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Potato man expected to get ken(

15th March 1986, Page 10
15th March 1986
Page 10
Page 10, 15th March 1986 — Potato man expected to get ken(
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE FORMER managi director of Haynes Potat of Hereford, now in liq dation, is likely to be gran a licence for a 12-moi period.

Before its demise Hay: Potatoes traded as Hay: Transport and George Hay: sought a licence in the sa trading name for ti vehicles.

For Haynes, David Halt said the company gr( successfully from one seven vehicles over 12 ye as a potato merchant and gi cral haulier, concentrating I tcrly on the carriage of stt But a bad debt of £13,f arising from the potato s of the business had led to company's liquidation.

Halpen told West Midlar Deputy Licensing Author John Pugh that £37,000 v owed to the bank and tl would be paid by Hayi personally. Haynes had equ of £28,000 in his house and owned a building site wol £60,000.

He has 0,000 in cash a the bank is willing to provi capital of i10,000 if necessai Once the building site is st and all debts met, the should be a MAO surplus.

Haynes has been promis that he can continue doi OM worth of work for t British Steel Corporation.

Asked why the final deli was £35,000 when the b debt had been .£13,60 Haynes said there had be other small bad debts.

Halpen said that the col pany's working capital h been provided by a bank lo and the bad debt had made impossible for the compa: to service that loan.

After it was said th Haynes had purchased vehicle and trailer Pugh ss that no application had be made for authority to open trailers. The applicatit would have to be re-adv< tised.

But he will look favourah on the grant of an interi licence 21 days after the a vertisement.