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Removers State Their Case
" T HE removal and warehousing contractor is a specialist doing a specialized jab. His vans are not general road-haulage vehicles and his work-people are not strictly......
Gaining Monopoly Of Goods Traffic?
A VIRTUAL monopoly of the transI - 1 port business of the bigger companies, such as Guinness, Ltd., Cement, Ltd., and the Irish Sugar Co., is being obtained by the C.I.E. This......
Ribble Puts Its Cards On The Table
WAS not the acquisition of so many YY smaller concerns by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., since 1919, equivalent to nationalization and had it not been very successful? This......
Shorter Week: More Vehicles Needed T He Shorter Working...
industry is concentrating collection and delivery to such an extent that more vehicles are now required to carry the same amount of traffic. This point was made in an......