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Lex transport contributed to poor profits

15th March 1986, Page 4
15th March 1986
Page 4
Page 4, 15th March 1986 — Lex transport contributed to poor profits
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

LEX SERVICE's transpi

• businesses — some of wh are still up for sale — coin buted only 123.7 million to I group's 1.:23.6 million pre-i profits last year. Preliminary figures pu lished show that befo proceeds from the 1:24 milli sale of the Lex Wilkinson p eels business to Federal press is taken into accou. transport profits rose ot

from 1:500,000 to 13.7 milli while turnover rose Ire £63.9 million to 03 million Lex chairman Trey Chinn says last year's resu are disappointing, but adi "Following the sale of L Wilkinson, Lex is now cc centrated in two main bu ness areas, the distribution cars and trucks, and electronic components at computer products."

Its magazine distributi. company (CM, March 8) being closed, but the SI temline contract distributi business, Transtleet collo% hire and truck rental and IL vey Plant are being kept.