Two Big Applications in North and Yorkshire
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ONE of the largest applications in this week's As and Ds occurs in the Northern area. The application, made by Siddle C. Cook Ltd., is to vary an A licence by the addition of six articulated outfits (660, overall length not exceeding 35 ft.
Another substantial application is made in the Yorkshire area. H. and B. Johnson (Haulage) Ltd., of Leeds, is seeking to vary a B licence by switching 10 vehicles (66t) from Contract A licences.
Contract A and C licence transfer requests listed this week are as follows:— Contract A to A lie.: Scottish Southern: Archibald Ferguson, Ardrishaig. Northern: Douglas Brothers, Blyth. North Western: E Beck and Son Ltd., Stockport. East Midland: IL J. Clark, Wellingborough. West Midland: Lockyer's Transport Ltd., Malvern Link. Eastern: F. E. Seakins, Gt. Yarmouth. Metropolitan: A. Gavagan, Datchet, Bucks.
Contract A to B lie.: Scottish Southern: W. T. Bathgate (Limeworks) Ltd., Gorebridge. Northern: T. James, Bedlington. North Western: R. Briggs and Son Ltd., Blackpool. Yorkshire: H. Bell, Halifax;
C. Whileman, Stretton; H. and B. Johnson (Haulage) Ltd., Leeds. East Midland: Bradley and Sons (Contractors) Ltd., Bonsalt, Matlock; Mrs. 1. Burnside, Leicester; S. Booth, Overseal, Burton-onTrent; Barlow and Hodgkinson Ltd., Biggin, Buxton; A. Towel!, Ryhall, Stamford. West Midland: John Hill and StMS (Walsall) Ltd., Walsall. Eastern: P. J. Marsh, Cambridge; B. E. Drury, Southrepps. Western: Whites Transport Services (Plymouth) Ltd., Plymouth; D. J. Light, Holcombe, Som; Mrs. M. M. Hyne, Loddiswell, Devon; G. J. Virgo, Sandford, Som; W. S. Field, Wick, Glos. Metropolitan: Well-Pack Ltd., London. E.3. South Eastern: P. A. R. Sharp and Son Ltd., Basingstoke.
C to A lk.: Western: S. P. Pattemore, Somerton, Som.
C to B lie.: Yorkshire: G. E. Oldfield, Old Micklefield, Leeds. Western: F. S.
Authers, Wellington, • Som. South Eastern: Corralls Ltd., Southwick.
A PPLICAT1ONS (May 9, 1964)
Fife Coal Supplies, Kirkcaldy. new it lie,. 1 T. (41). Building mats, and cargoes from docks, within 25 miles, James Leith (Int.) Ltd., Aberdeen, new B lic., 2 T. (91). Building mats., within 51 miles.
George A. M. MacKay, Castletown, new B lic
1 vets. (61t). Cars 'and vans between mot manufacturers works ins G.B. (e.g., Dagenha Southampton. Oxford, Coventry) and Caithness.
Highiand Lime Co. Ltd., Fort William, new lie., 3 T, (14t). Bricks and raw mats. ruled menu for Fort William Brick Co. Lid.. wish' 80 miles,
/antes Kinnear and Son. Thornton, B var., ad 1 vein. (6;t) (includes cont,,
R Thomson and Sons. Ladybank. B var., ad 1 T. (4f0. David MueBruyne Ltd., Lochmaddy. B var., a4 I art. 0-10.
APPLICATIONS (May 9, 1964)
Pearson (Hauliers) Lid., Glasgow, new A lic, 1 art. (91). Collection and delivery of goods Carrie, or to be carried on applicant's trunk services within 39 miles of the terminal points—Glasgow Edinburgh and Dundee.
David MacBrayne Lid.. Glasgow. new A lie 3 veh, (15i0, 2 art. (910. Goods, mainly wool to Kyle and Mallaig.
B.R.S. (Plekfords) Ltd., Edinburgh, A var., ad 1 art. (26-10.
James DOILIMOre, Bonnybridge. A var., ad veh, (3(0. G.g.. within 25 miles.
Archibald Fergason, Ardrishaig, A var., ad 1 T. (90, (If granted, Contract A lic. will b surrendered.) .
Jean Gillespie, Airdrie, A var., add I T. (411l Road, building, excavated and demolished mats Sad plant, bauxite and" chrome ore. within 2 miles.
Walter F. Saitoun, Bilston, Roslin, new B lie I T. (71). Builders' mats_ within 25 miles.
W. T. Barkgate (Lbriewoarks) Lid., Gorebridat new B lic., I T. (8(t). Goods for Alexandi Russell (Glasgow) Ltd., within 50 miles. (I granted. Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
Mount Motors, motor, of Caropsie, new B lic I vein. (40. Building mats., mainly for Marti and Silica. Bishopbriggs site. within 60 miles.
John Brogan, Motherwell. new B tic., 1 T. (311 Road and building plant and mats. and excasatio mats., within 30 miles.
James B. Forrest, Plains, new B lic., 1 vet (410, I T. (540. Coal. building and road Mat, and distillers goods, within 511 miles.
Matthew P. Angus, Coatbridge, new B lic., 3 vet (llt) (2 Hat. Miners' concessionary coa within 20 rniks.
Alexander Murray, Holytown, new B lie., 3 vet tio-lo. Concessionary coal for miners at Balla colliery, within 15 miles.
John Johnstone and Sun (Contractors) Lid Glasgow. B var., add 2 T. (Si).
APPLICATIONS (May 6, 1964) Douglas Brothers, Blyth, new A lic., 6 vets. (2211 Mainly goods for Pitwood Ltd. as required. ( granted, Contract A tie. will be surrendered.)
Johnston Bros. (Ghetto) Ltd, Aspatria, A var add I vett. (451).
H. Fearon, Carlisle, A var., add 1 art. (71 Collection and redelivery of goods ex-long distant vehicles, within 50 miles.
Siddie C. Cook Ltd., Consett, A var., add 6 art (861).
A. Bell (Stockton) Ltd., Stockton-on-Tces, A vat add 2 arts. (17.11).
F. florae and Sons, West Auckland, A var., a() 1 veh, (51 3c).
Eagle storage and Peeling Co., Newcastle opt
Tyne, new B lic., 1 vein. ,(21 1c). Foodstuff perishable goods. Sari:. produce, parcels, Pall and goods for Eagle Road Services Ltd., with 30 miles.
B. Emerson, Appleby. B var„ add I T. (511
T. James, Bedlington, B var.. add 2 T. (71 21 Coal for non-rail connected Customers within miles: coke, slurry, plant and mats, for site pr Paration and construction of roads and building chemicals, paints, soil and rubble, within 25 mile lime within 150 mites, (If granted, vein, will I deleted from Contract A lk.) Salkdd Bros.. Consett, B var.. add 2 T. WI Mats, and plant for site preparation and constru non of roads and buildings for Redmeres Sat and Gravel Co. Ltd.. within 100 miles, Continued from page 52 J. Anderson, Newcastle upon Tyne. B var., add veh. (35 13c). Goods for George .Wilkes Ltd., ithin 611 miles; other goods within 25 miles; ianos for Oxford Piano Co., Newcastle, within 10 mites.
G. Bramwell, Penrith, B var„ add 1 •T. (60.
APPLICATIONS taday Ii. 1964) J. Bridge 1,Sr.; Helens) Lid., 'St. Helens, new A
c... I veh. (4/). 2 art. (160. avc, ilaSs products ad glass Manufacturing requisites, wire, war. rings. rope; rape making mats., canvas, wire rope, mass, brass products, Lanes, Ches, S.E. °aunties, tiottand and Norihern• Counties, Lonabo . and asthma Counties.
B. H. Oixou, Cainforth, A var., add 1 veh. lit). A. Yarwood (Removals) Ltd.. Cieveleys, A var., Id 1 yell. (40. Furniture and household eftects ad office equ.pment, as required.
E. Beek and Son Ltd., Stockport,. A var., add art. 2740. Mainly nouns ion A.E.I. Ltd. to and 'cm the stores of Edward Beck anti Sun Ltd. for misery in accordance with the instructions of Istomera. (It granted, Contract A lic. will be irrendercd.)
G. F. Parton Ltd., Warrington, A var., add I (4t).BlOodstock only; within 211(1 miles. . Furthergate Refineries Ltd., Blackburn. new B e„I T. (411.). Waste fat and bone,si, fertilizers.
:eding meals, within 150 miles.
G. H. Loagden. Buxton, new B lie., 1 I. (4/1). uilding and road-making mats. to and from Donal-connected sites, within 60 miles.
AL and H. Inmspon, fluxion, new B lie.. 5 T. .94t). Building add toad-making mats.. within )0 miles.
A. pluiLlott, Congleton, new II lie., 3 Ti. (160.
produce and requisites, building and road histrucUun mars., all within 50 miles; goods tor ioods and Sons (Leeds) Ltd., as required; goods )1: P. Venables, as required; lime, slag and =dicers in' bulk fin W. Loose and Co. Lid., as ginieed.
Seeprieor Ltd., Llandudno, new B Lie., 2 veh. 40 to be hired. Cash and valuables, within 60 ides.
Wardle and Barber (Macclesfield) Ltd., Maccles
new 11 lie., 1 I. OW. Building and roadtaking mats, as required tor Ashton and Holmes 10. amid associated companies as required. also for neyd Brickworks Ltd., as renuired.
K„ Briggs and Son Ltd., BlattkPool, II vat., add veh. (3140. Goods fur H. J. Heinz Co, Ltd.. ad Heinz' International Sales Ltd.; Lams, W. dding, Westmorland, Cumberland and 1-1aliwisile. .t granted,. Contract A he, will be surrendered,) R. Green and Suds (Chapel-a-ode-Frith) Ltd., !Mittel-en-le-Trill, 13 var., add 1 'L. (23* Alain 50 miles.
J. O. ',Nahanni, Harlech, Merionetia, JO var., add art. (hit).
Rubinson Bros. of Wray Ltd., Lancaster, B var., ad 2 (1240. Road-making mats„ within 80 tiles.
Chest% Knowles and Co, Ltd., Liverpool, B var., ad I veh. (610, 1 tn. (.210. B.M,C., Boole.% tandard-lriumpli and Rover products from ictories tic from compounds to dealers in Lancs. hes, and for shipment to Ireland, Stanley Lewis (S. and S. B. Lewis), Warrington. var., add2 'f. (731) (ORKSHIlit
APPLICATIONS &nay a, 191,45 E„. Hirsendufe Ltd„ Liversedge, new A lie., veh. (40. Mainly textile inaaninery, castingS, :mber and building mass. Mainly Yorks, Lanes rid Ches. (if granted, B lie, will be surren.ered.) Jack' Smith Transport Ltd., Wetherby, A var„ rid 1 vet. (MO. S. B. Chariesworth., Bolsovcr, new B tic., 2 yell. qt.) Ordinary iurniture removals, within 50 aides, and a variety of other conditions. Metcalfe and Vickers Ltd., Bradford, new B veh, 1.90. Building mats., wool and textiles, rithin 25 tidies.
J. Peacock, Goole, new B tic., I vet. 130. mported grain, animal feeding stuns and fertilizer tawny in bulk ex ship, within 30 miles. H. Bell, Halifax, new B lie',, 5 vela. (2240. 'roods tor Hawkhead, Bray and Sun Ltd., Phoebe .ane Mills, Halifax, and tour associated as equired. (11 granted, Contract A lie, will be urrendered,)
J. B..flonkin, North Newhald, new B lie'., I veh, 61:0_ HOE rolled asphalt for the Limmer and 'tinidad. Lake Asphalt Co. Ltd., within 25 miles; oad and building mats, and excavated mats, within 3 miles.
K. B. Thompson, Otley, new B lie., 2 veh. (St). sgric. produce and requisites for Wharfedale Agri. Miura] Services, Otley, Yorks, Lanes, Westrnorand, Cumberland, Lines, Durham and Derbys.
C. Whileman, Stratton, new B lie., I veh. (5/0. Tarred and dry stone for construction puiposes as irccred by W. H. Phillips Ltd., Wirkswarth. Yell. specified in Cottract A lic, and will be !elated if granted.) W. E. Proudley, Goldsbrough. B. var., add 1 sell. (44i) plus livestock cont. (2,0.
Ringrose (Rowden) Haulage Co. Ltd., Howden, Goole, B rm., add 3 ;eh. (1140. Fertilizers and building mats. within 100 miles; road mats., agric. produce and requisites, within 25 miles, J. Wills, Knaresborough.'B 'var., add I wrIt. (4t).
H. and B. Johnson (Haulage) Ltd., Leeds,. II var., add 10 eels. (660. of granted, Contract A itc. will be surrendered.) G. E. Oldfield, Old Micklefielcl, Leeds. B var.,
2 veh. (100. Coal and coke for the N.C.B.. No: 8 area '(except traffic to rail siding-connected destinations) within 80 miles. (If ranted. 1 veh. (50 will be deleted from C lie.) W. W. Potter. ()Hen, B var., add 4 veh. (ISO; Robert Chester Farms Ltd., Ripon, B var., add 1 vet) (6-It).
Ronald Smith (Haulage and Plant) Ltd., Ripon, B var., add I v-ch. (6/0.
APPLICATIONS (May 7, 1964) Mlles' Transport (Malvern) Ltd., Malvern, new A lic., 2 veh (120. Mainly bulk grain and buildMit mats. England and Wales.
E. Davies, Brownhills, A var., add I veh. +20 Electrical and Steel (fabricated) goods. North-Wrest. South-West, North-East, South-East and South coasts, Wales and Say:land, Lockyer'i Transport Ltd., Malvern Link, A var.. add I veh. (510. Canned goods. England and Wales, at. • required by British Canners Ltd. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) W. H. Blaelosell and Co. Ltd., Birmingham, new B lie., 3 veh. (430. New and second-hand turn mute for and on behalf of associate companies, Blackwell's Furnishings Ltd., and W. H. B. Blackwell and Co. (Studley) Ltd., within 30 miles.
R. G. Bassett, Stafford, new B lic„ 6 T. (42t). Building and road-making mats, and raw !rats., within 60 miles; bricks for Dunning and Son Ltd.: Hednesford, as required, Pit Parts Ltd., Walsall Wood, new B lie., 1 vett. (5)0. Building Mats., within 100 Caravan Transport Co., Birmingham. B var., add 1 art, (8(t), Towing and transporting caravans collected within 20 miles; house collection of caravans as required for delivery within 20 miles; with specially equipped transport.
R, A. Hill, Birmingham, B var., add I veh. 00. Ice lollies and soft drinks for •Tip Top Products. West Bromwich, within 150 miles.
Granary Haulage Ltd., Burtoit-on-Trent, B var., add 2 art. (14) Foodstuffs (animal and human), fertilizers, engineering equipment, building mats, for English Grains Co. Ltd., and 19 associaied companies.
M. S. Wright, Much Wenlock, B var., add I T. Mt). ,Goods fur Ridge Limestone Ltd., Much Wenlock, within 150 miles; grain, limestone and basic slag for the Radnorshire Co. Ltd., Knighton, within 150 miles.
F. E. Stallard, Ross-on-Wye, B var., add I T. (50. Soil and read-making mats. for Gloucestershire County Council, within Glos, also snow clearance if. required, John Hill and Sons (Walsall) Ltd.. B var., add 3 T. (200. Solid fuel, ferrous and aria-ferrous metals. foundry requirements for movement on tipping vehicles only, within 150 miles. (If granted. Contract A tic, will be surrendered.)
APPLICATIONS (May 6, 1964) C. P. Marshall (Transport) Ltd.. Ashbvvilie, Scunthorpe, A cue.. add 2 veh. (220. Petroleum products, bulk liquids and high temperature fuel oil, 150 miles. darkston Garage (W. Built and Son Ltd.). Barksion. near Grantham, A var., add 5 veh, (260: Solid fuel, building and road-making mats., agric.. Prod tux and requisites which were normally carried by rail. Agric, machinery and mats, for its manufacture which were normally conveyed by rail; mainly Lines, Yorks, Midland Counties, Eastern Comities and South Wales,
A. J. Winkheld, Bletchley, A var., add 1 art. (5t 19c). (If granted, B lie, will be surrendered.) Atlas Express Ltd., Coalvilte, Leics, A var., add ych. (3)1). and 1 art. (5/0,
F. B. Atkins and Sons Ltd., Findern, near Derby,
A var., add 3 yell, (14/0, 3 art. (2510. Machinery, cardienware. agric. produce, . building mats, arid miter gokls; London, Manchester,' Eastern and Midland Counties and as required. (If granted, 1 veri.• (4)0 will be deleted from Br lie'.)
Townsends (Carriers) Lid, Higham Ferrers,
Northants., A var., add .4 veh. (f2t 2c). G.g., mainly smalls, in connection. with existing carrier services mainly between' Northants, Beds, Leics, Hums. Warnicks, Stalls, Derbys, Notts arid as rtuuFred.
(.;,:thic• Transport Ltd., Nether Heanue, near licIper. A var., add art, MO.
E. M. Ward, Olney, Bucks, A var., add I veil.
J. C. ClogslOn Ltd., Scunthorpe, A var., add 1 an, (840. Powdered cement.. limestone, slag, fly am and like commodities. Mainly Lanes, Yorks.
I incs and the Midlands. •
Machins TraMnort (Sot-fleet) Ltd.. Surfleet, Spalding. A var., add 3 veh. (BR 13c). General haulage, mainly agrie.; -Eastern Counties and to and from I ondon, the Midlands, Manchester and Scotland_ (If granted, veil; will he removed front
B lit.) H. J. Clark. .Wellingborough, A var.. add 1 veh. t3t 17c). (If granted, Contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
Bradley and Sons (CO/Waren) Ltd., Bonsail. Matlock, new B lie,, 3 yeti. (13t 20. Ground and dry limestone, within .75 miles. Lime magnesium and slag for agric, purposes as required, Of granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.)
E. N. Moody and Sons Ltd., Bourne, Lines, new It tic., 5 veil. (9t be). Horticultural sundries, within 250 miles.
Mrs. J. Burnside, Leicester, new B tic., 3 veh. 110t 11e). Foodstuffs arid packaging for Nabisco1••rears Biscuits Ltd., Leicester and Nabisco Ltd., Welwyn Garden City; within 3011 miles. (Contract A lie, has been surrendered and a short-term 11 Ii, issued.)
S. Booth, Overseal, Burton-on-Trent, new B lie., I veh. (431). Goods for C. B. Lowe (1960) Ltd., and The National Brick Co. Ltd., as required. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) J. W. Ward. Aylestone, Leicester, B var., add 3 yea. (151). Pulverized ash and waste frorn 1 eicester Generating Station as directed by Central Generating Board, within 15 miles.
Barlow and Hodgkinson Ltd., Biggin, Buxton, 11 add 3 sea, (19t. 4c). Goods for S. Taylor. Frith and Co. Ltd., as required. Of granted, C:nuract A lie, will be surrendered.)
C. R. Newbold, Derby, B var., add 3 veh. 1150. Fenilizer in powder, liquid or granular form to be :ollected and spread within 60 miles, or collected :Li Scunthorpe Or Corby and spread within 60 miles; all for direct spreading on to land with own spreader:.
W. J. Kirkby (Transport) Ltd., Lilbourne, at. Rugby, 8 var.. add 1 veh. (4t 70. Building, roadmaking and excavated mats. (excluding solid fuels). :.(oods for Northamptonshire County Council; all w'irhin 25 miles; slat for Alfred Green (Chemicals) sil;l as required; other goods, five miles. C. A. Stuart. Nottingham, 13 var., add I Yell. (21 1M. Furniture and household effects 150 miles and engineering equipment for Tecquipment Ltd. for -Universities and Technical Colleges, 250 miles: catering equipment for Blue Kettle Catering Co., 25 miles.
George Davies (Haulage) Ltd., Nottingham, B var., add 3 veh. (2240. Building and road-makina mats. for Richard Heath (Sales) Ltd., P. J. Fnster Ltd. and Greenway Reeve Ltd., as required.
A. Toweg, Stamford, B var., add 1 veh. (40. Agric. produce and requisites, within 100 miles. (If granted, Contract A lic. will be surrendered.) WESTERN
APPLICATIONS (May 5, 1964) L. J. Kitts, North Newton, Som. new A lie.. IT. (810. House. road building, farm and forestry mats., within 100 utiles.
S. P. Paneatore, Somerron, Sam, new A lie., 2 veil. (51 19e). Antiques and works of art and desaers' merchandise, Somertop-Dublin, Eire, via Preston-Larne Ferry, (Veil, at present specified in applicant's C lie.) J. I. dames, Wellington. Sam, new A lie.. 1 Ye11. (2t 150). Mainly ROMS for Price Bros., Wellington. and Stirling Basic Industries Ltd., normally within 250 miles new and second-hand furniture, normally within 50 miles. (If granted, B lie, will be surrendered.)
James Express Carriers Ltd., Bristol, A var., add 1 art. tn. (3t). G.g., mainly Parcels and smalls, within 200 miles. A. Griffiths and Sons (Transport) Ltd., Gloucester, A var., add 2 T. (190. Goods for A. Griffiths and Sons (Sand and Gravels) Ltd., and excavated maLs. (excluding coat, coke, etc.) and site clearance.
R. McLindsay, Lydiard Millicent, Wilts, A var., add 1 T. (40, 1 art. (55 8c). G.W., mainly scrap metal, agric. goods and requisites, building and road-making mats and solid fuel, normally within 30 miles, (If granted, 1 T. and I veh.. On B tic, will be surrendered.) D. M. Raffle, Bristol, new B lie., 1 veh. (7t). (includes cont., 20. Meat collected withigt 25 miles for delivery within 250 miles, and vice-versa. J. Ff. Powell, Lydney. Glos. new B lie., 1 T (at 3c). Building and road-making mats., within 50 miles.
Whiles Transpori Services (Plymouth) Ltd., Ply
mouth, new B lie., 1 art. (5t I2c), I veh. (31 150).Fruit and vegetables, within 300 mites. (Veh. at
present specified in Contract A lie.) A. Wright (Builders) Ltd., Truro, new B lid.,
1 T (3)1). Builders' plant and equipment, including general contracting equipment and building mats.. within 60 miles. F. S. H. Anthers, Wellington. Sons, new B lie., T. (3,11). Sand, building mats: and agric. goods, within 30 mites. (Veil. at present specified in applicant's C lic.) D. J. Cox. Burnham-on-Sea, B var., add 1 T. (3t 19c). Quarry mats., within 150 miles (excluding collection from quarries within 12 miles of Frame post office); building plant and mats.. within 30
iles. Somerton Hauliers Ltd., Common Dundon, Sons, B var.. add 1 T. (51 16c). Quarried mats, from non-rail connected quarries, within 100 miles. S. J. Stayte, Easfington, Glos. B var., add 1 veh. (It 13c). 1 trl. (it Sc). Caravans, G.B. Daddrldge and Son, High Ham, Son], B var., add
1 T. (4t 10c). Animal foods as directed for R. E. Underhill Ltd.. other agric. requisites within 35 miles.
D. J., Light. Holcombe, Som., B var„ add 6 T. (290. Quarried mats., and Products from non-rail connected quarries on behalf of Roads Reconstruction Ltd.. Titian Valley Concrete Co., S. C. Gilson and Sons Ltd., Amey's Asphalte Ltd., all within 150 miles. (If granted, Contract A lies, will be surrendered.)
Mrs. M. M. Hytte, Lock/Dwell, Devon, B var.„ add 1 veh. (40. Fruit and vegetables, within 100 miles. at granted, Contract A lie, will be sue. rendered,) G. J. Virgo, Sandford, Sons. B var,„ add 2 T (St Sc). Quarried and road-making mats., and concrete products (including tarmacadam and cement) within 150 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie. Will be surrendered.)
G. I. and W. L Walker, Terbury, Glus, B var., add 1 T (4)0. Road, building and excavated mats., within 100 miles; other goods within 25 miles.
APPLICATIONS (May 11, 19641 B. W. T. Cracking, Brightlingsea, new A lie.. veh. (MO. Mainly agric produce, London, Midlands, Eastern counties, (If granted. B lie. will be surrendered.)
F. E. Sealdns, Gt, Yarmouth, new A lie.. I vela (4t). Mainly goods for Smiths Potato Crisps Ltd., In England. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered,)
MaYPIece Haulage Co. Ltd., Sawaton, A var.., add 1T. (510. W. and P. Clegg Ltd., Westcliff-on-Sea. A var., odd 4 veh. (1540. (If granted, eels, will be deleted Irons B lie.)
S. Near Ltd., Deeping St. Nicholas, Lines, A var., aM1 1 veil. (410 (with cont., 240. Kuban and Dalton, Barney. Norfolk, A var.. add I art. (640. (If granted, this veh. will be deleted from B lie.)
Bari/ism Road Services Ltd., Hiss, A var. add 15 veil. (60)0. (If granted, A and B lies., Will be surrendered.)
Cosby Brag., Aspley Guise, new Blie., veh. (510. Industrial waste and reform, within 25 miles. A. W. and B. lepps, Gravenhurst, new B
I veh. (310. Farm produce and agric,, animal foodstuffs, within 90 miles.
P. J Marsh, Cambridge, new B tic.. I T. (440. Goodsfor Marlow and Co. (Cambridge) Ltd., surplus soil and rubble and mats, in connection with site clearance. (If granted, Contract A lie. will be surrendered.)
W. and P. Plant Ltd., Great Beddow, Essex, new B lie., 1 veil. (40. Earth and spoil, 30 miles.
R. L. Richardson. Southend-on-Sea. new B lie,, 4 veh. (1140 (includes l art.); 1 art. tit (It). Building mats, and excavated mats., 31.) W. C. Beecham, Spalding. new B lie., 2 T. (15)t). Solid fuels, fuel as required for G, E. Parker, Bourne, Lines, England and Wales. Satherlands of Peterhead (Road Hauliers) Ltd., Great Yarmouth. new B tic., 1 art. (80. G.R., carried or to be carried ass licensee's trunk services to and from Scotland, within 30 miles.
Stephenson Clarke Lid, Norwich. new B 3 veh. (Mt) (2 T., I qua). Coke and domestic coal screenings, within 30 miles; oxide of iron and spent oxide from Norwich to Leicester all for Eastern Gas Board. A. W. Hewitt, Upton, Norfolk, new B lie., 1 T. (4)0. General farm produce, within 50 miles.
S. A. Geiser and Sous, Stoke-by-Clare, Suffolk, new B lie,, 1 yen. (310. Soil, hardcore and waste mats, to be excavated and or loaded by the appalcants' own equipment; sewage sludge for Clare rural district council and the Halstead Rural District Council, within 25 miles.
A. A. SaM111. Ampthill, Beds, B var., add I eels. (40. E. Hannigan., Halstead, Essex, B var., add 2 T. (80. Road-making picked up and delivered, within 40 miles; sand and ballast, within 25 miles.
.1. E. Rudd, King's Lynn. B var., add 1 T. (40. Building mats. for R. G. Carter Ltd. (Builders Contractors), 25 miles. The Thorpe Gravel Pits Lid., Norwich, B var., add 6 T. (210.
B. E. Drury, Southrepps, a var., add 1 T. (41(3, Goods for the Blue Ribbon Mushroom Co. Ltd.,
within 250 miles. Agrie, goods and requisites, within 30 miles. Agric. produce collected within 15 miles and delivered to Chapmans, Spitaffields, London and goods for Lever Feed Ltd. on return, delivered within 15 mites. Goods for Mclean, Holt Road, Cromer, within 250 milts (If granted, Contract A lic. will be surrendered.)
C. F. A. Littleboy, not-nage, B var., add 1 T. (40. Road construction work, road-making and building mats„ within 35 miles.
Wright and Baldry, Badingham, B var., add 1 T. (440. Sugar beet collected within 10 miles for delivery to factory and railhead; pulp on return. Green peas on the haulm collected from farms for delivery to Birds Eye Foods viners, and roadmaking mats., corn, feeding stuffs, hay and straw within 40 miles.
Ipswich Delivery Service Ltd., Ipswich, B var., add 4 veh. (I.8t). Goods for-Pye Ltd., Cambridge and associate company, Pam Radio T.V. Ltd.. Invicta Radio and T.V. Ltd., H.D.T. Ltd., and H.D.F, Ltd.
A. W. Goodwill, Newmarket, B var., add I vela (50
APPLICATIONS (May 7, 1964)
C. and T. W. Fanner Ltd., London. NJ, new A [lc., 1 art. (3t 17c), 7 veil. (19t 7c).
within 30 miles. (If granted, B lie, will be surrendered.) A. Gavagan, Hatchet, Bucks. new A lie., 4 veh. (2I1 8e), 4 trl. (1310. Steel and concrete in lengths of 40 ft. and over, G.B. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) E. J. Goddison, Brentford, Middx. new A lic„
I Yell. (It I6c). Fruit, vegetables and market garden produce, within 100 miles.
A. Bell Ltd., London, N.12, A var. add 1 arc. (3t 4c). Movement of empty and loaded trailers Within and between the company's warehouses at London, N.12, and Station Close, Potters Bar.
R. G. Searle, London, E.9, A var., add 1 T. (740. Small grade scrap, London, South Wales and Birmingham.
E. G. Sommer Ltd., London, E.]. A var., add 2 veh. (90. G.g.. London and Home Counties,
D. V. Wackett Ltd., Barking, Essex, A var., add 1 veh. (40. Pressurized delivery service bulk Powders. London and Home Counties, with occasional longer journeys.
Broughton and Son LtdHarlow. Essex,. new B
lie.. 2 T. (7t Mat. and debris in connection with demolition building and civil engineering work carried on by George Wimpey and Co. Ltd,, and other contractors, within 100. miles Capitol Transport Ltd., London, N.W.1, net B lie., 2 art. (I845), 1 yen. (454), Machinery am plant and g.g., within 50 miles. G. J. Carter, Hampton. Middx. new B lic., t (It lie), Sand and gravel, building and road making mats, and rubbish for H. Lavender an Son -Ltd., within 30 miles, "
D. R. Childs, Ilford, Essex, new B lie., 1 1 (4)0. Rubbish and excavated muck, collected with in 10 miles for dumping within 20 miles. G. C. Chinn, West MoleseY, Surrey, new B lie
1 T. (440. Sand and gravel, building and road making mats, and rubbish for H. Lavender an Son Ltd., within 30 miles.
T. Daffy, Potters Bar. Middx, new B lic.. 2 1 Mt Sc). Smokeless solid fuels in sacks for th Eastern Gas Board, within 20 miles of St, Alban:
• Geddes, London, N.W.6, new B lie., 1 yet (34t). Building mats. and agric. produce, with 50 miles, I. Massey, Setsdon, Surrey, new B lie., 1 eel (40. Furniture and household effects as a hoes' hold removal contractor and g.g., within 50 miles. M. J. O'Hara. London, W.7, new B lie., 1 7 (fit 150). Refuse from Willesden, Battles.Falls and Arnersham Councils to West Drayton an Gerrards Cross for Richard Biffa Ltd. W. T. Phillips, Swanley Village, Kent, new lie,, 1 veh. (SO. Potatoes and vegetables ft R. S., Wales Ltd., within 75 miles; six. visits t Lines per year for collection of potatoes fro' farms. Primary Metals Lid., London, S.E.15, new lie., 1 art, (5t 2c). Scrap metal to Liverpool an Birmingham and a.a. as return loads from Liverpoi and Birmingham to London. R. Bowles Transport Ltd., 'Hounslow, Middx,
var„ add veh. (2t 12c). Air freight for Chall and Benson Ltd., within 30 miles of Loinao Airport and to and from diversionary airports. F. Edwards (Feels) Ltd., London. E.3, B var add 1 veh. (310. Heating appliances and tile surrounds tor Clanton Tile Co.; logs and woo for R. A. Collier Ltd., within 30 miles, F. C. reunite Ltd., Barking, Essex, B var., ad 2 T. (8t Sc).Coal, coke, building and roar making plant, mats. and excavations and rabbis] oil and bitumen, within 20 miles. Well-Pack Ltd., London, El, B var., add veh. (7t). Goods for Enco Products Lid, and coot to and from licensee's base. within 21 miles. 0 granted, Contract A fie, will be surrendered.)
(May 7, 19641
Anglo-Conlinexital Transporl agency Ltd. Brenseo. Romney Marsh, new A lie., 1 art. (81 Vehicles in Kent.
M. Elliott and Saes, BourliermiuM. A var., ad
3 veh • (11)1). (If granted, B lic, will b surrendered.) II. T. Hughes and Sons Ltd., Portsmouth, var., add 1 T. (40 and 2 art. (140. A. and R. J. Wood, Sittingbourne. A var., ad
4 veh. (20)0.
Security Express Ltd., Brighton, new B lie 2 veh. (64t). Cash, valuables, securities sit negotiable instruments. within 60 miles.
R. C. and L. Beanie, Hailsham, new B
1 veh. (30. Metal drums and demolitions matt from Rye to Hailshans, scrap in Sussex and Kent with OeCaSional longer journeys.
Frank vine (Engineering) Lid., Havant, net B lie., 2 veh. (710. Prefabricated buildin sections. metal window frames and fittings, withi 300 miles.
O. F. Mansell, Southampton, new B lie,,1 vet (40. Collection of completely assembled uncrate motor vehicles from Southampton Docks an delivery to distributors. within 300 miles. Security Express Ltd., Southampton, stew B 2 veil, (640, (hired). Cash, valuables, securitiu and negotiable instruments, within 611 miles,
E . E. Witcbard Ltd„ Mresford, B var., ad 1 T. (70, Poultry, feed in bulk for Phelps an Son Ltd. from Stalbridge, Dorset, for deliver within 30 miles grain in bulk for Bailey Hay an Co Ltd.. Midhnrst as required.
P. A. R. Sharp and Son Ltd., Basingstoki
B var., add 1 T. (80. Road-making and build ins mats, for five associate companies, wher required. Coal for H. R, Howes and Co. Ltd where required. (If granted, Contract A lie. wi be surrendered.)
Lowe (Paddock Wood) Ltd., Paddock Wood, var., add 1 T, (8t). Road-making mats., withi 40 miles; goods for William Hampton Ltd., %With; 80 miles.
Paullsgrove (Portsmouth) Lime Co. Ltd., Port mouth, B var.,,,add 1 veh. (740. Bulk powders an granulated mats., within 100 miles.
Carlios (Haulage) 1.4,L, Small Dole, or. Henfiek B var.. add 2 T. (7)0. Corralls Ltd., Southwick, B var.. add 3 vel (261). Petroleum products for Mobil Gil Co. Ltd and during the months April-September inclusivt goods for associated company John Brown an Son (Shoreham) Ltd„ ex wharves at Shorehai Harbour, within 160 miles, and to wharves t Shoreham Harbour. within 50 miles. (If granter C. and B. lies, will be surrendered.)
Johnson Bros. (AYIesford) Lid.. Tonbridge. var., add 3 sell. (2434).