One Hears
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That the Midiand Hotel. Manchester. is chock full.
Of two first-class draughtsmen who are available for immediate employment.
That a certain cab company buys its drills by the sixpennyworth at a local ironmongers.
That Lancashire owners are gradually coming round to the use of rubber tires for winter running.
That a minimum " gate " of 75,000 persons is expected at the forthcoming North of England Show.
That Sir Herbert Jekyll does not really mean to suggest that the tramways of London should be fenced in.
Of a South-London billposter who makes his rounds in a small motorvan, in which he conveys his necessary implements.
That some owners of private-hire cars are paving the new horse-power tax, whilst others are let off with hackney-carriage charges only.
That the works of an unsuccessful motor manufacturer in the north are in the market at a reasonable figure, but that the drawings, patterns, etc., are still valued at £16,000.
That an agreement amongst tractor and traction-engine builders came into force on the lit inst., and that one result of this mutual agreement will be an increase in the prices of such machines.
Of an English farmer who became so interested in THE Commeemee Marcel report of the 1909 Winnipeg trials of agricultural motors, that he decided to visit Canada for last year's trials, and that, as a result, of his observations, lie has now purchased an English-built steam tractor.
That Foden's have not yet got a petrol lorry on the stocks.
That the illustration at the foot of page 491 is not of an average day's output.
That there ought to be a lot mere motor ambulances always in readiness throughout Greater London. • That people are asking why the Van-Horse Parade, which usually takes place on Whit-Monday, has been put forward this year to Easter-Monday.
That the decision of Temple Press Ltd., the publishers of THE COMMEROIAL MOTOR and other leading motor journals, to establish a Manchester branch office is admitted to have been happily timed.
That Manchester merchants do not like passers-by to see the names of cotton manufacturers upon motors which are delivering cloth to warehouses, and that there are several ways of getting over this difficulty.
That Mr. Aubrey Llewellyn Coventry Fell is to have another £250 a year, that -he is not quite so sure about the fate of the motorbus as he was a year or two ago, and that perhaps it's as well to make way while the tram runs.
That Mr. E. Manville's recent protest, about unfair similarity in joint-stock-company names qua the " Law, Car and General " (in liquidation) and the " Car and General" Insurance Corporations, is likely to bear fruit..
That there is a London custom which prescribes that when a new street is being numbered, No. 1 shall always be the house nearest to St. Paul's, and that odd numbers shall be on the left and even numbers on the right of the thoroughfare