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Scots fear bus 'pitfalls'

15th September 1988
Page 18
Page 18, 15th September 1988 — Scots fear bus 'pitfalls'
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• Safeguards must be built into the forthcoming privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group to avoid the "pitfalls revealed by the English experience", says the Convention Of Scottish Local Authorities.

Last Friday COSLA accepted a motion from its roads and transport committee calling for firm recommendations on privatisation to be put to Scottish MPs.

Although detailed proposals have yet to be drawn up, COSLA says that they will include safeguards against monopolies being formed by the amalgamation of several companies, and asset stripping. It also wants bus services to be guaranteed, and the Traffic Commissioners to monitor service performance after privatisation.

Large companies should be discouraged from buying longstanding independent competitors, while employee buyouts should be actively encouraged, it says: "We are very disappointed that there were not more employee buyouts with English deregulation. COSLA wants to ensure that buyouts by management and employees are a real possibility in Scotland." Talks have now begun with the Scottish Trades Union Congress to discuss the implications of the Scottish Bus Group's privatisation before detailed recommendations are put to Scottish MPs.

COSLA also decided at its meeting last week to launch a publicity campaign to warn the public of the possible problems arising from privatisation.