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Renault Brews Up A Drop. Frame Chassis
k NEW distribution vehicle or the brewing and bottling ndustries has been announced py Renault Trucks and Buses. The basis of the new model s a 13-ton gross weight JP13 idapted......
New Oil
:.ASTROL has introduced a iew oil, Densal CR4 10W/40 or normally-aspirated diesel .ngines, as used in light comnercial vehicles engaged on top-go delivery work. Densal CR4......
Hatcher's Tarpaulin Stowaway
HATCHER Components Ltd of Fromlingham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, has introduced _a one-piece, roof-mounted, reinforced-plastics moulding for the stowage of tarpaulins. Elastic cords......
Oldham's New Range
OLDHAM is marketing a new range of high-performance low-maintenance batteries under the brand name of Easy Care. The battery takes less water than previous types and gives 12......