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Scots Fear Bus 'pitfalls'
• Safeguards must be built into the forthcoming privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group to avoid the "pitfalls revealed by the English experience", says the Convention Of......
• National Welsh Has Laur Ched Its 200th Bustler Mini
bus into service as part of ; new package of operations in Pontypool and Blaenavor......
• The Bus And Coach Council Has Enlisted Help From
an unusual source: the 120,000 members of the National Union of Townswomens' Guilds. NUTG members have been asked to conduct a survey of their bus journeys, noting in particular......
Skills Plans Grow After Licence Cut
• Skills, the Nottinghambased coach company, has bij plans for the future, despite falling foul of the Eastern Tra fic Commissioner, who cut th company's license from 46 to 35......
• Special Licences For Drivers Of Minibuses With More Than
nine seats are being considered by a European Commission working party. The proposals, which have yet to be put to the Commission, have brought about protests from charity......
• Eastern National Has Taken Delivery Of 20 Leyland Lynx
single-deck buses as part of a 22 million vehiclereplacement programme. The vehicles are the first purpose-built single-deck buses ordered by Eastern National since it was......
Ivl Denies Bus War Claim
• Allegations of bus wars in South Wales have been refuted by Caerphilly-based municipal company Inter Valley Link, following revelations that it is planning to expand outside......