Concerning Steam Wagons Generally.
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A Foden Log.
Messrs. Watkins Bros., Imperial Flour Mills, Hereford, write, under date the 15th July, 1910:—" We find from the driver's log,' which has been kept up from the first journey, that the engine has now done over 42,000 miles, and we have practically had no trouble with it of any account at all. Same tubes, which indeed have never leaked, and do. not. know what an expander is, and same gears, though the fast wheel will hardly last another year. We think this is highly satisfactory to all concerned. She took out 8 tons 14 cwt. to-day-3 tons on a trailer."
Pleasure in Ordering a Second.
Mr. Sand. Ledgard, Nelson Hotel, Armley, Leeds, to Mann's :—" I have pleasure in informing you that the five-ton steam wagon I purchased from you some time ago has answered my purpose admirably, as it is most reliable, and does my work much cheaper than horses, and leaves me quite independent of the Railway co. Your machine is powerful enough to haul a trailer, in addition to its platform load, upon hilly roads, and has done journeys of over sixty miles a day, and I consider it very economical in the use of fuel. It therefore gives me much pleasure to order a second machine."
Built in 1901 and 1907.
Mr. Elias Berry, a director of Andrew Berry and Sons, Ltd.„ Mt. Pleasant Mill, T.eyland, writes thus, under date the 11th inst., to the makers:— " We are interested to hear of the various ears which you intend exhibiting at the forthcoming motor show at Manchester, on 17th February, and on visiting the show we shall avail ourselves of the opportunity of looking at them. We have great pleasure in saying that the motor we bought in 1907 is doing all our work, and giving us every satisfaction. Our first motor, which we bought. in 1901, we still keep as a stand by. though our newer motor is so reliable that we are now anxious to sell the older one."
More Than Six Horses and Carts Replaced by One Yorkshire.
Messrs. R. Pomeroy and Co.. of Cardiff, under date the 24th June, 1909. write :—" We cannot speak too highly of the way in which our six-ton 'Yorkshire wagon is behaving. It has, on the Llanbraclach contract, taken the place of seven horses and carts, thus carrying out all that you claim with this type of wagon." And, later, under date the 7th April, 1910 :—"With regard to the six-ton steam wagon you supplied us with on 10th March, 1909, you will no doubt be pleased to hear that she is giving every satisfaction. Below, we give you the amount of ma
terial hauled by her from Llanbradach Station and Ystrad Mynach Station to the site of the road-widening contract, an average distance of two miles with two bad hills (of course, in all cases her return journey was light) : 2,644 tons walling stone. 52 tons coping. 87 tons lump lime. 20 tons ground lime.
8 tons cement.
65 tons broken stone.
1,025 tons ashes (extra half-mile on haulage of ashes).
10 tons stoneware pipes.
9 tons bricks.
16 tons steel rails.
2,359 tons limestone metalling. 150 tons hauling plant and sun dries to and from the contract. 6,915 tons total.
" The engine hauled this amount of material in nine months with the driver and two men, through a very wet summer, on heavy roads, doing the work that six horses and carts had previously been unable to carry
through. She is now doing similar work her us at Olyn-Neath.
Auspicious Start Maintained.
Mr. H. E. Thornley, Radford Hall Brewery, Leamington, writes :--" I have now run my ' Sentinel ' 18 months, and it has given complete satisfaction. I have never had a breakdown, and repairs have been nil except new chain and sprocket." Also, 13 months later :—" My Sentinel ' wagon continues to give unqualified satisfaction. She takes her eight and nine-ton loads with the regularity of a train, five Again, under date the 6th inst., Mr. Thornley a rites: -• ." I bought a Sentinel six-ton wagon from you in November, 1906, and since that date she has worked five days a week, sometimes six, carrying loads varying from five to nine tons, with and without a trailer. In the whole of that period, we have not had a single involuntary stop, excepting when the roads were in a too-slippery condition for the back wheels to grip. I consider the Sentinel is the best and most-efficient wagon on the market." Five Fodens Here. Mr. L. F. Haydock, Manager of the Motor Department of the Maypole Dairy Co., Ltd., Godley, near Manchester, under date the 11th inst., writes to us :—" We beg to give you the following figures about our Foden wagons: Motor No. 1.—Average weekly mileage, 215 miles; average load per run, 8 tons 7 cwt. ; cost of coal per mile, 1.23d., ; coal used per mile, 8.10 lb.; average miles per journey', 57. Motor No. 2.—Average weekly mileage, 245 miles ; average load per run, 8 tons 9 cwt.; cost of coal per, mile, 1.28d.; coal used per mile, 7.90 lb.; average miles per journey, 66. Motor No. 3.—Average weekly mileage, 242 miles ; average load per journey, 8 tons 13 cwt. ; cost of coal per mile. I.42d.; coal used per mile, 9.35 lb. ; average miles per journey, 63. Motor No. 4.—Average weekly mileage, 236 miles; average load per journey, 8 tons 10 cwt. ; cost of coal per mile, 1.34d.; coal used per mile, 8.83 lb. ; average miles per journey, 6.5. Motor No. 5.—Average weekly mileage, 249 miles; average load per journey, 9 tons ; cost -of coal per mile, 1.27d.; coal used per mile„ 8.37 lb. ; average miles per journey, 67. " The. above figures a-re for the year 1910. The average weights of loads include empties on hack trip." Good Steamers. Mr. J. Wild, of 140, Kenyon Road, Wigan, writing for his company:, on the 10th inst., to Leyland, says:— " We have pleasure in testifying as to the efficiency of your steam wagon. We have four five-ton wagons on the road, all your make, and we think there are none better. We find them easy to handle, good steamers, equal to all that is required of them and generally speaking most-serviceable wagons." Low Repairs. Mr. E. S. Chambers, Clifford, Herefordshire, to Mann's :—" I bought my first steam cart from you nine years ago, and my second 3, years ago, and, in spite of our hilly country, have found them entirely satisfactory. My work is hard, but you will see by, your books you have only supplied me with parts to the average value of .C20 5s. lid, per year each for the two machines—under 8s. per week. I have been specially pleased with the prompt way in which you have always supplied spare parts when required, even for the first, which is of an old pattern." The Turning-point in His Business. Mr. F. Wearing, of 8, Grimshaw Street, Darwen, dated the 27th ult., writes thus to Leyland :—" I trust you will let me have the new wagon I have ordered as soon as you can. My last wagon has been so good, that I know it has been the means of other orders coming to your works. I have had it 14 months, and it has run 14,000 miles—always with a trailer with a lead of 9 to 10 tons altogether, and on a hilly route. I myself would not think of getting any other snake, in spite of the little delay in getting delivery. The turning point in my business was when I sold my old wagon which was a and got your F.-type wagon. I have been told that the extensions in your works will soen make a difference in delivery." 7d. per Mile Run—an Unusually low Figure. Messrs. Draycott Bros, Steam Haulage Contractors, of 6, Langley Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, write :— " It may interest you to know the cost of running our first Sentinel wagon (No. 243) for the past 12 months Depreciation at 10 per cent—. £47 10 Interest on capital.........15 0 Driver at 34s. per week ... 88 8 Stoker at 18s per week ... 46 16 Rent of shedding ... ... 8 8 License, insurance, and water 15 10 Coke-621 tons at 16s. ... 50 0 Repairs and sundry renewals 15 10 Total £293 12 "The wagon has, on an average, run 40 miles per day, carrying eightton loads, fiye days per week for 50 weeks during the year. This gives 80,000 ton-miles for the :year, at the cost of .88d. per ton-mile. The 40 miles. a day, with eight-ton loads each journey, are, we think:, taken at a low average. As a matter of fact, this wagon has travelled 60 miles a day with 10 tons for weeks at a stretch. If any of your prospective customers wish for any further information, we shall be only too pleased to supply it. The other two ' Sentinels we have of yours are also giving excellent results.' [This letter shows how cost per tonmile falls when there are full loads all the time—En.] All Requirements Answered During Five Years. Mr. H. Raw orth , Secretary, Lawrence and Hall, Ltd., of Station Bridge, Harrogate, under date the 3rd January, 1911, writes The Yorkshire steam motor wagon purchased from your firm five years ago has been used regularly and exclusively for furniture removing. It has answered all our requirements, and given every satisfaction in the long and trying journeys in the rough and hilly districts of Yorkshire and Lancashire." A Series from Mann's. Mr. A. T. Morgan' a Director of J. W. Cameron and Co., Ltd., Lion Brewery, West Hartlepool, to Mann's —" We purchased two of your steam wagons in 1901, a third in 1904, and -two more in July, 1908, and March, 1909, respectively. Our experience of their running is satisfactory over long distances for which the wagons have been almost exclusively used, The later type of wagon is a material improvement upon the -original design; they are good hill-climbers and generally reliable." In Hilly Devon. Mr. Frank White, of 23, Torquay Road, Newton Abbot, writing to Fodens, Ltd., on the 13th July, 1910, gave these views:—" Having had one of your steam wagons in almost constant work since 22nd May, 1907, it gives me great pleasure to add one more to your many unsolicited testimonials. I RM pleased to say that, after over three years' work, she is still in splendid order' and has just done about a 500-mile furniture journey, loading and unloading three double loads in 11i days, without a hitch. The wear and tear has been less than I anticipated, and, considering the bad roads and steep Dartmoor and other hills which she constantly travels, is very satisfactory. " I have not kept an exact account of the miles travelled, but, when I tell you that she is now wearing out her third set of strakes, you will readily see that she has been pretty constantly on the roads. " In February this year, I had decided (owing to increased trade) to order a second from you, when I had an advantageous opportunity of buying a nearly new Foden tip wagon' which I did: this one is also in constant work and giving me every satisfaction. " I can only conclude (after watching other males), by saying that anyone having hauling to do cannot in my opinion do better than get a Foden wagon, and were I restarting,to-morrow should do as I have done.' Can Go Anywhere. Mr. H. W. Buddicom, Estate Office, Penbedw, Nannerch, Mold, to Mann's :—" Ever since you supplied me with the steam cart, in January, 1904, it has worked in a most satisfactory manner. I find it most useful about the estate; it does work that. would kill horses. It can go anywhere." Another Case of 1906-1911. Mr. G. h. Richards, St. Albans Road, Darwen, under date the 1st inst., writes to the Leyland works:— " I have now pleasure in confirming my verbal order of yesterday's date for one of your F-type steam wagons with double high-pressure cylinders. This will now bring my total number of wagons to four, all Leyland make, which proves conclusively that I am one out of many of satisfied users of Leyland steam wagons. I trust the one on order will prove to be as reliable and give such general satisfaction as those already in use." [The first, we learn, was purchased in 1906, the other two in 1908.—En.] "Well Satisfied Further Orders for Yorkshires." W. and J. Williams, Ltd., of 2, Market Street, Bradford, under date the 3rd January, 1911, writes :—" We have found the two steam wagons you supplied to be very satisfactory in every respect, and we can say that after two years of practical experience with them that they are very well adapted for the use of our business ts furniture removers, and a great advance and economy over horse haulage. As you know, we have a very large business, and it is our intention to develop the use of steam wagons in the future. We have been so well satisfied with the business we have done with you, that you may rely on our further orders." Ready to Act as a Reference. Messrs. H. and A. Trower, Redhill, under date the 10th January, 1910, writes: — " We shall have great pleasure in answering any questions that -may ask us in reference to our six-ton Sentinel wagon. We can only speak satisfactorily of it." Also, under date the 25th January, 1911 ;—" We can state as follows: wagon works 5:; days weekly ; average daily mileage, about 18 miles ; weight carried during the 12 months— 2,7.50 tons away from mill, and 3,250 tons into the mill. Of course, the motor does not take al/ the manufactured goods from the mill. The motor practically is always loaded. Consumption of coke, LI is. per week (coke 17s. 6d. per ton, and we cart it); consumption of oil, 5s. per week."