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Some 17 pages of this issue are devoted to the reprraluetion of more than 100 letters of testimony from owners: Costs and...
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That the Midiand Hotel. Manchester. is chock full. Of two first-class draughtsmen who are available for immediate employment....
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Sews contributions are invited : payment will be made on publication. The prolonged discussion which has been taking place for...
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The Nartli of England Show will -open at. Manchester to-morrow (Fri day). Commercial vehicles will be well represented ; no...
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Glasgow's Youngest Motor Factory Reaches Deserved Prominence. The works of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., at Yokes,...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be made on publication. Applications from interested parties who are inclined to...
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This journal commands advertisement support upon terms which do not admit traders of inferior standing to its pages. A short...
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I pointed out in my last week's notes that one tire manufacturer deplored the tendency on the part of some users to under-tire...
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Further Tramway Development now Declared to Necessitate 100 Miles of New Roads and Many Other Improvements which might Cost...
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A Digest of Progress for 1906-1910. Four years ago, we started this business; at that time, we owned two fire-ton steamers,...
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By the Editor. Mr. Win. Birtwistle, J.P., whose name will he recognized at once as that of a Lancashire pioneer motorist and...
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Run Extremely Well. Mr. W. Ce.ssford (address withheld by request) writes to the makers, dated the 6th inst -" I have yours of...
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A Liverpool Success. Mr. Edward J. Allen, Managing Director of Owen Owen, Ltd., London Road, Liverpool, writing on the 30th...
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A Foden Log. Messrs. Watkins Bros., Imperial Flour Mills, Hereford, write, under date the 15th July, 1910:—" We find from the...
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CONTINENTAL. Mr. P. Frost Smith, chief of the Motor Department of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., writes :—" With reference to the visit...
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Petrol:Rebate for Hotel Buses. [1,765 ] , "GUESSED RIOHT writes:—" We have a motorbus which conveys passengers from the hotel...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...