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TT is becoming increasingly apparent that the J9-ton limit of weight for a loaded fourwheeled bus Is cutting matters too fine....
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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In connection with the introduction of the new B.A.T. Cruiser chassis, Harris and Hese11 (1929), Ltd., has inaugurated an...
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General support is being accorded by licensing authorities in the immediate neighbourhood,. to the suggestion of Tynemouth Town...
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The general manager of Bradford Corporation Tramways has just issued his report for the year ended March 31st last, and it...
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A British Empire Trade Exhibition to be held in Buenos Aires, for six weeks during February, March and April, 1981, is now...
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NTO drastic alterations are to be found in the Albion range of chassis for 1930. The company has followed a policy of...
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FROM THE SAME WORKS The Latest Tilling Stevens Products and Modifications in Certain of Them. O NE of the most efficient and...
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Added to the Range of Leyland Goods Models An Exclusive Account of the Hippo, a Threeaxled Machine of High Power and Efficient...
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Lawson Pigott Motors Announces Three Berna 6-ton Models for 1930, Power Units Being Interchangeable. A T. the Commercial Motor...
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The bridge over the River Severn at Worcester is to be widened from 33 ft. to 60 ft. A. number of Morris-Commercial taxicabs...
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prosperity to British agriculture and has greatly assisted in checking the return of so much arable land to grass. It is a...
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Vulcan's New Passenger Vehicles 'First Details of the 28-seater and the Double-saloon51 seater ; Ingenious Body Construction...
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'DOR more than a year British Mer eedes-Benz, Ltd. ' 37, Davies Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W.1, has marketed 5-ton and...
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and QUERIES The Journal Containing Valuable Information. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. ' [29091 shall be much obliged...
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An Addition to the Unic Range Built on Straightforward Lines. li A NOTHER-model has been added to the well-known range of Unie...
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How They Are Best Accommodated A Number of Useful Suggestions Regarding the Most Economic and Convenient Seating Plans for the...
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During the Second Quarter of 1929. J TIFJSUALLY severe winter condi) tons retarded spring sales an Danzig to such an extent...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Explaining a Much-discussed Item of Standing Charges, Namely, the Interest on Capital Outlay as Applied to...
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4 COMPRESSED-AIR plant which _,LA. has several applications is being marketed by the Equipment and Engineering Co., Ltd., of 2...
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Notes on a Variety of Aspects of Coach and Bus Development, URING the past motor-coaching 1.1 season the type of vehicle...
28 passengers, including the driver, and the seating is arranged on ort hodox lines. The seat backs are made up of pleated...
Details of the Latest Addition to the Majestic Fleet which Operates Between London and the North. MHE well-known Majestic...
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Mr. R. S. Asher, the Manager of the York Tramways Undertaking, Submits His Report on City Transport. I N a comprehensive...
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Two Parliamentary Measures to be Introduced for the Control of Buses and Other Forms of Traffic. TIOR many months past the...
Some Notes Upon a Likely Scheme of Co-operation Between the L.N.E.R., the L.M.S. and Bradfbrd Corporation. A N agreement...
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Objection Raised to the Partiality Arising from the Licensing Authority Being a Bus Operator. A FT ER an adjournment since the...
S IMPLE as it may seem at first sight, the task of constructing a petrol tap which cannot leak externally is one which many...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. An Interesting Salvage Job. M1ROM a...
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A Resum4 of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A N engineer, J. H. O'Neill, of 3, Hillside, Wellington Road, Jersey, in...