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NEWS of the WEEK

15th June 1940, Page 16
15th June 1940
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Page 16, 15th June 1940 — NEWS of the WEEK
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THE rates given below have been agreed between manufacturers of sanitary pipes and members of A.R.O. in the Burton area. These rates represent a substantial increase on those previously paid, and further schedules will shortly appear relating to sanitary ware and other products from the same district.

Scammell Lorries Completing New Factory

SPEAKING at the annual general meeting of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Lt.-Gen. Sir George Macdonogh, G.B.E., K .0 . B. , K .C.M.G chairman, said that pressure on the company's factory space and manufacturing facilities had been so great that it had been compelled to provide additional. accommodation, and a new factory will be completed in the near future.

He referred to the arrangement made by the company with Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., for a joint marketing plan for the Bedford short-wheelbase chassis fated with Scammell automatic coupling gear, for use as tractor-trailer combinations for pay-loads up to 10 tons, and said that this scheme had proved an outstanding success and Offered many valuable opportunities for future development. • Ile made it clear that orders for heavy vehicles, machinery carriers and tankers were well up to the average of previous years, and orders for mechanical horses and municipal appliances continue to increase. The development of trailer-pump manufacture has been successful and firefighting equipment of various kinds is now an important part of the company's general and export business.

M.P.T.A. Conference Postponed IN view of the international situation, lit has been decided to postpone the Municipal Passenger Transport Association Conference, which had been arranged for June 19-21.

Italy's Petroleum Stocks Known 'WHILST declining to furnish Mr. IT Stokes with information as to the estimated stocks of petroleum in Italy at the beginning of the War and at the end of April, 1940, Mr. Dalton said, in the House of Commons last week, that he had full information, but it was not in the public interest to disclose it.

War Planes—A New Card Game ACARD game, which will assist in the spotting of British and enemy aircraft, is being published by Temple Press Ltd. at 25. 6d. net. It consists of a pack of 67 cards, all illustrated with different i ews of aircraft (bombers and fighters), and including a description of their recognizable features. A unique feature enables the playing of all the classic card games, such as bridge, and whist, as well as many round games, for 52 of the cardsbear the ordinary playing-card symbols.

The council of the Institution of Automobile , regrets • to announce that its luncheon-'forJune 21 has been cancelled.

PETROL NEEDED FOR SOFTFRUIT HAULAGE HAULIERS in the Eastern Area, who are entering into contracts for the haulage of perishable fruit, are invited to prepare an advanced notification of their fuel requirements. This is to enable provision to be made for the necessary fuel and does not absolve the operator from the necessity of completing Z /F /5/1 in the usual way. The necessary form can be obtained from the Sub-District Office, 28, Old Market, 1Visbech, Cambs.

New-type Ambulance for War Work AT the works of Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., Edgware Road, The Hyde, London, N.W.9, a new type of ambulance has recently been built for the Anglo-French Ambulance Corps. As will be seen from a picture on this page, it is based on a Ford Thames chassis, and the body is built to the requirements of Col. J, Baldwin-Webb, M.P., honorary secretary of the Corps.

The body is of composite construction, with inner and outer panels of steel, and the roof is fined with corrugated steel. Special features include a convertible stretcher gear, enabling four stretchers to he used with four folding seats on the main bulkhead, or stretcher equipment converted to carry 8-10 people. The window glasses are of the armoured-wire type, and the exterior is camouflaged painted.

Operating Without a Licence for 21 Years ACOAL merchant who, it was stated by the prosecution, had been running a lorry for 21 years without a licence under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, was fined RS for operating without a licence at Bradford City Police Court on Tuesday last.

Defendant, Edgar Maxfield Terry, of 24, Beaumont Road, Bradford, who pleaded " Guilty," was also ordered to pay 28. 6d. costs.

For the prosecution, Mr. J. Wurzal, of Leeds, said the B licence which defendant formerly held in respect of the vehicle expired on September 30, 1937. In the preceding July the Licensing Authority sent forms to the defendant to enable him to apply for the renewal of the licence, but since then the Authority had received no communication at all from defendant concerning the vehicle in question.

Defendant declared in Court that he sent Al " in an ordinary envelope " to the Licensing Authority for reipewal of the licence.

The Stipendiary Magistrate (Dr. F. J. 0. Coddington) said he would have thought that if this were so defendant would have immediately instituted inquiries as to why he had not received anything in return_

It was stated that there were no previous convictions against defendant. Asking for a month in which to pay the fine, he said: " I have had a hard struggle for six years." His request was granted.


I T was suggested in Parliament last week by Mr. Leslie that, in the interests of public safety and home defence all motor traffic on main roads after midnight should he prohibited except by special permit. Sir J. Anderson said the permits, which it would be necessary to grant in the public interest, would be so numerous that he doubted whether any useful purpose would be served.

Commer Oilers for Tin Mines in China

ON the export side of its business, Commer Cars, Ltd., of Luton, has recently shipped to China six Superpoise oil-engined chassis, which are to he employed at the Yunan tin mines, and will operate at altitudes up to 8,000 ft, Each chassis is capable of carrying a pay-load of 2i tons, and the power unit employed is the Perkins P6 oiler; bodywork for the chassis will be constructed locally.

The business was transacted through the maker's world exporter, Rootes. Ltd., and Messrs Fox and Mayo, of London, acted as consulting engineers to the Chinese Purchasing Agency.

Institute of Transport Section Renamed

WHAT was formerly known as the W Leeds and District Section of the Institute of Transport has been renamed the Yorkshire Section, in view of the fact that its membership is drawn from an area extending so far as Hull and Sheffield. The Section's numerical strength is 245.

Mr. D, E. Bell, general manager of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., has been re-elected chairman for the ensuing 12 months, and the following have also been reappointed :— Vice-presidents. Messrs. J. C. Dean (general manager, West Yorkshire Road Car Co.. Ltd.), A, TI. Harrison lroad motor superintendent, L.N.E.R., York). and A. X. Townend ILeedr. representative, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.); hon. secretary. Mr. H. H. Lancaster (Leeds City Transport Department); hon. treasurer, Mr. G. C. Clark IL.N.E.R., Leeds); hon. assistant secretary, Mr. A. Stone (Leeds City Transport Department). Mr, J. B. Gill has been elected to the committee in place of Mr. E.. R. Green.

Tyresoles Offers Advice to Garages

THE sales director (Mr. J. C. Price) of Tyresoles, Ltd., Palace of Engineering, Wembley, has given us some information which will undoubtedly be of value to operators. Ile mentions that a large proportion of the 9,000 garages throughout the,

country is handling Tyresoles. As a result of many commercial vehicles being commandeered and much of the output of new tyres being requisitioned for the Services, many other vehicles, often of older vintage, have to carry out work, sometimes of an urgent nature.

As was to be expected, the tyre equipment was not always in first-class condition, and this has given a tremendous impetus to retreading and much work to those concerns specializing in handling the reconditioning of tyres.

Many of the older types of private car have also been purchased for A.R.P. and A.F.S. service. Here, again, tyres. frequently• require attention.

Garages can help considerably in the national endeavour to save imports by searching for all worn but sound tyre casings lying about their premises, which might, in the ordinary way, be sent away as scrap. Tyresoles. Ltd., is willing to purchase any such casings, which can be accepted by any of its 24 works spread over the country. It is also prepared to assist garage owners to promote their business in these directions.

To Sell Elactrics an Scotland

WE learn that Murphy Cars, Ltd., Cordwelles Works, Maidenhead, maker of Murphy electric vehicles, has appointed McNeil (Tractors), Ltd., 147, Bothwell Street. Glasgow, as its Scottish representative.

Chesterfield Supports Standardization A T Chesterfield, the municipal cleans ing committee has discussed the future policy of the department so far as types of vehicle are concerned. It has decided that, in future, Dennis vehicles lie adopted as one of two makes to be standardized in the cleansing department.


IT is announced by the Secretary for IPetroleum that a new Order strengthening and clarifying the law concerning the prohibition of the use of paraffin or kerosene in motor vehicles, and entitled the Petroleum (No. 2) Order, 1940 (a), has been made. This forbids, except under a special licence issued by the Secretary, the use of paraffin or kerosene, either alone or with any hydrocarbon oils, on mechanically propelled vehicles, except agricultural tractors and engines.

It is an offence to have a supply of such a mixture, which is capable of being used contrary to the Order.

The terms include burning and vaporizing oils and others, defined as any hydrocarbon oil having a closed flash-point not less than 73 degrees F. and not greater than 150 degrees F'.

Oil-engined Buses Needed in South Africa I T is reported by His Majesty's Trade Commissioner at Johannesburg that the town council of Springs is calling for tenders (Contract No. 33) for the supply of 39-seater oil-engined buses. Tenders have to be delivered to the

town clerk by July 5 next. Fuller details of this call may be obtained from the Department of Overseas Trade, Great George Street, London, S.W.1, reference T20171/40 being quoted.

Man Power on Unneeded Road Improvements?

CPEAKING in the House of Commons

last week, Sir H. Morris-Jones stated that some highway authorities were still employing large numbers of men on road improvements. In view of the need for labour on the land, he recommended that all highway authorities should be directed to confine themselves to indispensable repairs.

Sir John Reith replied that they had been directed to close down on road works at the nearest stage consistent with safety, except in cases of military or urgent public need. Many roads, however, carrying abnormal war traffic, required more than ordinary maintenance.

County councils had been urged to lend to agriculture as many of their road employees as possible and arrangements had been made by the Ministers of Agriculture. Health and Labour to facilitate transfers. A further circular emphasizing this need was about to be issued.

April Registrations Tell Their Tale

DURING April last, 1,945 goods L./vehicles were registered for the first time, the total including 83 electric% more than half of which were in the class covered by the limits Of 12 cwt. and 1 ton. In the comparable month of last year, the total was 4,517, of which 53 were electrics. In addition, this year's goods vehicles included 52 agricultural vans and lorries, compared with 66 in April, 1939.

In the case of hackney vehicles, there were 285 registrations in April last, contrasted with 796 in the same Month of 1939. I.T.A. WEEK-END CONGRESS POSTPONED TT is announced by the Industrial 'Transport Association that, in the present circumstances, it has been decided to postpone the week-end Congress, planned for June 14-16, at Nottingham. Most members of the Nottingham Branch Committee, like many others elsewhere, who would have wished to attend this conference, are now working a seven-day week.

The organization, however, has been so effectively carried out by the Nottingham Branch that the plans can be revived at short notice, and it is hoped that an autumn week-end will be found, when an easier industrial situation will permit the event to be carried through on lines much nearer normal.

Crossley Motors Results

THE board of Crossley Motors, Ltd., recently decided to recommend the payment of a dividend of 15 per cent. for the year ended March 31, 1940. The net profit for the year amounted to £139,260. which, after deducting £52,500 reserved for taxation, leaves £86,760, as compared with £103,127 in the previous year.

Rates for Lorries Hired by Railways

THE Heavy Woollen District Trans' port Association, which hauliers, in that part of West Yorkshire, formed a few months ago, is taking up the question of rates which the railway companies pay for the hire of road operators' lorries.

Mr. Harry Pickard, chairman of the Association, said there were considerable discrepancies between the rates which the railway companies paid in different towns in Yorkshire. " We think that there should be one standard of rates for the county," he added, "and we are suggesting that a county conference, including representatives of the C.M.U.A. and A.R.O., should be held with this object."

The committees of the Heavy Woollen District Transport Association and the Bradford Horse and 'Motor Owners Association recently met to discuss haulage rates. As a result certain discrepancies between the rates schedules of the two bodies were adjusted.

Tonnage Rates for Transport of Salvage

NEED for more salvage work being done in, rural areas and for a uniform tonnage rate being charged for the transport of salvaged material, was stressed by Mr. W. Alexander, cleansing superintendent of Aberdeen, at a meeting, in Glasgow, of the Scottish Centre of the Institute of Public Cleansing. The meeting was attended by Mr. H. G. Judd, Controller of Salvage.

Mr. Alexander, who is adviser for the North of Scotland under the Government's salvage scheme, said that too much stress should not he put on comparisons with money received for salvaged materials. The most important comparisons were those of tonnage. Urging consideration of transport charges, he said' that minor officials could not be expected to do salvage work for nothing if transport charges were to eat up their profits.

£16 Mr. Judd said that the Government could not interfere in the question of carriage charges. It rests in the hands of merchants and their controls, who established the prices for the various materials. • Councillor Eiger, Glasgow, who presided, did not agree that the Government should not interfere with the question of transport costs.

Obituary The death has taken place of Mr. James Johnston, who succeeded to a carrying and contracting business in Bo'ness established by his grandfather and carried on by his father. He was eighty-three years of age.

A.R.O. Metropolitan Area Officials

AT a meeting of the Main Committee of the Metropolitan Area held on May 29, Mr. J. F. E. Pye was again unanimously elected chairman of the Area for the ensuing 12 months. LL-Commdr. J. Havers was also re-elected vice-c hairma n.

At previous meetings Mr. F. Lucas, of Luton, had been elected chairman of the Hauliers Sectional Board, and Mr. Eric R. Taylor, of Barking, vicechairman; Lt.-Commdr. J. Havers, chairman of the Ancillary Sectional Board, and Mr. F. Blencowe, vice-chairman; Mr. F. Cobb, of St. Albans, as the representative 01 the Passenger Section.

The following have been elected hon. chairmen and secretaries for the Sub-Areas:—

Ealtern: Mr. H. C. Bissell (chairman), .1. A. Bissell, Steen Street, Haggerston, Loudon, E8 (secretary), Mr. E. R. Taylor (secretary). Northern: Mr. P. R. Williams (chairman!. Mr. F. Lucas (secretary). North London: Mr. A. .1. Goddard (chairman), Mr. H. E. Dobbs

[aryl. Southern: Mr. T. A. McDowell (chairman). Mr. S. W. Vinter (secretary). Western: Mr. C. W. Beckett (chairman), Mr. W. R. Hughes (secretar).


BY a recent Australian mail, we learn that progress is being made with the movement to popularize the use of producer gas on commercial vehicles. The Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, acting under the instructions of the Australian Department of Supply and Development, has drawn up an exhaustive, although provisional, specification for the composition and production of wood charcoal necessary for such gas producers.

The specification sets out the classes of wood suitable for charcoal production, the desired size and degree of cleanliness of the material, the recommended methods of carbonization, the necessary calorific value, and various other qualities which charcoal for gas production should possess.

Fire Brigade Unity in Scottish County

LANARK Fire Brigade Committee has prepared a scheme of mutual assistance between the brigades of the county council and of the town councils of Airdrie. Coatbridge and Motherwell and Wishaw. The details have been considered by Mr. R. Bryce-Walker, a member of the Fire Services Commission, who thinks the scheme is sound in principle, but that arrangements for operating it should be more definite. He has suggested that consideration should be given •to the possibility of including Glasgow within the scheme..

Exploring Joint-action Possibilities

'THE Road Transport Section of the 1 Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has asked the Liverpool committees of the C.M.U.A. and the A.R.O. to consider the position which has arisen in Hull and the West Midlands, where the two associations have set up a joint committee for local administration purposes. As both Associations gave favourable replies, two or three meetings have been held under Chamber of Commerce auspices with a view to finding a basis of joint action. Another meeting will be held this month.

Supply and Storage of Petroleum Products

THE Minister for Home Security has made an Order, under Regulation 19B of the Defence (General) Regulations, providing that any person who supplies and stores petroleum, or any product of petroleum or benzole, capable of being used as fuel or lubricants for motor vehicles shall not supply or store the same except in such places, in such quantities, and under such conditions as may be approved by the Secretary for Petroleum.

The object of the Order is to regulate the supply and storage of petroleum products as may be necessary for military reasons and, whilst arrangements will be made to maintain adequate supplies to meet requirements, there will, inevitably, be a curtailment in the facilities hitherto enjoyed.

It is not necessary for anyone to apply for a permit under the Order, but so soon as the detailed arrangements have been completed a further notification will be made. IMPRESSMENT CLAIMS

REPLYING to a Parliamentary question regarding the number of motor vehicles hired by his department, Mr. Eden said some 35,000 had been impressed since the outbreak of war, but only six claims were outstanding. These were in course of settlement. He regretted that corresponding figures for hiring were not available. Mr. Lyons suggested that the present administrative machinery was cumbersome.

New A.R.0.-C.M.U.A. Sub-Area

AT a meeting of Stafford and Rugeley operators, held in Stafford recently, under the chairmanship of Mr. A. G. Dale (West Midland Area chairman, A.R.0.), with Messrs. ;oodwin (joint secretary) and L. Patrick and C. H. Holmes (organizers) present, it was decided to form a new

joint A R.0 .-C A. Sub-Area, called the Stafford and Rugeley. Monthly meetings will he held in these towns alternately. The following officials have been appointed :—Messrs. M. Collins (chairman), Tilston (vicechairman) . Messrs. M. Collins and F. Gee will be delegates to the area committee and Mr. Tilton deputy delegate.

An Aid to Economy and Smooth Running

AMATERIAL in powder form, put up in tubes each sufficient to treat two gallons of petrol, and known as Milex, has received favourable comment from many operators and others testing vehicles, because of its beneficial effect in reducing pinking, improving acceleration and general running and giving a greater mileage on Pool petrol.

One of the recommendations received by the producer cf this fuel economizer, Ontnipol Trading and Shipping Co., Ltd. (Miles Department), Ling House. Dominion Street, London, E.C.2, is from Mr. W. Oldham, M.Inst.T., transport manager, Liverpool, for the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes. He says that tests made over several hundred miles showed marked improve anent in acceleration and greater mileage on the fuel used.

The price of Miles is 2s. per box of six tubes to treat 12 gallons of fuel.

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

A PROMISE has been given by Mr.

Mabane, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Home Security, that local authorities will be assisted in maintaining vehicles required for civil defence purposes. It was prompted by a request from Mr. Silkin, in the House of Commons, for an assurance that authorities would not be left without enough motor mechanics, as the result of the recent appeal by the Minister of Aircraft Production for skilled labour. PERSONAL PARS

MR. A. G. FLETCHER, who, for the past four years, has been secretary of Guy Motors, Ltd., has joined Henry Meadows, Ltd., of Wolverhampton, as office manager.

CAPT. H. CECIL TAYLOR, advertising manager of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., is on active service with the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps, and we offer him our congratulations upon his promotion to this rank.

M. NORMAN REAY haS been appointed chief assistant to the Transport Commissioner for the NorthEastern Region, in succession to Mr. J. R. Williams, now Assistant Transport Commissioner for North Wales. Mr. Reay has thus returned to Leeds, where he was deputy to the clerk to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners before going to the Eastern Traffic Area over two years ago. He was clerk to the Traffic Commissioners there, and

• since the outbreak of war he has been chief assistant to the Transport Commissioner for the Eastern Region. He has been associated with the Ministry of Transport since its inception in 1919.

Haulier Takes Charge of Mobile Defence Units AWELL-KNOWN haulier, Mr. C. S. Dunbar, of Red Arrow Deliveries, Ltd., has been appointed officer in charge of mobile units of the local defence volunteers in Birmingham. Mr. 0. Massey, of Scribbans and Co., Ltd., will act as his deputy, and the following will be divisional organizers :—Messrs. L. J. Madden, S. M. Macadam, C. Warwick, A. Wilson and C. J. Hurst.

Leaflet on Plug Recommendations TUST issued by Lodge Plugs, Ltd., J Rugby, is a handy little folder, which gives sparking-plug recommendations for tractors, cultivators, lawn mowers, fire pumps and certain other types of appliance. Copies of the leaflet may he obtained from the company at the address we have given.