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The Officials.
The Judges Committee, which consisted of the members of the Parade Committee, had given a large amount of time, over a succession of meetings, during the weeks before the Parade, and at each of these meetings they had the advantage of the assistance and reports of Mr. Geo. 'W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.A.E., the inspecting engineer. The Committee, of which Mr. T. B. Browne, President of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, proved an admirable chairman, included the following gentlemen in addition : Mr. E. Percy Beavan, Colonel R. E. Crompton, Major W. E. Donohue, Mr. T. E. Harrison, Colonel T. J. Kearns, Mr. D. S. Kennedy, Mr. W. G. Lobjoit, Mr. E. E. Rudge, Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, Mr. H. Lyon Thomson, Mr. Geo. W. Watson, and Mr. Chas. Wheeler. Col. Kearns and Mr. Lyon Thomson were unavoidably prevented from attending on Monday.
Mr. Windsor had the assistance of Capt. E. H. Blarney, A.S.C., as assistant chief-marshal, with the following gentlemen as marshals : Messrs. G. R. Barnes, W. H. Berry, F. A. Bonsor, J. Cates, H. Chapman, W. F. Collins, L. G. Davies, C. Davies, J. F. Jaeckel, H. R. Leonard, W. J. Mitchell, C. W. Nairne, C. C. Ransley, C. Rice, C. A. Ross, R. Sandison, H. A. Sturch, and Cecil S. Windsor.
The burden of the general organization devolved upon the Secretary of the Association, Mr. F. G. Bristow, A.C.I. S., whose genius for detail was again evident. Four a.m. and Later.
It was a fortunate circumstance, on Monday last, that the rain did not begin to fall until Mr. A. W. Windsor, the chief marshal, and those who were on early duty with him, had marked out the 372 stations in the vicinity of the Tate Gallery, facing the Thames, and in the neighbouring streets. Detail references to the assembly and control preliminaries will not be devoid of interest, and we therefore give them by way of introduction.
The aspect of this year's Parade which suggests the more than imminent probability of a change of venue for this remarkable display is mentioned in our first leading article. With the impressions of the chief marshal and his assistants available to us, we do not hesitate to state that the Parade has already considerably outgrown that area in the vicinity of the 'fate Gallery and the Grosvenor Road Embankment which,. with the concurrence of Sir Ed. Henry, has now served for two years as a parade ground.
The addition of some 100 entries to the list foreshadowed, to those who realized the difficulties of assembly in the narrow streets in the neighbourhood, the necessity for very strenuous efforts on the part of the marshalling staff. The mere addition of 100 units does not accurately represent the increase in difficulty of arrangement. It has to be remembered that this was 100 on top of last year's 260. It has, however, we are glad to say, to be recorded that the whole of the fleet, with the exception of the few late-comers and absentees, was in position by 10 a.m., and that with but very little hindrance to the ordinary traffic in the Vauxhall Bridge Road. At one anxious perio(l, when between 70 and 80 machines were held up waiting, while one of the Grosvenor Road machines was being backed into its position, a somewhat-flurried marshal made the mistake of trying to turn several vans back across the bridge, and so temporarily blocked both tramlines. But this was soon. remedied ; the police on duty, acting promptly with other marshals, very quickly put things right.. There was, as a matter of fact, no accident of any kind, we believe, and the greatest credit is due to all the drivers who showed invariable readiness to assist in making the arrangements run smoothly throughout. We write that the Grosvenor Embankment will not do for further and bigger gatherings. The overwhelming difficulty to be faced is due to the necessity of backing nearly 200 machines across the carriage way to the kerb on the south side. Each of such operations checked the flow of oncoming machines, and, although these were got into position with quite remarkable quickness and accuracy, they were the cause of frequent blocks at the entrance to the parade ground.
The whole fleet was divided into two main sections ; division one comprised all the machines in Grosvenor Road, the balance in all the other streets forming division two. The latter, all placed end on, with the machines brought to a standstill in the direction they were travelling, were got into position with at least half the expenditure of energy that. was needed for the Embankment array.
We must record that considerable inconvenience was caused to the numerous would-be spectators, who braved the broken weather, by the constant patrolling of certain machines which were not officially in the Parade, but which were obviously being driven up and down solely for the purposes of publicity. An expression of displeasure from certain of the judges was sufficient, we were glad to note, to cause this nuisance to be abated.
Of untoward incident there is little to record : the only accident which we noticed was the unfortunate falling of a constable's horse on the treacherous asphalt. The chief marshal has expressed to us his obligation to the Stanley Steam ear Co., for the loan of one of its well-known and handy steam cars, driven very ably by Mr. Paris, and to Mr. L. G. Davies for similar assistance with his " nippy " little G.W.K. The Aerograph Co. lent a compressed-air spraying device, mounted on a Slingsby truck, but recourse had to be had, in the end, to buckets and brushes for marking-out purposes.
Parade Inspections.
This year, contrary to the course which had been followed in previous years, the judges had the general duty at the Parade of taking off marks, instead of adding them. The very full reports of the inspecting engineer, together with his specific recommendations in regard to markings, had already been fully considered at the last few meetings of the Parade and Judges Committee, and it was practically only in respect of
competition for TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR cup, for the new-vehicle prizes, and for the engineers' prizes, that any plus markings remained for allocation on the day of the Parade. No deductions, we
understand, were found to be necessary. That is satisfactory. Three of the judges came on duty early enough to see the teams as they arrived, but their task was rendered a somewhat-difficult one by reason of congestion at some of the approach points. There was, however, absolute unanimity on the "team" awards ; similarly, after full discussion, the six cups for new vehicles, and the silver cup and a silver goblet for engineers, were settled to the equal satisfaction of those who were charged with the duty of awarding them. The closeness of the marking in several cases was sufficient to bring home the ultimate effect of just a little extra attention here and there on the part of drivers and their mates.
Shortly after ten o'clock, comfortably seated in a handsome
Daimler saloon bus with Dodson bodywork, the judges made a complete tour of the lines. This over, the sectional judging was undertaken, and any cases which appeared to call for consideration in respect of a reduction of the inspecting engineer's adopted markings were noted for reference. It was possible for the judges to come together again, shortly before 12 o'clock, in order to determine all points that were left open, or which arose for settlement, and the Secretary began the distribution of the award cards about 12.20 p.m.
The weather continued to be showery, but the rain was at no time heavy enough to cause serious inconvenience. There were only a dozen absentees, whilst the late arrivals were only four in number. The Parade, as will have been gathered, had the appearance of completeness at 10 o'clock punctually, which was the official time for the commencement of the examination by the judges. The police, both mounted and on foot, were of the greatest assistance to the organizers, whilst the courtesy of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., in respect of the diversion of one of its services, so as to avoid the Parade area, deserves to be acknowledged. Although the publicity side of the Parade does not depend upon the attendance at the time, it was gratifying to all to observe the un doubted interest of the considerable number of spectators. They, in point of numbers, however, may be reckoned as almost a negligible total in comparison with the hundreds of thousands of parties whose interest has been aroused or renewed by perusal of the general reports which have appeared since the Parade took place. One of the smartest details upon any of the vehicles, arising from the Parade instructions, was found in the case of the fleet of MilnesDaimler vehicles entered by James Nelson and Sons, Ltd. The various official cards had in every case been neatly glazed and framed, and this proved to be a precaution which suited the climatic conditions well.
Another feature, for the first time observed at one of these parades, was the recruiting interest shown by the Second London Divisional Transport and Supply Column. An attractive leaflet was distributed to the drivers, headed by a reproduction from a photograph of His Majesty the King inspecting the Mechanical Transport at Aldershot, in which it was pointed out that
motor-lorry drivers, chauffeurs and mechanics, are wanted for the Meelanical Transport Section. The rates of pay and other particulars were given, and we certainly think that this enterprise merits our mentioning that men who wish to join, or who require further information, should apply, on any Wednesday or Friday evening, between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., to the Adjutant of the Division, at the Duke of York's Headquarters, Sloane Square, S.W.
A reference to the proposal that the 1914 arrangements should include a sports programme, possibly at the Crystal Palace, is contained in the speech of the Chairman, at the official luncheon, to which we refer later on in the course of this report. The distribution of the prizes, we observed, was not completed until 1.4.5 p.m. This, no doubt, was due to the fact that the prizes to
be awarded and paid were larger in amount than in 1912.
Wianers of C.M.U.A. Drivet s' Prizes,
Chief interest centred in the declaration of the championship winners. These prizes were won by the drivers whose names are given later, as the results of the marks which they gained for their answers to the written questions that have already appeared.
In all cases, in the lists which 'follow, • the name of the driver is given first, the make and type of the vehicle next, and the name of the owner third. The four prizes in this section amounted to /30. Drivers Championships.
FIRST FRIZES.—X10 (petrol), C. Hughesden, Commerear van, John Walker and Sons, Ltd. ; 110 (steam), H. White, Aveling and Porter tractor, Rickmansworth and 'Uxbridge Valley Water Co. SECOND PurzEs.---E5 (petrol), E. Grover, Ala,udslay van, General Post Office (Stores Department) ; 25 (steam), C. Hughesden.
It will be observed that Hughesden won a prize in each section, and this indicates that he Ms an excellent general knowledge of both petrol and steam systems.
Eleven Prizes of £2.
F. Goody, Thornycroft van, Gosling and Sons, Ltd. ; J. Darlinson, Dennis van, Harrods Ltd. ; E. Payne, Albion van, Harrods Ltd. ; G. King, Foden van, Nicholson and Sons, Ltd. ; H. White (as above); G. Jackson, Halley van, Selfridge and Co., Ltd. ; J. Moore, T. Campbell and G. Edmunds, 22 each, Albion vans, Spiers and Pond, Ltd. • H. Derby, Tilling mail van, Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; and J. Piercey, Goodehild Autocarrier, Parke, Davis and Co.
Twenty-one Prizes of El 10s.
G. Johnson, De Dion-Bouton van, Allen and Hanburys, Ltd. ; H. Burr, Hanford van, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; A. Clayton and C. Marriott, El 10s. each, Foden wagons, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; G. W. Marks, Lacre van, John Dickinson and Co., Ltd. ; A.
ightingale, Foden wagon, Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ; W. Harley, Comnnercar van, J. H. Francis ; E. Grover, Mandalay van, General Post Office ; A. Hughes, Albion van, Harrods Ltd.; G. Garrett, Lacre van, Harrods Ltd. ; F. Powell, Foster tractor, W. J. Lobjoit and Son ; W. Robins and W. Bowles, 21 10s. each, Thornycroft vans, Pickfords Ltd. ; H. Rolfe, C. Wickenden and J. Palmer (three drivers working the two vehicles jointly), 23 (two prizes) between them, Wallis and Steevens vans, Piekfords Ltd. ; G. Greening, Charron van, Selfridge and Co., Ltd. ; S. Ppole, Albion van, Spiers and Pond, Ltd. ; P. Allen and E. Rayfield, 21 10s. each, Tilling mail vans, Thos. Tilling, Ltd. • J. Copplestone, Albion van, T. Wallis and Co. ; and A. Harvey, Girling parcelcar, Dispatch Motor Co., Ltd.
Upwards of One Hundred Prizes of £1 each, W. Clarke, Albion van, Allen and Ha,nburys, Ltd. ; R. Sewell and J. W. Dicks, El each, De DionBurton vans, Allen and Hanburys, Ltd. • T. Godwin, Albion van, F. A. Baldwin ; S. Clover, Lacre* van, Bryant and May, Ltd. ; W. Dark, Hanford van, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; E. Chapman and C. Franklin, 21 each, Foden wagons, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; F. Upchurch, Foden wagon, Chapman Bros. ; W, Bushnell, Belsize van, Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. ; W. Smith, Alldays and Onions van, Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. ; E. Annis, Lacre van, and B. Pritchard, Lacre* van, S;1 each, Davis and Son ; A. Southarn, Lacre van, John Dickinson and Co., Ltd. ; W. Smith, Foden wagon, Eastern Motor Wagon, Co., Ltd. ; H. Singleton, Connnercar van, J. H. Francis ; A. Mayhew, G. Boston, W. Young and J. roster, 1;1 each, Hanford vans, French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd. ; W. Flexrnan, Straker van, French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd. ; A. Dylte, Sentinel lorry, Friary, Holroyd and Healy's Breweries, Ltd. ; F. West, Conamercar lorry, Friary, Holroyd and Healy's Breweries, Ltd. ; W. Golding and J. Croxford, gl. each, Foden lorries, Fry Bros. ; S. Collings and G. Read, 21 each, Commercar vans, Gas Light and Coke Co.' J. Cox, Milnes-.Daimler van, Gas Light. and Coke Co. ; S. Curson and H. J. Jarman, each, Commere.ar vans, Gas Light and Coke Co.' C. Lowe, Napier van, Gas Light and Coke Co. ; C. Page, Halley van, General Post Office ; E. Small, Alltia,ys and Onions van, General Post Office ; G. A. Cooper, Wallis and Steevens tractor, General Post Office ; W. Haynes, Commercar van, Gleniffer Laundry (A. Bell and Sons, Ltd.); G. Watson, Commercar lorry, Gutta Percha Co. ; E. Wilson and A. Wetherley, £1 each, Dennis vans, Harrods Ltd. ; G. Clarke, Lacre* van, Harrods Ltd. ; A. Bayes, Lacre* lorry, Hedges and Butler, Ltd. ; G. Whiting, Albion lorry, Hedges and Butler, Ltd. ; H. Button, Foden wagon, Higgs and Hill, Ltd. ; S. Beaal, Comtnercar van, H.M. Stationery Office ; C. Rowland, Dennis wagon, Idris and Co., Ltd. F. Banks, Foden wagon, Idris anti:Co., Ltd. ; R. Kersey, De Dion-Bouton van, Kersey and Co.; J. Fairman Hanford van, C. H. Kidd and gon ; E. Bradford, Leyland van, Kodak Ltd. ; J. Reid, Commercar van, Lipton Ltd. ; T. Lewis, Foster tractor, W. J. Lobjoit and Son ; J. Loft, senr.' and J. Loft, junr., Albion van, John Loft ; J. Scotcher, Lacre van, Lush and Cook, Ltd. ; A. Goff, Unic van, Lush and Cook, Ltd. ; R. West and T. Jesty, RI each, Dennis van, McNamara. and Co., Ltd. ; J. Cocks, Dennis mail van, McNamara, and Co., Ltd. ; E. Sefton, Foden van, Mark Mayhew, Ltd. ; A. Lush and D. Iffoodharns, Li each, Foden wagons, Mark Mayhew, Ltd. ; H. Jacks, Lacre van, Mayfair Catering Co., Ltd. ; W. Clark, Dennis omnibus, Metropolitan Asylums Board ; W. Read and A. Muchmore, 21 each, Renault vans, Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd. ; H. Putterill, Lacre van,
'Midland Railway Co. ; C. Ransley and A. Goode, 21 each, ManesDaimler vans, Midland Railway Co. ; H. Stringer, Foden wagon, C. Mitchell ; C. Andre and S. Mead,
each, Halley vans, Otto Monsted, Ltd. ; F. Doughty, MimesDaimler pantechnicon, Mou sell Bros., Ltd. ; R. Spurrier, A. Woodcock, C. Wright, F. Gillett and J. Grove, Milnes-Daimlers, R.1 each, Nelson and Sons, Ltd. ; R. McKinley, Milnes-Daimler van, Parke, Davis and Co. ; F. England, Commercar van, Pickfords Ltd. ; W. Crane and P. Simms, Li. each, Thornycroft vans, Pickfords Lid.; G. King, Aveling and Porter van, Pickfords Ltd. ; A. Grist, Comrnercar van, Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. ; . F. Puttock, Hallford lorry, J. F. Puttock,; H. Brazen, Commercar van, James Robertson and Sons ; W. Smith, Brush wagon, Schweppes Ltd. ; A. Benge, Charron van, Selfridge and Co., Ltd. ; T. Harris, Cominercar van, Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd. ; J. Hornsby, Albion van, Spiers and Pond, Ltd. ; W. Farmer, Dennis lorry, Strong, Rawle and Strong, Ltd. ; J. Webb, Milnes-Daimler mail van, Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; H. Collard, Arrol. Johnston van, Tottenham and ; Edmonton Gas Co. ; W. Billion, Commercar lorry, Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Co. ; H. J. Warren.
Albion,van, Trollope and Sons and Cons And Sons, Ltd. ; J. Stone, Lam+ van, Wm. Warne and Co., Ltd. ; H.. Wyatt and E. Busse, P. Gaskin and F. Gregory, and J.
Robinson, three of 21, Thornycroft wagons, Westminster City Council ; R. Slater and G. Scott, E.
Gascoyne, and F. Saunders and J. Lawford, three of El, Leyland wagons, Westminster City Council; W. Davey, Foden lorry, Wm. Whiteley, Ltd. ; E. Simms, Girling narcelcar, Pyne Bros. ; A. Haylock, Warrick Auto-carrier. Selfridge and Co., Ltd. Another Li prize is reserved for a query to be settled by the Judges and Parade Committee. Special Prize Section.
The following representative list of prizes that were provided by manufacturers greatly added to the sum total that was at the disposal of the judges, The whole of these prizes were awarded on the Association's marking scheme, upon the recommendations of its inspecting engineer, with the necessary limitations in each case to drivers of vehicles of the particular make indicated, or using supplies of particular manufacture. The following " Firm " prizes aroused unprecedented interest :— Albion Prizes.
£2 10s., J. Moore, and 21 15s., G. Edmunds, Spiers and Pond, Ltd. ; El, E, Payne, Harrods Ltd.
Aveling and Porter Prizes.
£2 10s., H. White, Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water ; 21 15s., G. King, Pickfords Ltd. ; 21, W. Stevens, Schweppes Ltd.
Avon Prize.
4.4 101_4., G. Bladon, James Robertson and Sons.
Bradbury Prizes.
21 5s. between J. Palmer, H. Rolfe and C. Wickenden, Pickfords Ltd, ; Li, A. Nightingale, Eastern Motor Wagon Co.. Ltd. Carless, Cape! and Leonard Prizes.
24 4s_, F. Goody, Gosling and Sons, Ltd. ; 23 3s., W. Bowles, Pickfords Ltd. ; £2 2s., W. Robin, Pickfords Ltd. ;. Is., E. Grover, General Post Office, Commercar Prizes.
£2 10s., W. Harley, Mr. J. H. Francis ; 21 15s., J. Reid, Lipton Ltd. ; 21, S. Collings, Gas Light and Coke Co.
Commercial TirePrizes.
Li is., R. Spurrier, James Nelson and Sons, Ltd. ; 21 Is., W. Clark, Metropolitan Asylums Boand ; 21, W. Sowden, James Nelson and Sons, Ltd.
Connolly Prize.
El its. 6d., A. Niven, British Drug Houses, Ltd.
Daimler Prizes.
£2 10s., S. Holloway, 21 15s., W. Counter, and £1, S. Austin, Lovell and Christmas, Ltd.
De Dion Bouton Prizes.
£2 10s.. G. Johnson, 21 15s., J. W. Dicks, 2,1, R. Sewell, Allen and Hanburys, Ltd.
Dennis Prizes.
£2 10s., J. Darlinson, El 15s., A. Wetherley, El, E. Wilson, Harrods Ltd.
Dunlop Prizes.
24 4s., E. Grover, 22 2s., E. Small, General Post Office ; 2.3 3s., A. Nightingale, Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ; 21 is., H. Wyatt and E. Busse, Westminster City Council.
Engetbert Prizes.
22 10s., A. Nightingale, Li 15s.. W. Smith, Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ; Li, A. Baker, Gardner, Locket and Hinton, Ltd.
Foden Prizes.
£4 4s., G. King, Nicholson and Sons, Ltd. ; 23 3s., A. Clayton, 22 2s., C. Marriott, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; 21 is. , A. Nightingale, Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd.
Garrett Prizes.
£2 10s., B. Shewry, 21 15s., G. Speakman, 21, T. Griggins, E. W. Rudd, Ltd.
Hanford Prizes.
23 3s., H. Burr, 22 2s., W. Dark, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd.
Hans RenoId Prizes.
21 us. 6d., G. Greening, Selfridge and (Jo., Ltd. ; 21 is., G. W. Marks, John Dickinson and Co., Ltd.
Leyland Prizes.
22 10s., E. Bradford, Kodak Ltd. ; 21 15s., R. Slater and G. Scott, Westminster City Council ; £1, F. Maunders and J. Lawford, Westminster City Council.
Liversidge Prize.
21 is., A. Southern, John Dickinson and Co., Ltd.
Mines-Daimler Prizes.
£2 10s., J. Webb, Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; 21 15s., F. Doughty, Mousell Bros., Ltd. ; £1, R. Spurrier, James Nelson and Sons, Ltd.
Napier Prizes.
22 10s., C. Lowe, Gas Light and Coke Co. ; LT 15s., W. Brown, Floral Depot, Ltd.
Peter Union Prizes.
£4 4s., Gr. W. Marks, £3 3s.. A. Southern, John Dickson and Co., Ltd. ; 22 2s., F. Doughty, Mousell Bros., Ltd. ; Li is. , H. Jacks, Mayfair Catering Co., Ltd.
Polack Prizes.
£4 4s., W. Harley, J. H. Francis ; £3 3s., Reid, Lipton Ltd. ; 22 2s., J. Cocks, McNamara and Co., Ltd. ; 11 is., F. Gillett, James Nelson and Sons, Ltd.
Pratt's Prizes.
24 4s., J. Moore, 23 3s., G. Edmunds, £1 is., T. Campbell, Spiers and Ponds, Ltd. ; 22 2s., E. Payne, Harrods Ltd.
Shell Prizes.
24 4s., G. Jackson, Selfridge and Co., Ltd. ; 23 3s., H. Derby, Thos.
Tilling, Ltd. ; 28., E. Hayfield, Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; 21 is., J. Copplestone, T. Wallis and Co.
Shrewsbury and Challiner.
E1 Ps. Gni., H. purr, 21 Is., W. Dark, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd.
Silvertown Prizes.
22 10s., H. Derby, 21 15s., E.
Riyfield, 21, Allen, Thos. Tilling, Ltd.
St. II•len's
21 Is., C. Boore, Gas Light and Coke Co.
Thorayeroft Prizes.
a 10s., F. Goody, Gosling and Sons, Ltd. ; 21 15s., W. Bowles, Pickfords Ltd. ; £1, W. Robins, Pickfords, Ltd.
The Luncheon, Colonel Crompton took the chair, at the official luncheon to the Press, judges and marshals, in the Committee-room of the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, shortly after two o'clock, when covers were laid For 100. The guests, in addition to the judges and marshals, were: Mr. W. G. Lobj oit, J.P. (Vice-chairman of the Association), Major-General F. B. Landon (Director of Transport), Brig.-General S. S. Long (Director of Supplies), Lieut.-Col. Fox (London Salvage Corps), Cant. G. C. Coleman, Mr. W. J. Iden, and Mr. Chas. E. Davis (American L000motive Co.). Members of the Association who had taken seats included Messrs. J. F. Buckley and G. C. Johnson (Allen and Hanburys, Ltd.), G. F. Fry, Junr., and H. May (Fry Bros.), H. Kirby (Peek, Frean and Co.), J. Dexter, J. Windibank, O. Leeman and G. Willoughby (Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd.), L. Freedman (De Nevers Tyre Co.), J. A. Heath (Bavarian Rubber Co.), V. H. Prodharn and H. J. Whitby (Gas Light and Coke. Co.), II. Cannon (Cannon and Gaze, Ltd.), Wallace E. Riche, F. J. Field (Commercial Cars, Ltd.), T. Rundall (Herbert Frood Co.), E. W. Lobjoit, and G. R. Cooper (British Petroleum Co.). A message of apology was received from Sir George S. Gibb, Chairman of the Road Board, who was unavoidably prevented from attending, much to his regret.
Announcement of the Awards.
Following the usual loyal toasts, the Chairman called on the Secretary to announce the names of the principal prize-winners, and these were duly read out by Mr. Bristow. Most of them are already included in the lists which became officially available at the conclusion of the
Parade, but the others are now given by us:—
THE COMM ERCIAL MOTOR Challenge Cup.—Cannon and Gaze, Ltd., for its team of two Hallford vans and four Foden steam wagons.
The cup was presented by the Chairman to Mr. H. Cannon, who made a very happy speech, and en tertained his hearers with amusing reminiscences. He expressed great regret that his father, who had been present at the Parade, did not feel well enough, by reason of his advanced age, to stay longer.
The runners-up, the team of one Lacre and five Albions, entered by Spiers and Pond, Ltd., a consolation prize of 23.
The " Continental" up.—Selfridge and Co., Ltd., Halley van, Driver G. Jackson.
New-vehicle Prizes (Silver Cups presented to the owners).—Mr. -Harry Thomas, Foden wagon, Driver R. Cole ; Mawers, Ltd., Albion van, Driver W. Livingstone ; Selfridge and Co., Ltd., Napier van, Driver H. Chapman Waring and Gillow, Ltd., Leyland van (W.O. subsidy), Driver T. Jones ; X.Y.Z. Transport, Ltd., Berne lorry, Driver A. Wratten ; Daimler Co., Ltd., Daimler saloon-omnibus, Driver R. Hillier.
Engineers' Prizes.—First, a silver cup, Mr. J. Maidens, Schweppes, Ltd. ; second, a silver goblet, Mr. H, Cooper, Thos. Tilling, Ltd.
Special Prize. —One guinea, to Fitter W. Carr, Westminster City Council.
Chem pionship E xamination In addition to the cash prizes, a badge and certificate of commendation to each of the winners, and also to the following:—For the petrol examination, H. Collard (Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Co.); G. A. Cooper (G.P.O., Stores Dept.); F. W. Goody (Gosling and Sons, Ltd.): A. J. Grist (Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd:); J. Grove (James Nelson and Sons. Ltd.); C. H. Lowe (Gas Light and Coke Co.); A. Marsh (Midland
Railway Co.); R. L. McKinley (Parke, Davis and Co.); H. H. Paddy (Gas Light and Coke Co.); J. Scotcher (Lush and Cook, Ltd.); C. S. Smith (British Petroleum Co., Ltd.); R. J. W. Spurrier (James Nelson arid Sons, Ltd.) ; and J. C. Stone (Win. Warne and Co., Ltd.). For the steam examination, A. G.
Baker (Gardner Locket and Hinton, Ltd.); C. W. Brister (Schweppes Ltd.); H. Button (Higgs and Hill, Ltd.); G. A. Cooper (G.P.O., Stores Dept.); A. J. Croxford (Fry Bros., Ltd.); E. Grover (G.P.O., Stores Dept.); A. J. Smith (Mark Mayhew, Ltd.); and F. Upchurch (Chapman Bros.).
"The Visitors."
Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, in proposing the toast of "The Visitors," referred to the work of Capt. Bagnall-Wild in previous years in helping to make the organizing run smoothly. The hardest work this year had devolved upon Messrs. Watson and Windsor. It was gratifying to know that, in a total expenditure of 2700, fully 2400 was spent in actual awards.
Brig.-General S. S. Long„k.S.C. Director of Supplies at the War Office, in responding, referred to the wonderful improvements which had taken place in commercialmotor transport since his first connection with that branch of the service, more than 10 years ago. He gave some interesting particulars of work done at Aldershot and in South Africa, and expressed his conviction that the movement of food and other supplies could not be done, in very many circumstances, better than by vehicles of the kind. All that he had seen that day at the Parade convinced him of the excellence of the work the Association was doing. Mr. Chas. E. Davis, on a visit to this country from the U.S.A., also replied, and complimented British manufacturers upon the position which they had achieved in the heavy branch of the industry, as well as in private-car manufacture. They had undoubtedly secured that place by giving value for money.
Rubber Tires ; the 1914 Venue..
The toast of " The Association and the Parade" was submitted by Major-General F. B. Landon, Director of Transport at the War Office. General Landon made appreciative references to the work done by the Association in securing the approval of the Local Government Board for the use of a reversible steam engine as a brake, and referred, with evident intimate knowledge, to other details of its recent activities. He considered that it was doing splendid work for the nation in organizing these parades for the encouragement of careful and competent driving. He felt, as a soldier, deeply impressed by what he had seen. The Association had rendered valuable help in the matter of traffic conges. tion, and he now understood the reason. It was because it had done something, both now and in past years, to contribute to the happiness of the drivers. The Chairman, on rising to acknowledge the toast, was greeted with musical honours. After expressing the indebtedness of everybody present to the Chairman of the Parade Committee, Mr. T. B. Browne, he particularly referred to the good ease which he felt existed for large-diameter wheels, or for the more-general alternative employment of rubber-tired wheels. He personally found it a great pleasure to come, at each successive Parade, into touch with the drivers, because he always found them to be extremely worthy fellows.
Referring to the 1914 Parade, Col. Crompton stated that it might be desirable and possible to hold it some little distance from London, and to arrange an afternoon programme of sports. That would be considered.
A note of warning on the fuel question was again struck by this speaker. He emphasized the fact that the liquid fuel supply of the world was less than 10 per cent, of the total fuel consumed. [See the
figures on page 222.--En.] It was therefore clear that the Association would be doing wrong in lauding internal-combustion engines and depreciating steam. If railway companies and other purchasers increased their consumption of liquid fuel, the price of it would go
up enormously. Everything should be done to encourage the employment of home-produced fuels, not only in anticipation of invasion—in which he did not believe—but from reasons of ordinary commercial prudence. He thanked everybody who had helped that day.