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YEARS 1905 -1980
OMEWHAT like old soldiers, x-editors never go away. They ark in the shadowy world of the les and the bound volumes, aping out on the unsuspecting
-aveller through those iemorabilia. But what do you ctually do with an ex-editor at a me of celebration?
lain Sherriff, CM's present ccupier of the editorial hoteat, tackled the problem so far s this ex-editor is concerned by ending him back to his motives )1two particular manifestaons CM's sponsorship of the prry Driver of the Year Cornetition and its setting-up of the leet Management Conference.
Yours was the hand on the Iler (sick joke for anyone who amembers steam) when CM teered that way. Why did ou?' That was the thought in is mind, even though he exressed it more politely in his sual urbane Scottish way.
As it happens, it was a very ood question because I really on't think I'd ever thought bout it before. You do things at le time without necessarily xamining your reasoning, diting a lively, large technical reekly does not leave much me for considered introspecon .
As an exercise in motivation, -le two events present almost a halk-and-cheese situation.
The LDoY Competition had een started back in the Fifties y Coventry Corporation Road afety Department. Mervyn tiles, the Road Safety Officer, nd ClIr Bob Brain were the real litiators — though I seem to :call a guy named Gerry Aston rho hauled an occasional load nci spent most of his time desing new tests!
CM was at that time a ember of the organising corniittee, invited (I suspect) not so -iuch because we had any exert knowledge as because the -ting could live or die on the ublicity we could give or withold. Editors get onto a fair umber of committees that way,