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DENNIS CHASSIS FOR BEER AND GAS: Amongst orders recently received by Dennis Bros. Ltd. is one from the North Thames Gas Board for 12 Pax HA chassis complete with bodywork; Whitbread and Co. Ltd. has ordered seven 12-ton low-loader chassis and Truman Banbury Buxton and Co. Ltd. has ordered three Pax 11,4 chassis.
MORE A.E.C.s FOR S. AFRICA: Orders for a further 30 Marshall 6 x 4 chassis and 24 Regal Mk. VI bus/coach chassis which A.E.C. Ltd. has received from South Africa. bring the total value of orders received from
the Republic during April to sterling.
A.E.C. ENGINES IN FRANCE: Ers. Willeme, S.A., of Nanterre, France, has placed a further order with A .E.C. Ltd. for 250 AV.690 diesel engines to he fitted in its new range of heavy road vehicles and dump trucks.
TAYFORTR INCREASE ORDER: Tayforth Ltd. of Edinburgh, who last week ordered 42 A.E.C. vehicles, has increased the contract to 56 vehicles. An additional seven Mercury and seven Mandator chassis are to be supplied.
A.E.C. CHASSIS FOR MALCOLM: W. H. Malcolm Ltd. of Brookfield. Renfrewshire, has ordered three A.E.C. Mercury, two Marshall and one Mammoth Major chassis.
MORE SCAMMELL SEMI-TRAILERS: Scammell Lorries Ltd., Watford, has received orders from British Railways for eight Fourtrak semi-trailers; from Peterborough Engineering Co. Ltd. for 14 13/14-ton semitrailers for supply to Whittlesea Central Brick Co. Ltd.; and from Road Services (Forth) Ltd., for 46 Fourtrak fifth-wheel semi-trailers.
DAIMLERS FOR WEST BROMWICH: West Bromwich Corporation Transport committee recommends acceptance of a tender from Transport Vehicles (Daimler) Ltd., Coventry, for seven double-decker buS chassis at a cost of £3,037 .7s. per chassis, and the lender of Meiropulitan-Canunel
Weymann Ltd. for seven 74-seat, doubledeck bodies at £3,195 15s. each, for delivery in /965-66, MORE DENNIS FIRE APPLIANCES: The fire appliance division of Dennis Bros. Ltd. has received orders from Northern liciand for six Dennis F.28 fire appliances ; from Madang, an F.33 appliance; Dunedin ;ind Tanga, an F.38 appliance each; Sudan (Ciczia Board), four Dennis. trailer pumps ; Stem; Leone, one trailer pump ; and Malta Dry Docks, six No. 4 trailer pumps.
A VELING-BARFORD DUMP TRUCK'S POPULAR: Aveling-Barford Ltd.. Grantham, has received orders worth £500,000 foe SN model 35and 30-ton dump trucks. Contractors R. A. Davies (Midland). Ltd. and Derek Crouch Ltd. have ordered 10 and five models respectively, for use on open-cast am/mining sites, and repeat orders have been received from Williamson Diamonds Ltd., Tanganyika, Windsor Construction Co., Vancouver, B.C., Somorrosiro iron ore mines in Spain and the National Coal Board. New customers are Tarmac Roadsonic Ltd., Chigston Slag Co. Ltd.. Scunthorpe, and C.U.P. Lessines, one of Belxium's largest quarrying companies., MORE MINIVANS FOR AA: The second stage of the Automobile Association's programme to replace its patrol fleet of motorcycle combinations has now been completed. A further 200 B.M.C. Minivans have been added to the existing fleet, making a total of over 600 four-wheeled patrol vehicles in service. The complete change-over is being spread over a number of years, but already more than a quarter of the total patrol strength is thus equipped, and Belfast and Dublin have been added to the centres operating vans.
GOLDEN WONDER EXPAND WITH FORDS: The potato crisp manufacturers Golden Wonder Crisps Ltd. has purchased 29 Thames 5-Cut. vans' to establish two new mobile learns of merchandising representa