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p OLITICS and transport could soon be resuming their traditional unwanted roles of battledore and shuttlecock. If reminder were...
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F OLLOWING their decision to conduct an inquiry into the need for road improvements in Britain, the T.R.T.A. highways and...
A RECEPTION and luncheon on Wednesday marked the official opening of an additional 36,000 sq. ft, of warehouse accommodation at...
nESIGNS of Carveyor car transporters suitable for the proposed increases in maximum vehicle length regulations have been...
IT was revealed this week by the 'Traders Road Transport Association that the IRU Section III Congress will meet in London on...
111ffRAISE for road haulage, admiration for its drivers, a willingness to consult more closely on improving handling and...
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MOTTINGHAM magistrates, on Monday, found J. S. Burnett Ltd„ of Talon, Notts, guilty of causing a heavy locomotive to be driven...
From a Special Correspondent " VUE are anxious to try and keep to VI' our declared timetable for the introduction of new...
Min. Motorway Link: The new 31 - mile trunk road link between Newcastle Road 1A34) and M6 motorway in Staffordshire opened to...
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T HE biggest and most varied range of bodies yet produced under Leyland Motors new scheme of collaborating with bodybuilders to...
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Q NLY about a year after buying its first artics, Bishop's Wharf and Isherwood Ltd. of Liverpool and Warrington is now working...
on the construction of a large haulage depot at Durham Road, Birtley, Co. Durham. for Pickfords Ltd. New Terminal:...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT L ONDON TRANSPORT offered to . 1 -4 pay their 33,000 drivers and conductors a commission of...
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U NHAPP1LY today's traffic problems were attracting the attention of many rolunteer "back-room boys ", some even tarporting to...
Whitehaven have abandoned plans for using the old Grand Hotel site at Whitehaven for a new office block, according to the...
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(Ireland's national transport system), has been elected president of the Institute of Transport for the year 1964-65. He will...
Cummins Diesel International Ltd., the London-based sales and service subsidiary of Cummins Engine Co. Inc., of Columbus,...
has been appointed senior technical representative to co-ordinate and control the activities of the company's outside sales...
Transport, has been appointed deputy chief mechanical engineer (road services). Mr. Shave, who is 55, joined the London General...
M. C. Hunt, area manager, Mobil Oil Co. Ltd., was installed as president by the retiring holder of the office, Mr. R. N. Kay....
Motores Perkins S.A., the Perkins Group company in Brazil. Mr. Bell succeeds Mr. J. Winstanley, who is to take up a senior...
Adrolic Engineering Co. Ltd. Mr. D. M. Smith, former managing director, and Mr. G. J. B. Smith, sales manager, have left the...
, THE following senior appointments 1 have been announced by the Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd.:— Mr. Ronald Ellis, formerly...
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AST week, Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, the A Leader of the Commons, agreed to ieet Mr. Edward Short (Labour, Newistle Central) to discuss...
ORD CHESHAM, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transort, denied last Week that he had eliberately omitted the cost of...
A REPORT of the first phase of the London Traffic Survey, covering the fitection of information, is expected to a available for...
T HE Transport Holding Company can sell Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. outright—but the firm's workers will not be allowed to...
to have a study made into whether goods vehicles exceed speed limits. Stating this in the Commons this week, Mr. Thomas...
A SUGGESTION that bus companies providing alternative services to discontinued railway lines should issue reduced-rate season...
A COMPLAINT that vehicles loaded rA beyond their authorized capacity were sometimes - reduced to a crawl on gradients was -...
A N attack on five ton bridges was beaten off during a brisk Commons battle this week. By 224 votes to 144, M.P.s refused to...
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than a year in the determination of licence variation applications had seriously impeded the progress of a Tees-side haulage...
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QUARRY owner and public works contractor told the South Wales icensing Authority, Mr. Ronald Jackson, hat he was applying for a...
r -, HARLES ALEXANDER AND 4 .-• PARTNERS LTD., of Aberdeen, ippeared at Edinburgh last week after he Transport Tribunal had...
Eastern deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. C. Shepherd, granted Pitter Bros. Ltd. of West End, Southampton, two additional...
Co. Ltd. against decisions of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners granting to II utchinson's Coaches (Overtown) Ltd„ licences...
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T HE application by the Birmingham Co-operative Society Ltd. for re-admission into the excursions and tours section of the...
O NE of the largest applications in this week's As and Ds occurs in the Northern area. The application, made by Siddle C. Cook...
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THE hydrostatic transmission system I developed under Mr. Donald Firth it the National Engineering Laboraory, East Kilbride,...
T HE bed length of Dyson drop-frame semi-trailers with knock-out axles can be increased with a removable platform section...
DENNIS CHASSIS FOR BEER AND GAS: Amongst orders recently received by Dennis Bros. Ltd. is one from the North Thames Gas Board...
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L'OLLOWING studies of the behaviour 1 of diesel engine injector nozzles, the British Internal Combustion Engine Research...
D ECORDING and analysing the hour by-hour activities of B.E.A.'s 750 motor vehicles at London Airport—a task which until...
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leading and handling aids has now .ien registered as a private limited company, 31oda Transport Equipment Ltd., with :gistered...
Arc Welding Hints—Heat Stress and Distortion k T some time in his training, a welder -1 • will discover that although his...
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and Publications Open-ended Ratchet Spanner A A NOVEL design of jaw is incorporated in a combination ring and open-ended...
dealing with the use of Kephos phosphate coating. It is entitled "Kephos—The Simple Solution" and is a 16 mm. colour film with...
for use on fixing laminated plastics sheet supersedes the Formica adhesive previously marketed by the concern. Called Instabond...
plastics for transpo applications has recently been made available by tl Distillers Chemicals and Plastics Group. This...
E'OLLOWING research by the Linen Industry Researc Association and development work by The Boase Spinnit Co. Ltd., a new...
Modern Devices Ltd. is the Electro-Magic Model 600 higl pressure washer. This is a mobile unit, mounted on four wheel and...
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STRONG call for vehicle operators to demand a better spares service from manufacturers was made on Monday by Mr. F. K....
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MIES BY A. J. P. WILDING A.M.I.MECH.E L OW loading height is a very desirable feature for vehicles on many types of...
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A TIE between the leading drivers in Class D at the Birmingham L.D.O.Y. eliminating contest on Sunday, and the subsequent...
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S,I0 outright winner was declared in the Manchester round of the Lorry )river of the Year contest last Sunday rut without doubt...
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Non-standard Bus Design P PEAK TRAVEL "IN the recent Buchanan Report . . . the point was made I • that Public transport must...
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By The Hawk VIEW lusy L.A. The election last week of . .!.harles Hodgson, the East Midland Licensing Authority, .s chairman of...
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ACCORDING to my dictionary a model is "a representation of an object made to scale ", but when it comes to Model (with a...
THE time is coming when active steps should be taken to preserve some of the outstanding specimens of " modern cleansing...
THE variable nature of the British winter introduces a not inconsiderable element of hazard into the distribution of the more...
BOOKS on shelves can at times prove an exasperating load for the mobile libiary driver. For this reason Anglesey Education...
HULL has plans for the purchase o two large, modern disposal vehicle which would make easy work of trans porting refuse to a...
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(Right) On platform models with rolled-steel T rom as ers c r a a m m es e , s b e r x a t c e k n e s t t s o o n n s A RANGE...
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B RITISH delegates to the congress of the International Road Transport Union in Cannes at the end of this month may be asking...
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[ N discussing the several purposes to which the costing of commercial vehicle operation can be put, the distinction was made...
the current minimum age for driving certain types of vehicles as he is under the impression that there have been some changes...
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Giltspur Contim lake Progress THE trading activities of GILTSPUR INVESTMENTS 1 are diversified. Among them are large stakes in...
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anker Applications—Mr. Hatter's View PERSONALLY will adhere to the statement in your "Licensing Casebook ", April 24, that Mr....