New. Leyland Heavy-duty Export Range
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ON Tuesday, Leyland Motors, Ltd., introduced a new range of heavyduty goods vehicles for the export market: Seven models, all forward control, comprise the new range, which will he described and illustrated in "The Commercial Motor" next
week. • Rigid, tractor and tipper versions of the Beaver four-wheeled chassis fixed
• and tipping-body Hippo six-wheelers and a rigid Octopus eight-wheeler will be available. The new models will be designated by the nomenclature used for home-market models, but with the addition of the letter "E" after the name. They are all right-hand-control models aril have been introduced to 'meet a demand for "-cab-over-engine" models, particularly in Australia and South Africa.
All Have 125 Engine Power unit for the new models is the Leyland 125 b.h.p. direct-injection oil engine, fitted with a two-cylindered compressor of 7-cubic-ft. capacity for the air brakes. Drive to the five-speed gearbox is taken through the standard ,161-in. diameter clutch. Rear axles are 8 ft. wide, and are of the fully floating type with an overhead worm drive with 9-in. centres.
Construction of these export models is generally sturdier than that of the range of goods .vehicles for the home market. On the four-wheeled models the semi-elliptic rear springs are fitted with helpers. All vehicles May be equipped with 11.00 by 20 or 11.00 by 22 tyres, and gross ratings are from 27,216 lb. to 54,000 lb. Standard axle ratio is 7.33 to 1, with optional ratios of 6.5, 8.66 and 9.33 to I.
Frame sections for the two-axled chassis are 10 ins, deep and for the multi-axled chassis 12 ins. deep. The 15 ft. wheelbase Beaver. 12.B1/E
chassis has a 5/1[6-in.-thick flitch plate added to each side member. The plates extend from the front anchorage of the rear springs to a point just behind the , driver's cab and have a maximum depth of 14 ins. The full-fronted cab used on all models is steel framed and panelled in aluminium, and can be easily repaired.
WRITING on the Minister of VV Supply's threat to limit, by artificial means, the number of commercial vehicles to be allocated next year to the home market, in the hope of increasing the volume of exports, a correspondent to "The Financial Times" says:
" A more constructive programme might be to link up home deliveries and exports through the activities of the British Transport Commission. Orders for domestic road haulage vehicles could be placed with manufacturers in accordance with their export sales. The companies would thus be, assured of a home sale against a foreign one, with. at the same time, some degree of stabilization in earnings."
• EXHIBITS FOR 1951 FESTIVAL QELECTION of all currently manu factured exhibits for the Festival of Britain is the responsibility of the Council of Industrial Design, Tilbury House, Petty France, London, S.W.I. Photographs and information, intended for the 1951 Stock List, of products considered to be makers' best work, should be sent there, addressed to the chief industrial officer. The Stock List is an illustrated card index which will form the basis of selection.