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Lew Regs — Need Re Worry?
!AVE noticed a number of tides in Commercial Motor uly 23) regarding the new gislation on operators' ences. My company, may I say, ipreciates the explanation by ilph Cropper......
Von :ands Alone
IU MAY BE aware that in their sessment of the inlop/Sumitomo deal, the , nday Telegraph completely ate off the British tyre lustry — saying that Britain d pulled out of the race......
Respond To The Customer
I am writing in reply to the "Financial Market" article printed in CM October 1. Please let us avoid the resurrection of the "Back Britain" campaign and the hysterical image of......
Dangerous Substances
'SHOULD be grateful if you would allow me to correct three points arising from your report headed "Tanker exemption" in CM September 2 about which the Health and Safety......
Spin-offs Desired?
I ENJOY Commercial Motor, which I buy by subscription, and usually read it cover to cover. I have a suggestion, which I believe would cause wide interest, especially in North......