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ilew engine for Dodge

15th March 1986, Page 15
15th March 1986
Page 15
Page 15, 15th March 1986 — ilew engine for Dodge
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NAULT Truck Industries ; replaced the naturally asated six-cylinder Perkins 47 engine in the Dodge 50it's with a 14.38 turboirged four-cylinder direct ection unit specially engizred by Perkins.

The new longer stroke elite, with a rotary CAV DPS

pump and higher eons!ssion controlled expansion tons, gives a similar output 67kW (90hp) but at much 3Wer engine speed of i0Orpm (ex-3,60Orpm).

Maximum torque is ini31eed from 218Nni (161 1) at 2,500rpm to 313Nm 51 lbft) at 1,450rpm.

As a result of more torque, single diaphragm clutch e is increased from 250mm 3111nun diameter and the Turner T5-250 five-speed overdrive gearbox becomes standard, replacing the T5200 model.

The Chrysler A727 automatic gearbox is available as an option.

The ZF S5-24/3 five-speed gearbox is retained on vehicles fitted with the Perkins 4.236 engine, from which the new unit has been developed.

Dodge has completed more than 1.5 million miles in its test programme with 32 vehicles.

The changes to the engine and gearbox save 43kg, all of which is over the front axle, giving lighter steering and improved loading latitude.

Current prices remain unaffected for 1986, with the chassis cab at £9,000, short wheelbase van S:10,720 and the long wheelbase van at 1:11,090.

Renault expects to sell 300 vehicles to the new specification on present projections. hut there are additional prospects for its bus use.