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Australia Follows New Zealand in Rejecting State Ownership and Excessive Restrictive _Control T WO smashing victories against...
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the Institute of Transport appealed to the bi g wi g s of nationalization to allow their employees freedom to express their...
A LL drivers should be 1-1 particularly careful during this period of fairly extensive " road repairing. In addition to the...
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That some Americans fear a fall in the dollar. Of steel plates rolled with an abrasive surface for non-slip floors. _— Of the...
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S TATING that it was an exceptional case, the Appeal Tribunal, last week, dismissed the Railway Executive's appeal against the...
is Becoming Nation Wide Councils All Over the Country Protest Against Bus Nationalization 0pposmoN to the proposals for the...
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• WITHIN the next week or two, it VV was understood, the Road Haulage Executive would begin to issue original permits, said Mr....
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O N Tuesday, Leyland Motors, Ltd., introduced a new range of heavyduty goods vehicles for the export market : Seven models, all...
MR. H. S. WOLSELEY, late of Lodge Plugs, Ltd., has joined Abingdon King Dick, Ltd., as a representative for hand tools. MR. I....
Radiomobile, Ltd., has changed its address to 179-185, Great Portland Street, London, W.I. Plans for new roads and widening of...
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A CCORDING to Mr. Sydney S. Guy, rt chairman and managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd., the company will be put out of business...
A STATEMENT has been issued by Gateshead Corporation denying that an agreement had been reached between "all parties" for the...
A PPALLING apathy of many small traders towards the present threats to their liberty as C-licensees was strongly criticized by...
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H OPE that facilities for road haulage 'vehicles at ports would be improved was expressed by Mr. J. Donovan, a member of the...
THIS week Sir Cyril Hurcomb, chair1 man of the British Transport Commission, and Maj.-Gen. G. N. Russell, chairman of the Road...
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INCREASES in wages for transport I workers have been agreed between the Transport and General Workers' Union and S.P.D., Ltd.,...
East Yorks. Buses I T is hoped that single-deck under floor-engined buses of 8 ft. width will soon be introduced by East...
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MEAT TRANSPORT L AXITY in the transport and general handling of foodstuffs has always beeno matter of great concern to health...
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S EVERE road testing on the Continent was part of the programme in the -development of the new .. Austin Loadstar, both to test...
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by road T HE introduction of travelling showrooms into the fleet of vehicles operated by T.M.C.Harwell (Sales), Ltd., the...
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I, ABORATORY tests and control of lubricating oils and greases can ensure uniformity of grade and quality, but only service...
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BY THE TECHNICAL EDITORS T HE proverb "time saved is money gained" is true in the operation of commercial vehicles, and our...
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A ROMAN HOLIDAY BY L.J.COTTON M.I.R.T.E N UBIANS, highly prized as slaves in the courts of the Cresars, are in their modern...
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S INCE the end of the war, the quick-freeze method of processing perishable foodstuffs has made progress, but whether a...
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Says I.M.Waller, B.A.,A.M.I.Mech.E., Technical Manager, Small and Parkes. Ltd. O UTSTANDING subjects requiring further research...
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F REE-ENTERPRISE road transport has had five lean years since the 1945 General Election. The next five years will be even...
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THE letter from "Transport Engineer," under the title "Jobs for the Boys," published in your issue dated December 2, stirred me...
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Pitfalls in Contract Work can be Avoided by Checking Carefully the Terms of Agreement and Making a Proper . Assessment of Costs...
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QMALL enough to be packed into the ■ --) tool box of a large multi-wheeled vehicle, the Maxim P.U.P. Junior is a lightweight...
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A BRAKE in which even pressure is applied over almost the . whole drum. surface is shown in patent No. 628,948, by M....