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• MR. E. H. &Arm has just retired after nearly 46 years' service as accountant with the. Lancashire United Transport and Power Co., Ltd.
MR. JOHN UPTON has become public relations officer to the Royal Automobile Club. He will be concerned primarily with the club's policy with regard to taxation, and road development and safety.
Ma. A. R. HARRIS has been appointed divisional manager of the recently opened branch of the Marsham Tyre Co., Ltd., at Wellingborough. MR. A. H. W. OLIVER has taken up a similar appointment at Reading.
SIR MILES THOMAS, D.F.C., is a member of the Appointments Department Advisory Council set up to advise the Minister of Labour on the work of the Appointments Department of the Ministry. Its first meeting was held last Monday.
MR. W. H. WOLNO, formerly well known in the Plymouth district as service engineer for C.A.V., Ltd., is now acting in a similar capacity, but covering the Eastern Counties area, from 44, Westholme Road, Ipswich. Telephone, Ipswich 81629.
MR. E. F. HINOELEY, 0.13.E., Dunlop's general manager in Scandinavia, has been appointed overseas sales manager at the company's London headquarters. He joined the company after leaving the Indian Army in 1919, and has a wide experience of world markets.
MR. W. G. CAIRNS, managing director of Reo Motors, Ltd., has resigned from that position and is returning to Canada on November 22. MR. J. E. KING, who has been in charge of the company's parts department since 1929, takes control, with the title of manager and director.
Ma. J. W. BEGBIE, who recently retired from the position of Glasgow manager of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., has received a presentation on behalf of the management and staff. MR. G. A. FtNoLav, director and general sales manager, made the presentation, and MR. J. L. CORNFOOT, director and secretary, presided at the function.
MR. JAMES HAMMOND and MR. S. J. WroGGLEswowrit have joined the main board of Oldham and Son, Ltd., Den
ton, Manchester. Mr. Hammond joined the company nearly 50 years ago and has been secretary for some years. During 27 years of service, Mn Wrigglesworth has been, progressively, sales manager, commercial manager, and general manager.
MR. F. C. YOUNG, who, before the war, was connected with " Modern Transport," has joined the editorial staff of "Motor Commerce." During the war he was attached to 'the Chief Inspectorate of Vehicles, R.E.M.E.. with the rank of captain. Before that, in the earlier stages, he became West Midlands Regional Transport Officer for Lever Brothers and Unilever, Ltd.
106,0011 NEW VEHICLES MADE THIS YEAR INCLUDING 5,307 Service vehicles, 1104.479 commercial vehicles were produced in the United Kingdom in the nine months ended September last. The export markets absorbed 34,948 vehicles. and 64,224 were for home use.
Apart from vehicles for the Services 32.742 were under 15 cwt. unladen, 57,288 fell between 15 cwt. and tons, and 2,407 were over 6 tons unladen. Public service vehicles, including trolleybuses, numbered 6,735. To the total of production for the first nine months of this year must he added 1,259 battery electrics, giving a grand total of 105,738 new vehicles.
Production in September numbered 13,865 commercial vehicles, of which 87 were for Service use. Home users took 8.861 vehicles and 4.917 went for export. September's figures do not include battery electrics. The computed monthly average for 1938.was 9,000.
WILL BRITAIN CAPTURE OVERSEAS TRACTOR MARKETS? THE Government believed that the agricultural tractors and implements now being sent to the Continent would open for Britain a valuable market which had hitherto been dominated by American manufacturers, although the necessity of supplying the home market should still be stressed.
This statement was made recently by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Tom Williams, when he addressed workers of David Brown Tractors, Ltd., Meltham, Huddersfield.
Industrial.. relationships between employer, and worker, said Mr. Williams, were not as good in the U.S.A. as in this country, and this fact, coupled with the large overseas demand for British farm tackle. promised a spell of prosperity for British makers. What, however, would determine the response in more normal times was the knowledge that British machines were of the right type and quality.
David Brown Tractors, Ltd., was one of the few concerns which laid down a production schedule and exceeded it. Already 2,000 tractors a year were made and the 1947 target was 3,000. RELEASED MEN TRAINED FOR BUSINESS
I N addition to the general business course received by ex-Service students under the Ministry of Labour's Business Training Scheme, specialized courses are being held in many spheres of commerce. Many companies have cooperated with the Ministry in connection with this scheme to help young released men, with little previous commercial experience, to enter business management.
Notable transport companies assisting are the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., and Fisher Renwick, Ltd.
Employers interested in the scheme are invited to apply for details to their regional appointments officer.
NEW Ferodo service depots will be opened on December 2 at 84-90, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 67, St. Matthew Street, Ipswich. Mr. W. S. Mowat, 'ormerly depot manager at Aberdeen for 23 years, will be manager at Edinburgh, and Mr. E. C. Berry will manage the Ipswich office. Mr. Berry has been Ferodo representative in the Eastern Counties since 1930.
Mr. Mowat's place at Aberdeen has been taken by Mr. W. H. Wyse.
SUCCESS of post-war planning of specialized production within the David Brown group of companies is the story behind the announcement by David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., that three of the groups' several engineering concerns are to be known in future under new names.
The branch works and foundries at Penistone will now be known as the David Brown Foundries Co. The title of the David Brown Tool Co. will be adopted by the tool division of the main works at Huddersfield.
The third alteration is in the style of C.1. Fitzpatrick and Co., Ltd., London, which will now be known as David' Brown Gear (London), Ltd. This establishment, which was acquired by the David Brown group six years ago, is now concentrating on the manufacture of a standard range of gear units.
I N the year to August 3 last, Smith's Stamping Works (Coventry), Ltd., earned a net balance of £21,724, to which was added £53,870 brought in. After paying a dividend of 10 per cent. and a bonus of 2i per cent., £58,407 remains to be carried forward.
T HE first annual report of the Indus' trial and Commercial Finance Corporation, which was established with a fund of £45,000,000 to assist British industry, shows that during the year £5,000,000 was made available.
At a Press conference, in London, last week, the chairman, Lord Piercy, explained that these transactions resulted in a loss of £29,000, but no credit had been taken for interest accrued and fees earned, but not received. The corporation supplied capital to industrial and commercial undertakings within the limits of £5,000 and £200.000. Concerns in the engineering industry had been assisted by the corporation to the extent of £1,259,000.
in the first year the corporation had been able to grant facilities to 133 cases.
REUTER reports the following world I \trade openings:—Ateliers Bollekens Freres S.A., 92, Rue du Pelivan, Antwerp, Belgium, desires quotations for lorry bodies. N. Barberi and Cia., Avenda Graciosa 354, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, is interested in vehicles and accessories.
The Wealthy International Trading Co., Ltd., Yih-Hwa Building, Nanping Road, Kunming, Yunnan, China, wishes to import lorries. Morad bin Youscf Behbehani, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, is interested in vehicles and accessories.
£1,200,000 FOR GUY
DUR1NG the past few months, Guy L./Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, has received export orders for passenger and goods chassis to the value of nearly £1,200,000. All are repeat orders for fleets. South Africa, Holland, Belgium, Norway and Kenya are big buyers oi
passenger vehicles. Heavy orders for goods vehicles have come from Denmark, Spain, Turkey and France.