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ep talking:

15th October 1983
Page 24
Page 24, 15th October 1983 — ep talking:
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

-neone may listen

'OULD HAVE been easy for ioad Haulage Association Freight Transport Association to have "done a TUC" and refused to talk to the Government about the objectionable proposal to transfer heavy goods vehicle testing to private enterprise. If they had been so childishly huffy their case would have gone by default. Instead, they continued for four years to present such cogent arguments that even a seemingly immutable Government had to admit it was wrong.

Transport operators showed that they were not Conservative lap dogs and were not wedded to private enterprise, right or wrong. Industrial organisations that tie themselves to any political party are laying up trouble for themselves, as the unions have discovered but will not admit. They have left themselves with a political armoury of damp squibs.