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From 31 March, VOSA joins the police in being able

16th April 2009, Page 30
16th April 2009
Page 30
Page 30, 16th April 2009 — From 31 March, VOSA joins the police in being able
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to extract fixed penalties from drivers at the roadside. However, CM understands that VOSA officers won't start issuing them in earnest until the end of May. Those with a UK driving licence face spot fines of £30, £60, £120 or £200 for a range of offences. The most common are for tachograph offences; overloading and contravening construction and use rules. Licences will be endorsed with up to six points for enciorseable offences. For very serious offences, such as tachograph falsification, drivers can still be prosecuted.

If the offence is likely to be dealt with by court, drivers without a UK licence will be asked to pay a deposit of £300, rising to £900 for up to three offences. Any balance will be returned if the eventual fine is less than the deposit.