The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of ' Industry," continues a national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport
wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
We wish the best possible Christmas, under present conditions of anxiety, to those of our readers who may not see No. 50 before the 25th inst.
A War Claim. Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
Inquiry is being made by the Ramsgate Town Council concerning battery-equipped municipal vehicles.
The Watch Committee of the Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council hopes to be able to place. an order for a new motor fire-engine at an early date.
The Sheffield Corporation is about to introduce fixed stoppingplaces in connection with its motorbus services.
The Lancaster Corporation is endeavouring to amend one of its Local Acts in order to obtain L.G.B. authority to run motorbuses. Opposition has been presented by the Lancashire County Council, pending the settlement of a contribution to the upkeep of the county roads. The matter remains unsettled.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board has planed its contract for motor spirit, for the next 12 months, with Messrs. Carless, Capel and Leonard. The Ambulance Committee has been trying to purchase six more motor ambulances ; it reports that it has experienced considerable difficulty in obtaining tenders of the right kind. Proposals for the assembling of chassis by the employees of the Board are, therefore, likely to be adopted.
Trailer Axle-weights.
The Kingston Bench has inflicted various fines, during the past fortnight, in respect of excess axleweights. We observe that one case, in which Messrs. Lewis and Co., of Chichester, were summ•oned, concerned the axle-weight of a trailer. The trailer was loaded with furniture, and the back axle,. weight was found to be 5 tons 1 cwt.
Summonses have, as a general rule, previously been confined to the axle-weights of motor wagons.
National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association.
The annual meeting of the National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association was held on the 8th inst., at the Agricultural Hall, during the Smithfield Show, Mn. John Allen, of Oxford, the President, in the chair. Considerable, attention was given to the restrictive proposals of the County Clouncils Association, and to the suspension of much of its activities by the Road Board. It was stated that, of:9500 fraction engines on the roads. of. England and Wales, only 1400 are engaged upon purely haulage work. .An interesting decision, was given, in the Manchester County Court, on. the 6th inst., in an action which was brought by Mr. C. E. Williams, licensed victualler, of Hebden Bridge, against Rapid Motor Carriers, Ltd., of Pendleton, for six guineas as damages for breach of contract.
It appears that, in February last, the defendant company agreed to provide a motor char-a-banes on the 27th June, to carry a party to and from Morecambe. Notice of inability to do this was. only communicated on the 24th June, the reason being that the char-a-banes had been commandeered by the Government.. The plaintiff stated that having made arrangements for meals, and not having the addresses of all the members of the party, he had to hire a conveyance elsewhere, at a. higher charge.
It was stated for the defence that, when the military authorities impressed the char-h-bancs on the 18th April, another was ordered, and delivery was promised on the 7th June. It was only on the 22nd June that the makers wrote to say the War Office had taken that motor also. Counsel for the defence contended that his clients
were protected by the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2, Act, 1915, but a letter from the War Office was put in which stated that its contract with the makers of the Cars was not under that Act.
His Honour Judge Mellor decided in favour of the plaintiff, for the aznount claithed with costs, holding that the plaintiff's loss was 'flue. to the failure Of the defendant company to ascertain earlier that the second char-h-bancs would not be forthcoming. The proper course was for the company to have ensured delivery of the second charA-banes" in time, or to have protected itself by informing the plaintiff at once, or entering into another arrangement.
Our Fund.
The concert Oli Saturday next, at Maidstone; in aid of our Campaign Comforts Fund, with the co-Operation of the Tilling-Stevens. organizatien, will begin at 7 p.m. prompt —half an hour earlier than the preceding conceits in conjunction with the Lacre,. Commexcar and DennisDrummond organizations.
• Will supporters of the Fund, who are kindly engaged in the production of woollens, please reniember that the sooner we receive them the better. Knitted :scarves,54 ins. long by 10 or 12 ins.: wide, and not knitted too tightly, are wanted more than socks. We have received too many mittens for immediate requirements. Wheels of Industry con.
We are asked to draw attention to a leaflet which has just been issued by Wood-Milne, Ltd., concerning that company's new drivers bonus scheme, which provides for the payment of 5s. per tire on all Wood-Milne solid tires which on and after 1st January next complete the guaranteed 10,000 miles.
Postponement of Trolleybus Construction.
The Metropolitan Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., has given notice of its intention to apply for an extension of time for the completion of trolleybus equipment under its Act. of 1913. The Parliamentary agents are Messrs. Sherwood and Co., 27, Abingdon Street, S.W.
Mechanical Power in Agriculturz.
The War Agricultural Coremittee of the Glamorgan County Council, through Mr. F. H. Osmond-Smith, the County Land Agent, has arranged a demonstration of agrimotors for to-day (Thursday). This will be held at Boverton Place Farm, Llantwit Major, through the courtesy of Mr. Rees Thomas.
The "Electrician" Handbook.
Revision of the Electrical Trades Directory and Handbook for next year, which handbook. is published annually by our contemporary "The Electrician" (Salisbury Court., Fleet Street, E.G.), is to be noted. Those of our readers who are interested in the electrical industry will no doubt communicate any points for inclusion, direct to the publishers of the handbook.
Steam-wagon. Brokerage.
Messrs. F. W. Berkeley and Co., of 39, Victoria Street., S.W., appear to be extending their connection in the sale of steam wagons (and tractors) to London wharfingers. The latest purchasers include the Tower Bridge Wharf, Ltd., which company has b aught a fiveton Ta.sker wagon from lilessrs. Berkeley, and Mr. M. Hcastip, of Hartmann Road, Silvertown, who has similarly purchased a fiveton Clayton and Shuttleworth.
The Coke Press.
An early proof copy of an inteeesting little booklet, published the London Coke Committee, has just come into our hands. It should be in the possession of everyone who is interested in the use of steam wagons. The front page carries a reproduction of a photograph of a Garrett steam wagon, fitted. with special coke burning fire-bars. As recommended by the Committee, a list of 2, oke-suppiy depots is included, and the other pages are devotnd to useful and interesting data which should go far to popularize the use of this alternative solid fuel.
Recent Registrations.
Universal Car Co., Ltd. (25000), with its office at 101, Bartholomew Street, Leicester. E. Butterworth and. Sons, Ltd. (£3000), with its Office at York Street Garage, Blackpool. Grain Motors, Ltd. (£1600), by A. H. Atkins, Ltd., 27-28, Fetter Lane, E.G., to carry on the business of ahaulage contractor, etc. Clyde Heavy Motors, Ltd. (£10.000), with its office at 177, Great Portland Street, . London, W., to manufacture motors, motorvans, wagons, and vehicles.
The Republic Rubber Co., Ltd. (£25,000), with its office at 5, Giltspur Street, London, E.C., to manufacture solid, pneumatic, and other tires.
British Commercial Lorry and Engineering. Ca., Ltd. (£60,000), with its office at 11-12, Finsbury Square, E.G., to manufacture, or deal in, lamps, motor lorries, 'cycles, etc. Signatories Captain H. W. Whyte, 18, Berners Street, ; W. Brice, 77, Sinclair. Road, W. ; It. H. W. Ellis, 32, Cornhill, E.C. ; W. Dewar, 24, Finsbury Square, E.C. ; J. 8. Enright, 202, Holland Road, W.; F. T. Goulding, 26, Cowper Street, E.C. ; A. j. Sessions, 105, Borough Road, S.E.
Annual Reports.
The report of the directors of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., is an interesting document. • It is seen that, -the company having been declared a controlled establishment from the 12th July last, it was decided to close the trading account for an unusual period, viz,, to the 11th of July—say, 61 months. The accounts will in future be made up to the 31st July in each year. The trading profit amounts to £267,333, and this is reduced, after charging depreciation, directors' fees and debenture in
terest, to 2247,938. The preference shareholders receive their usual distribution, at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum ; the ordinary shareholders receive a payment of 10 per cent. (actual); goodwill account is reduced by £49,000; the special reserve account is increased by £10,000 and general reserve by £90,000, leaving a balance to be carried foi ward of X.8,148.
The annual report of D. Napier and Son, Ltd., is also a satisfactory document. Good progress is shown. The profit for the year ended the 30th September last is £70,173, after charging all depreciation, but before charging debenture interest (£5,500). The preferenceshare dividend absorbs £22,500, that on the ordinary shares £17,500; the reserve fund is increased by £20,000, and the carry forward is £9,839. These accounts are for a full twelve months.
The directors of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., have issued their report and accounts, for the period ended the 2nd October—nine months and two days. The profit for the period is £67,444, against which the following are el'iargeel ; depreciation, £7428; reserve fund, £10,000 ;special reserve fund, 225,000 ; interim dividend, £5250. The disposable balance, after bringing in £12,030, is 131,796. The fiaal distribution is 5 per cent. (actual), with a bonus of is. per share added, free of income tax, leaving £21,296 carried fcrward.
U.S.A. Horse Exportr.
Notwithstanding the enormous value of the export of motor vehicles of all kinds, it is pointed out that that of horses exceeds that of trucks. For September of this year no fewer than 54.440 horses and mules were exported, the total value being over £2,500,000. The average value of a horse is stated to be £36 and that of a mule £40.
Wheels of Industry—con.
Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, Ltd., of Alexandra House, Kingsway, W.C., has notified us that the company is hi a position to give immediate delivery of two-ton and other vehicles from stock.
One of the neatest desk diaries for 1916 is that issued by the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., from its head office at 83, Pall Mall, S.W., and from its 30 branches in different parts of the country.
C.M.U.A Subscription.
The C.M.U.A. has made_arrangements with the Inland . Revenue authorities, under which subscrip tions by its members will . be allowed as acharge in . their
accounts when arriving at the assessment for income tax. The annual subscription is now Li Ifs. 6d., with an entrance fee of one guinea. The admission of owners and. intending owners has been proceeding at an increased rate, during the past few months, in recognition of the good work which the C.M.U. A. continues to do to protect commercial-motor interests. Opposition to adverse legislation, conferences in respect of possible new regulations, the securing of a 50-per-cent. rebate on the new petrol tax, the deputation to the Reserved Occupations Committee, and the establishment of an employment bureau for the timeexpired and discharged A.S.C., MT., drivers' may be mentioned as some of the recent and current instances of useful activity. Applications for membership should be addressed to Mr. F. G. Bristow, the Secretary, at 83, Pall Mall, S. W.
Official Opening of Lecture Rooms and Workshops of Motor Training .. Institute.
At the invitation of the principal, Mr. L. M. Waterhouse, we recently had the opportunity of inspecting the Motor Training Institute's lecture room, class rooms and workshops at their premises in Heddon Street, Regent Street, and Loudoun Road, St, John's Wood, N.W. The general and private, offices are situated in Hidden Street, as well as several private lecture rooms appointed for the individual training of students, a lecture hall, whilst instruction in vulcanizing and tire changing is also given. After viewing the numerous interesting demonstration and -other models contained in these rooms we were conveyed to the Loudoun Road works, where we had the opportunity of seeing the students at work. Complete class instruction is given at the works, and the premises embody commodious lecture rooms, vulcanizing room, testing shop, drawing office, work
shops, garage, stores, etc. A fine fleet of four-cylinder cars, which are fitted with the Institute's safety dual control system, is used for training students to drive. At the luncheon following the inspection, Mr. Waterhouse briefly referred to the present activities or the Institute, and stated that the school was put forward as an honest endeavour to teach, apart from any trade interest, not simply motor driving, but to impart an intelligent working knowledge of the petrol engine and chassis, and thereby to afford the driver a working interest in the machinery under his control.