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40 Tonnes No Thanks
HAVING read in recent issues the ongoing arguments for and against raising the gross weight limit to 40 tonnes, I feel motivated to speak in favour of A. R. Goss's opinions,......
What's Wrong With British?
I NOTE from Commercial Motor, February 22) that Texaco disposed of its current fleet of commercial vehicles to Tankfreight. What I find is particularly disturbing in this......
Rail Honour 80 Years Of Austin
UNFORTUNATELY the Hawk is a little behind the times when it comes his suggestions (CM February 22) for naming our locomotives. For some years now one of our Cl. 47s has sported......
No Chairs, Please
I NOTICE that you have (Commercial Motor, March 1) interviewed the new "chair" of the pressure group Transpc 201Xf. My company employs some fascinating pieces of funiiture; I am......