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lew Nexday hub )r lutterworth

15th September 1988
Page 17
Page 17, 15th September 1988 — lew Nexday hub )r lutterworth
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Fast-growing parcels cornNexday, has unveiled ins to boost turnover by er 60% in the next year rough the opening of a new b, the acquisition of £0.5 mi n worth of vehicles and the tension of its depot network. Former Ipec employee and !xday founder Allan Jesson is inning a purpose-built hub at ttterworth. The centre will ve a floor area of 4,600m2 0,000 ft2), but, unlike most her parcel hubs, it will not ive conveyor belts. Most parsorting is undertaken by exday at its 10 depots, so the lb is used for the transfer of diets onto trucks.

To support the level of .owth Jesson anticipates, exday has just placed an 7der for 26 MAN 8.150 5-tonners valued at 20.5 milmi. The new vehicles will supement the present fleet of )0 VW and MAN vehicles inking from the VW LT35s to IAN 38-tonne tractive units. All the new vehicles will be elivered with large text on the if-side to attract the attention f motorway traffic, and smal:r writing and more informa.on on the nearside aimed at edestrians.

Within the next two weeks lexday will open on its 11th lepot, this time at Cambridge, o serve East Anglia.

The company is also planning he launch of an international :xpress mail service, called MX. It plans to collect and listribute international mail for arge shippers. Jesson claims it viii be "faster, simpler, more !conomical and more reliable han the Post Office."

Finally, the company is seting up a service called Connedon for its large-volume cusDmers. Connexion is a computr tracking system which enibles customers to receive up to-the-minute information about the progress of their parcels and consignments.

Customers can have a Connexion computer installed at their premises, where it can also be used for the printing of consignment notes, address labels and instant proof-ofdelivery reports.