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T HE recent pronouncement of the Minister of Transport to the effect that he is in touch with the largest operators of horsed...
Q NE often hears of accidents the causes of which it is difficult to trace, particularly if the drivers concerned have lost...
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T HE continued employment of toll roads and bridges is completely dissociated from all our ideas of modernity. Every highway...
WESTERN AVENUE is extending westwards vV apace, and, when completed, it will be a splendid example of modern road construction....
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A suggestion that a sliding panel behind the driver should be a compulsory fitting on all coaches. That the only 300 m.p.h....
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by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
WHEN introducing the new range of VY. Austin private cars to a gathering of agents at the Longbridge Works last Monday, Sir...
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Rotherham Corporation's transport committee has appointed Mr. W. J. Evans, of Birmingham, as rollingstock superintendent. Mr....
The ninth edition of the " Home Market Analysis," issued by the statistical department of the Society of Motor Manufacturers...
MENDERS are invited by the following - 1 {latest dates given in parentheses):—West Riding C.C., for ranite or whinstone...
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Duriag May last, 6,235 vans, lorries and commercial chassis were exported from the United States, bringing up the total for the...
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BRITISH MECHANIZED FARMING A C,CURATE results of experiments are always welcomed, especially in matters relating to the...
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A FEW days ago the Ministry of Transport issued a return based on an analysis of the causes of 1,500 fatal road accidents which...
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FONNER ROAD TESTED The Opel, a German Product of the General Motors Corporation of America, Now Being Marketed in This...
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F RANK criticisms of the draft Road Vehicles (Lighting) Regulations, 1935, are contained in a memorandum issued by the Royal...
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SOUTHAMPTON TRAFFIC UP. P ASSENGERS in and out of Southampton . Airport, during July, numbered 3,738, compared with 2,751 in...
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Semi-forward Control Permits a Body Having a Capacity of 119 cubic ft. on a 7-ft. 6-in. Wheelbase Chassis A DEFINITE advance in...
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The Latest Returns Reveal a Fall in the Number of Goods Vehicles Licensed, but a Rise in Hackneys. Outstanding Features of the...
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FOUR -WHEEL DRIVE Fl IR RIGID SIX-WHEELERS C . ONSIDERATIONS of weight, complication and expense_ obviously favour the use of a...
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Single-valve Oil Engine A S briefly reported in the issue of The Commercial Motor, dated April 26 last, encouraging results...
A VERY good idea of the national 1 - 1 importance of the motor industry of this country is strikingly revealed in the 1935...
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The Experience of an Important Colliery. Concern with Balanced Tipping Bodies for the Transport of Coal Complications in a...
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r\NE of the most interesting fittings on a general'L./purpose lorry, which may require to be used for a wide variety of work...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developments affecting p ub tic-service vehicle owners M.T. CO. SET...
T HE bus strike in West Wales continned last week-end, but on Monday some of the men had resumed work, and all the undertakin...
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GLASGOW'S DEFICIT MUCH REDUCED. A MPLIFYLNG the figures given in our issue dated June 14, dealing with the results of the...
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the High Court, on appeal, had held that there should be a conviction, the T.)oncaster West Riding magistrates have imposed...
place at LMiddlesbrough and Eaton regarding the future of the Tees-side Railless Traction Board. At present, the Board is...
T HE interesting method of giving tyres a better grip on the road by making equally spaced shallow cuts across the treads,...
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I AM in the middle of a description of a conversation which I had with a haulier friend who came from Dublin to see me. So far...
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A R6ume of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published. D RAKE mechanism that can be used 1-1 1 for the operation...