Registration Returns for June Analysed
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The Latest Returns Reveal a Fall in the Number of Goods Vehicles Licensed, but a Rise in Hackneys. Outstanding Features of the Latest Statistics Clearly Indicated
I N Jude last the total number of new motor-vehicles registered was, for the first time this year, lower than the comparable figure for the previous year, the 1935 total of 32,148 contrasting with 33,161 for June, 1934. The fall in the number, of goods vehicles (5,019 as against 5,691) was largely responsible for the reduced total. In the case of hackney vehicles, the month's registrations were, once again, somewhat higher, last year's figure of 609 rising to 883.
The gross total for petrol goods vehicles fell by 665, being 4,778 as compared with 5,443. The heavy fall in the 11--2-ton category (1,093 as againSt 1,453) was mainly responsible, although, once again; the registrations in the ,-2-21-ton division (1,392 cornpared-with 1,092) helped to offset this fall. There was also a marked drop in the 12-cwt.-1-ton class from 875 to 538, whilst in the section for vehicles not exceeding 12 cwt. the registrations fell from 983 to 864. At 497 there was little variation in the vehicles registered in the 1-1/-ton category.
In the other principal divisions in this class the registrations were as follow, last year's total being given in parentheses:--21-3-ton, 186 (281); 3-4-ton, 138 (189) ; 4-5-ton, 46 (69) ; 5-6-ton, 17 (8). No petrol goods vehicles were registered in classes above the 9-ton limit.
The number of oil-engined goods vehicles licensed fell slightly, being 116 as against 12. Once again the chief registrations took place in the 3-4-ton and 4-5-ton divisions—the former at 37 contrasting with 34 a year ago, and the latter at 25 with 48 in June, 1934.
In the classes not exceeding 2/ tons,
21-3-tons, 5-6-tons and 6-7-tons, the registrations ranged between 10 and 12 vehicles. Of the oilers registered in June last, 13 were licensed for drawing trailers as against 40 a year ago.
No recovery is shown in the section for steam vehicles, in which there was only 1 vehicle licensed, contrasted with 8 in June, 1934.
In spite of the prevailing tendency of the month, electric-vehicle registrations
continued on the upward trend, this year's total of 42 contrasting with 28 a year, ago, Practically all this year's vehicles licensed were in the two classes not exceeding one ton.
The total for goods vehicles includes 68 rigid six-wheelers and 41 articulated, six-wheelers, figures which correspond with 112 and 59 respectively for June, 1934. The eight-wheeler still appears to claim attention and, of the 6 such vehicles registered, 5 were 7-8-tonners.
In the categories for agricultural vans and lorries there were 73 registrations as against 75 a year earlier, all of them, in both years, being petrolengined vehicles. Turning to hackney vehicles, the position is more satisfactory, there being useful increases in both the main
classes. In the division for petrol hackneys there was a rise from 452 to 569, the increase being mainly brought about by the rise in the number of taxicabs from 95 to 196, although the 26-32-seaters advanced from 103 to 138, and 32-40-seaters from 32 to 67. On the other side of the scale there was a fall in the 14-20-seaters from 115 to 96 and in the 48-56-seaters from 65 to 21.
The oil-engined passenger vehicle continues to make an excellent showing, this year's figure of 300 having to be set against last year's total of 129. It is interesting to note that, in June last, there were 16 oilers registered in the 14-20-seater class. The registrations in the other divisions were as follow, last year's comparable total being given in paten theses:-26-32seaters, 100 (37) ; 32-40-seaters, 45 (29); 40-48-seaters, 41 (3); 48-56seaters, 89 (59); 56-64-seaters, 3 (1). The registrations of trolleybuses at 14 were exactly half the figure for June, 1934.
A total of 39 tractors was registered, 22 being in the agricultural division and 17 in the general-haulage class; last year's total was 58.
The aggregate returns for the six months ended June last show that 35,878 goods vehicles and 4,128 hackney vehicles were registered, last year's comparable figures being 35,753 and 2,862. In the case of tractors, this year's aggregate total at 232 is 40 below last year's corresponding figure.