussion on the paper a. series of resolutions will be put to the conference, which will then terminate with the usual votes of thanks, Copies of the papers to be read have been circulated to the delegates and others interested, together with a table of county and district road rates of Scotland for the years 1914-1922. The average road rate for all Scotland hag risen from is. 2ad. in 1914 to 2s. Wad. in the year 1922. In 1919 the rate had only rises to 1s. 5d., but in 1920 it rose tois. 11d., and in 1921 to 2s. 8d.

The conference is being held in the City Chambers, Edinburgh, and very complete arrangements have been made for the comfort of the delegates.