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Can Give Work For 60 Miles A Day With Three-ton Loads.
[2834] (Wilts).—The work which you mention appears to us to be of a character upon which you should effect a distinct economy by the use of motors.......
Concerning G.m.c. Vehicles.
[2835] (Welsh).—The favourable statements which you submit concerning the G.M.C. vehieles are substa.ntiatlly accurate. ihousands of American lorries are used at the Front.......
Practical Hints On Steam Lorries.
[2836] (lreland).—You cannot do better than purChase a Commercial Motor Driver's Handbook, by sending is. 9d. to the Secretary of the C.M.U.A., 83, Pall Mall, S.W. It contains......
Petrol Or Steam For 80 Miles A Day ?
[2837] (Aldershot).—We have mailed a costs sheet to you. At the present time, costs have gone up on the average by about 10 per cent, for steamers, and about 20 per cent. for......
Any Book On Costs?
[2838] (Carlisle).--No book of which we have knowledge is written on the subject of costs. Our free sheet is an epitome. Since this sheet was published, you may take it that......
Reprinting Working Costs.
[2839] (Data).—You have full permission to reproduce our average working costs, subject to due acknowledgment to THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, and to the inclusion of a footnote that......
Still Left With 14 Depreciating Char-a-bancs Bodies.
[2840] (Impressment).—We think that, if you write in the first instance to II. E. Dale, Esq., Secretary, Royal Commission on War Losses, 64, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.,......
A Commission In The A.s.c., M.t.
[2841] (Lancs.).—No direct commissions in the A.S.C., M.T., are now being granted. You must apply through the War Office for papers in the usual way. If accepted, you will have......
Contingent Demand For Commission On Sdle Of Old Wagon.
[2843] (Owner).—Further in reply to query No. 2828, if the man made any false representation to you, you have introduced a new factor.If you are in no position to get in touch......
His Converted Humber Weighs 23 Cwt., And He Carries Both...
[2844] (Carrier).—We are afraid you will have to pay the additional two guineas, seeing that your lorry weighs more than one ton, unless you can get the weight down to one ton,......