A Trade Exhibition in Buenos Aires.
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A British Empire Trade Exhibition to be held in Buenos Aires, for six weeks during February, March and April, 1981, is now being organized. This project, initiated by the British Chamber of Commerce in that city, hag the warm approval of all leading and commercial bodies in Great Britain. The time has now come to ask for support from exhibitors, both merchants and manufacturers. The Exhibition grounds cover 25 acres and are close to the centre of the city.
Firms with an incomplete knowledge of South America or who have never before entered this market are invited to make immediate inquiries regarding it. The Exhibition management can put them in direct touch with the most reit-. able sources of trade information.
Further particulars can be obtained from the general manager, British Empire Trade Exhibition, Buenos Aires, 1931, 5, Parliament Mansions, Orchard Street, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
Carlisle Considers Bus Operation.
When an inspector of the Mi,4istry of Transport conducted an inquiry iecently into an appeal lodged by Adair and Co. against the refusal of Carlisle City Council to renew its licences to ply for hire in the city, the question of licensing was fully reviewed, and it was mentioned that -the corporation was considering the question of establishing municipal .bus set-Vices-4i report is being prepared dealing With the cost of the scheme. :So far as the inquiry is concerned the decision of The Ministry will be announced later.
• Cultivating the South African Market.
• "A' short tithe ago-we mentioned in our Colanina that Mr. F. J. Woodward had taken over the position Of director And 'general manager of Guy Motors ,(South Africa), Ltd., and we are in
C20 tercsted to learn that the company is now making distinct headway in the South African market Recently Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, has shipped a number of 30-cwt. chassis, 20-seater light passenger chassis, 32-seater six-cylinder fourwheeled bus chassis and 7-ton sixwheeled chassis to the country.
Rover's Report.
The report of the Rover Co., Ltd., for the year ended August 31st shows a net profit of £120,245, this being reduced to 1119,194 after deducting the debit balance at the end of the previous year. The payment of a dividend of 5 per cent., less tax, will absorb £16,800, leaving £102,394 to be carried forward.
To Represent British Makers Overseas.
A gentleman well-known in the commercial-vehicle industry has formulated
a scheme for representing groups of non-competitive manufacturers of commercial-vehicle chassis, accumulators, ball bearings, brake facings, engines, -tyres, etc., in such countries as Russia, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, etc., in which, at present, Germany has the trade almost completely.
He has an intimate knowledge of the languages, the trade psychology and the systems of payment of these countries, and will arrange to set up chains of depots or agencies in the larger centres. ManufacLurers interested in this matter should address their letters to " L.B.," care of the Editor.
A Big Fleet of Bristol Buses.
The West Riding Automobile Co„ Ltd., of Wakefield, which already operates a fleet of ns -Bristolbuses, has just placed a further repeat order with the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co:, Ltd., of Bristol, for 15 30seater b'uperbuses. Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
• EAST HAM Corporation is to buy a new fire-engine.
LLANTARNUM (Mon.) Urban District Council is considering the purchase of a fire-engine.
CAERPHILLY -Urban District Council is to purchase four Tilling-Stevens single-deck buses.
The tramways committee of Yonit Corporation recommends the purchase of three motorbuses.
BARNSTAPLE Rural District Council is to buy a new fire-engine at an esti mated cost of £1,066.
The parks committee of CHESTERFIELD Corporation is considering• the purchase of a motor lorry.
The electricity Committee of EASTBOURNE Corporation is inquiring about motor-driven tower-wagons.
Provision is to be made in the next financial statements of the DAGENHAM Corporation for the purchase of an ambulance.
NOTTINGHAM Corporation has placed an order with the Equipment and Engineering Co., Ltd., for a Luchard highpressure tyre inflator.
The, health committee of COLCHESTER Corporation has asked the chairman to obtain prices and other particulars for the provision of a motor ambulance.
The electricity committee of Danzrorin Urban District Council recommends the purchase at a cost of about £250 of a 30-cwt. open lorry.
The chief of the _STANLRY (Yorks) Fire Brigade has been authorized by the urban district council to obtain tenders for the supply of a new fireengine.
The works committee of HULL Corporation recommends acceptance of the. tender of Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., at £3,088, for the supply of five motor lorries for refuse collection.
The Cleansing committee of NEWPORT (Isle of Wight) Corporation recommends acceptance of thefl tender of .Shelyoke and Drewry, Ltd., at £612, for the supply of a motor lorry for refuse collection.
SALROED Corporation is inviting ten-. ders for 12 32-seater single-deck buses
and six 50-52-seater . double-deck vehicles. Particulars can be obtained from the general manager at Frederick Road, Salford,
WEST RIDING County Council is inviting -tenders from British makers for the supply of two 6-ton steam wagons, three 6-ton petrol lorries and two 2-ton 'petrol lorries. Further particulars can be obtained from the County Surveyor, County Hall, Wakefield, and tenders have to be delivered not later than October 26th.
The Edmonds Tractor Wheel.
In dealing with certain devices exhibited at the Fifth Exhibition of Inventions, which we reported in our issue for last week, we made mention of the Edmonds" self-cleaning wheel for agri cultural tractors. We are given to understand by Mr. P. J. Ddmonds, the inventor of the device, that the wheel can be adapted for ,road use by fitting the usual type of band or, alternatively, by using special wooden blocks which can.. be snapped into position on this particular form of rim.