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By Christopher Walton THE ROAD transport industry has urged the government to introduce a vehicle scrappage scheme in the...
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By Dominic Perry FORFAR, AN G US-BASED haulier Sandy Kydd Road Transport has had its 0-licence revoked after a VOSA probe...
THE OWNER OF one of Eastern England's largest truck parks says haulage firms and their drivers should be required to provide...
Ford has record market share FORD HAS ACHIEVED a record market share of 28,8% for March, despite a dramatic 43% fall in...
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Schmitz Cargobull falls foul of trailer market downturn 41 COVER STORY By David Harri SCHMITZ CARGOBULL, the Anglo-German...
No growth in construction until 2012 A FORECAST BY the Construction Products Associatico (CPA) that output would drop by 12%...
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Oliver Loses UK-wide disqualification appeal By Chris Tindalt KATHARINE OLIVER, the North-East operator, has failed in her...
MAN reveals Euro-5 engine plans MAN HAS RELEASED details of its Euro-5 engine range, with an acknowledgement that exhaust gas...
Business Post Group cut costs by E1 .2m and increase group revenue. For the financial year ending 31 March, the company...
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By Joanna Boor lie UNITED PALLET Network (UPN) has bucked the industry trend for falling volumes by claiming its busiest...
IN A BID TO REDUCE the number of unsuspecting truckers caught harbouring stowaways in their lorries, an entrepreneur has...
Domino's eyes year-end for new production/distribution DOMINO'S PIZZA hopes its new national distribution warehouse and...
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By Jutian Manes THE DISPARITY between used and new vehicle prices, which has seen some new models sold cheaper than used CVs,...
Freight forwarders get FSA exemption finally THE REQUIREMENT for freight forwarders to register with the Financial Services...
New Suckling trainers to stamp out driver errors S UCKLING TRANSPORT, based in Thurrock, Essex, intends to employ six new...
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CM joined road safety minister Jim Fitzpatrick in Kent last week at the very first roadside police and VOSA spot check, where...
able to issue graduated fixed penalties to both foreign and domestic drivers for a variety of offences, including the obvious...
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In a recession, no business can afford to wait on payments. But how can hauliers take precautions against late payments?...
says 50% of all business failures involve customers that were previously viewed as both long-standing and prompt payers. A...
Mark O'Bomick, research and analysis director at Analytica, believes road transport companies have seen a sharp increase in the...
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SeaFrance has to improve if it wants volumes to rise I READ WITH INTEREST that LD Lines was thinking of a merger with...
I SPENT THE weekend steam cleaning and preparing one of my three vehicles for its annual vehicle test. It's now spotlessly...
I READ WITH great interest and some surprise your recent cover story about fees ('New regs trebled recovery charges, says...
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TWE Haulage is a small company, yet it has been able to diversify to give its customers exactly what they want. CM finds out...
useful, not only because they offer a lower cost service to customers, but because it is easier for the haulier to control his...
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What does it take to survive the recession? Is it professionalism, experience, judgement or just luck? We ask who is doing best...
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earlier blow than most last August, when it lost a £1 m annual contract carrying books for Woolworth's book distribution...
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TC would have liked opportunity to investigate transport managers links with a number of trading entities. THE TRANSPORt...
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Fines and ban for driving prohibited truck AN OWNER-DRIVER who used a vehicle in breach of a prohibition notice has received...
A HAt . LIER HAS escaped with a formal warning after its drivers breached the drivers' hours and tachograph regulations. Welsh...
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Vehicles operated on failed firm's licence AN APPLICATION by a scaffolding company has been turned down because of connections...
A HAULIER HAS lost his appeal to the Transport Tribunal against the termination of his 0-licence after the Tribunal failed to...
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From this month VOSA joins the police in being able to issue roadside penalties for a range of offences and gains new powers to...
• VOSA will now to be permitted to issue fixed penalties and endorse driving licences with penalty points. • A financial...
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and drivers should take following the imposition of a fixed penalty notice or conditional offer. There should be an...
will be dealt with equally in that they receive the same penalty for ike offences; there is no prosecution and, therefore, no...
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Transport lawyers Barker Gotelee held a seminar recently to introduce operators to the fixed penalty regulations. Here are the...
to extract fixed penalties from drivers at the roadside. However, CM understands that VOSA officers won't start issuing them in...
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Forthcoming changes in the law in association with the Freight Transport Association Northern Ireland 0-licensing reform The...
(Amendment) Order 2009,31 March 2009 These increase the list of offences that may be dealt with by way of fixed penalty and...
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sector, most recently with the Actros 8x4. That model's toughness has never been in doubt, but the inevitable pay-off means...
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Payload-conscious tipper operators wanting to buy into the Mercedes-Benz brand have had to wait a long time, but their patience...
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and only While the recession has claimed the scalps of Europe's biggest truck shows, Truckfest Peterborough has proved it has...
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today's low-emission diesels, wait until Euro-6 arrives. CM looks at the latest developments to ease your lubrication pain......
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Words: Andy Salter While fuel and lubricants are the 'engine liquids' grabbing most of the headlines when it comes to engine...
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ACEA E7 performance level Shell is one of the very few oil companies other than Chevron to have its own base oils technology....
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You're driving efficiently; you're cutting out empty running, but the one place often overlooked, and where you can really save...
The IT department presents an excellent opportunity for savings. First of all, your PCs. Consider buying factory refurbished...
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A lack of viable finance on used vehicles is hitting owner-drivers hard as they struggle to upgrade ageing vehicles. Words:...
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Dealers across the country are reporting a rising tide of inquiries from hauliers about second-hand trucks. Could this be the...
"I think they've bottomed out now but we've yet to see them start to increase," says Jason Addison of Used Trucks Ltd. "You...
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salesman to sell second-hand tractor units and rig ids successfully? European Vehicle Sales (EVS) managing director Anthony...