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T WO RECENT announcements are of so definite . a nature that they read to us as & challenge and a counter-challenge. First, the...
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V ERY CAREFUL consideration of the whole subject of the best basis of taxation in theory and in practice is now rendered...
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That ratting may follow ratification. There's benzole in the air everywhere. That those super-power stations will not...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Have Labour Exchanges Helped Industry ? Government Takes Long Credit. '. AS ANYONE you know ever found the muchboomed Labour...
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Lines Upon which the Future Developments of Steam Motor Vehicles May be Directed. The Possibilities of the Water-tube Boiler...
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C ONSIDERABLE ' difficulty is actually being experienced in. France through a transport crisis, owing principally to the...
C OMING BACK from the Olympia Shaw, agents, who there took the opportunity to fix up their arrangements for handling cemmercial...
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Will the Government Repair and Equip the Country Roads or, Instead, Waste Money on the Useless Agrail System ? V ERY LITTLE...
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Road Developments in the Federated Malay States and Road Transport Possibilites. F r HERE ARE upwards of 2,500 miles of good...
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A Strong Well-finished Machine with a Three-speed Gearbox, and Worm-driven Rear Axle. A T% IS QUITE a novelty to find...
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0 N DECEMBER 8th the Automobile Association gave evidence before the Lights Oinrehicles Committee (Ministry of Transport) on...
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2,000 Tractors Per Annum from the Austin Company's French Factory. F ORMED IN 1911 and promoted by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd.,...
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A New Chassis with a Double Reduction Rear Axle of the Live Type. P A RT1CULA.RS of the new Jackson Holroyd chassis have been...
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Selection Points in a Tractor for Heavy and Medium Land. T HERE IS no need to apologize for reiterating the statement which...
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T HE QUESTION of the establishment of a general system of motorbuses, to 'meet especially the needs of suburban areas, has been...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which, we publish on this page: all others are...
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Resume of Recently Published Patents. A six-wheeled chassis is the subject of specification No. 134,273, by C. F. Gros. The...