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2,000 Tractors Per Annum from the Austin Company's French Factory.
FORMED IN 1911 and promoted by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., "Automobile Anglaises Austin , Societe Anonyme," took over the sale in France and the French Colonies of the productions of the Longb ridge Works, Northfield.
The registered offices and show.' rooms of the French company were situated until recently at 134, Avenue Malakoff, Paris, and the operations of the company before the outbreak of war were confined to the sale of cars and electric lighting seta, and the carrying of stocks of spares. 'During the war the efforts of this company were of necessity entirely suspended, and the lease of the premises has been sold.
Since the war the restriotions on imports into France have increased' to such an extent that it has been decided to manufacture in France, and to commence with the agricultural tractor, which has 'already :successfully (demonstrated its merits at the trials held at St., near Paris, 'mid at Senlis (France), and for which there is a very, without doubt, large demand. For this purpose it has been. decided to increase the present capital of 150,000 francs tfir a total of 10,000,000 francs by an issue of 98,500 Shares of 100 francs each. It will be readily understood that the present rate of exchange offers an opportunity for the British investor to take advantage of obtaining approximately 38 francs for the la sterling, and the directors of the Austin Motor Co.' Ltd., have stipulated that' the shareholders of the English company shall have the opportunity of subscribing for any or all the issue before it is offered to the French public.
The cost of each share of 100 francs (normally 24) at the present rate of exchange is approximately only £2 12s., and the amount payable on application is 21. The holders of the shares are entitled to one vote for each share held.
The proceeds of this issue are intended to be used for the purchase and equipment of the freehold factory at Liancourt (Oise), and for the general development of the business of the company. It is not intended that any portion of the proceeds shall be applied to any payment for goodwill. The factory, with sufficient land for very extensive additions, 'has already been purchased,. and most of the alterations and, additions are completed ; the plant and machinery are either on the ground or on the !way to the works.
The works are situated about half-a-mile from the station of Liancourt, on the 'main line from Calais to Paris, four miles from the important industrialtown of Creil, and about 35 miles from Paris. I The freehold property. includes, besides the works, two houses and grounds for the technical and commercial managers. On the opposite side of the main road, facing the works and included in the purchase, is the park and farm lands extendng to.nearly 300 acres' of the Due de la Rochefoucauld, with the old chateau and extensive outbuildings, a, saw-mill, carpenter's shops, and several dwelling houses.
It is estimated that there is also about 25,000 worth of timber which, it is proposed, shall be cut down and disposed of. The farm lands will enable 'the company to continuously test and keep the tractors up to date, train the employees of clients in'a,ctual farm work, and bring in a good return on the produce grown. The river Beronnel runs through the property and provides all the water required for the , works.
Arrangements have been made with the eminent firm of Th. Pilter, of Paris, who have depots and agents throughout France and the French Colonies, for the sale of the tractor under conditions which the 'directors consider very satisfactory. Mr. Gest, 'the President of the, Maison Th. Filter, has also accepted a seat on the board of the company.
In the opinion of Sir Herbert Austin, the chairman of the company, the installation of plant and fixtures now being made at the Liancourt works should be capable of turning out about 2,000 tractors per annum with a large amount of spares and replacements. It is anticipated that manufacture will be well in hand before the end of the present month, and that the works will be in absolutely full working order by the end of June, 1920.
Automobiles Anglaises Austin Societe Anonyme will, for France and the French 'Colonies, have equal rights to those possessed by tne Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 'England, in all patents, designs, and trade marks of the agricultural tractors now made or to be made by the English company. As regards the tractor itself, about which much descriptive matter has previously appeared, it is interesting to recall that it successfully participated in a very important series of trials carriecl'out under the eye of the French President, M. Poineare at the 'spring meeting of French agricultural experts at St. Germain-en-Laye. The tractor at. these trials create a favourable impression amongst French agriculturists, and it is confidently anticipated that the Austin production will find a, ready market in France, where a reliable and efficient machine of medium weight is much, in demand.