Keep track of driving time
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TO HELP drivers keep a check on their driving hour a new device called Tach:T has been launched. It looks like a hand-held calculator, but works as a personal electronic memory for the driver.
The buttons on the front Tach:Trak correspond to a mode-change switch on thc tachograph. For example, when the driver selects the driving mode on the tachograph he simultaneoui presses the equivalent butte on the Tach:Trak.
Its digital display will slit the driving time as it accumulates and an alarm sounds when the four hour continuous driving limit is imminent. (The alarm settii can be changed so that the unit is still suitable for use after September 29 when th regulations change.)
The unit automatically totals each individual mode they are selected and these running totals can be displayed by pressing the appropriate button.
At the end of the first da all the work totals are transferred to the Tach: Trak's memory so that the week's running totals can a he retrieved.
The unit has a built-in 14 and it runs on three 1.5V pen-light batteries which w t least a year. It can be • carried in the driver's :t or mounted on the ioard.
;:h:Trak is priced at 5, plus VAT and ge and packing, totalling 0. It can be ordered Visect Ltd, PO Box Pill, Bristol, Avon ODZ.