IP: management buy-out most likely
15th March 1986, Page 11
15th March 1986
Page 11
Page 11, 15th March 1986
— IP: management buy-out most likely
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MANAGEMENT buy-out ill appears to be the most cely outcome for trailer rent specialist TIP.
The Watford-based co iiimy is up for sale, Its owner, elco, from the United :ates, is concentrating its
operations in North America, and is ready to part with TIP despite the British company's continued profitability.
Jim Cleary, TIP's European managing director, says that an Australian company,' which he is not prepared to
name, showed interest in purchasing TIP, but pulled out of negotiations.
When asked about a management buy-out, Cleary replied: "Discussions are cmitinuing with Gel co.