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15th March 1986, Page 33
15th March 1986
Page 33
Page 33, 15th March 1986 — BUDGET GRIT BLASTER
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A LOW-COST abrasive blasting kit, designed to he used with an industrial vacuum cleaner, has been introduced in the UK by P. L. Tanton.

The CBK Clean Abrasive Blasting Kit is made by Unitech of Sweden principally for vehicle refinishing. It is claimed to clean out rust pits and remove paint, scale and dirt in awkward places in seconds. Metal surfaces are etched ready for filling, welding, painting or bonding.

To drive the system suction from a suitable industrial vacuum cleaner rated at 550W or above is needed, giving a recommended air supply of 6-7bar and a flow rate of 4001it/min. Dislodged matter and the blasting agent are separated in a chamber in the body of the unit so that the abrasive material can be reused.

Included with the CBK are all necessary hoses, a blasting pistol, four suction cups to seal off the blasting area and a pack of blasting material.

The CBK is priced at !:184 including VAT. Extra five-litre packs of standard and super grade abrasive are available for 9.95, excluding VAT.

P. L. Tanton (Equipment Agencies) 14 The Leys Roade Northants NN7 2NR