Sixteen Letters About Solid Tires.
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Mr. P. Frost Smith, chief of the Motor Department of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., writes :—" With reference to the visit of your Mr. Kehler here to-day, we wish to confirm our statement that he tires as shown in the photograph of the bus you took are still in use, and have ran to date a distance of 25,690 miles."
Mr. Jas. Young, General Manager of the United Co-operative Baking Srpciety, Ltd., Glasgow, under date the 30th December, 1910, writes :— '• We have pleasure in stating that the aree-ton 'Belhaven motor lorry, which we had fitted with your tires, has been constantly running since 18th November, 1909, and during that period has covered 19,005 miles. It is still running, and we hope to have two or three lamella work out of the tires yet."
The Secretary of the British Automobile Development Co., Ltd., of
V ieteria Works, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, writing to the Continental Ty re and Rubber Co., Ltd., says :— " We have pleasure in stating that the aolid tires fitted to our motor omnibuses mid chars-à-bancs both at Londeo mid Deai continue to give very aatisfactorymileages, and our expericove with your T-pattern tires fully
hstnidiates your claim that this profila is more resilient than the ordinary mond type of tire."
Mr. William Milne, Cold Storage and Ice Factory, 40, Old Wynd, (lasgow, under date the 5th January, 1911, writes :--" I have great pleasure in testifying as to the durability of the solid tires supplied by you. I have tried several other makes, but have not yet found any to compare with yours. I have meantime a set on a three-ton lorry carrying a load of 3 tons 6 cwt., and covering an average of 60 miles per day. These tires have now done about 32,000 miles to date, and will not require to be renewed for another month or two. I have also another vehicle which has run 28,000 miles on your tires, and I expect to get further mileage from these. The other two vehicles which I have have done 10,000 miles, and are giving the same excellent results."
PETER UNION, Mr. 1'. Frost Smith, Chief Engineer to Thomas Tilling, Ltd. (Motor Department), in a letter to the Peter 'Union Co., says:—" We have no hesitation whatever in expressing our satisfaction of your tires, and that yoot have always carried out your part of the contract to our satisfaction."
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., in it letter to the Peter Union Co., stales:--" We have pleasure in etating that this company has been using your tires during the past four years, nind at the present time twothirds of the omnibuses of the company are tired with them. We might add that our business relations have always been of the most amicable kind."
The Secretary of the Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co., Ltd., of 6, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton, writing to the Peter Union Tyre Co., says :—" In reply to your inquiry, we have now used your tires on our motorbuses exclusively for about four years, and are well satisfied with their durability. We have also much pleaauee in testifying to the prompt and liberal manner in which you have carried out our orders and instruct ions ."
Mr. A. E. Beattie, the Engineer and Nlanager of the Cardiff Tramways Co., Ltd., writes :—" As you know, we have been using your tires for a period of nearly three years on our 34-seated motor omnibuses, and have much pleasure in testifying to the satisfaction we have received of them. The wearing qualities of your tires are excellent, and we have no trouble in any way with them. We have never experieneed one of your tires working loose on the rim, nor have we ever had a vehicle stopped on the road for tire trouble."
Mr. V. W. Falias, the Motor Engineer oi Whiteley's, Ltd., Hereford Road, Bayswater, W., writes —"lii answer to your letter of the 17th October, re hind wheel No. 65, this wheel was fitted on 2Dth September, 1909, to one of our two-ton Lacre vans, and the mileage to 17th October, 1910, is 13,985, The condition of the tires look as if SVE3 shall get another 12 months wear."
Commercial Cars, Ltd., of London and Luton. addreasing the Polack Co., writes : " We have much pleasure in writing LO say that we have now for a very considerable period used your tires on our own motor vehicles, and have also recommended them to large numbers of our customers. Your tires have given both our customers and ourselves eomplete satisfaction, as their wearing qualities on all types ef read are of the very highest kind. It is evident that in the construction of
your tirea the hest material and work•
manship are employed.' Mr. J. C. Mitchell, the Secretary to the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., wrote (on the 1st March last) "In reply to your letter, I give below particulars of mileage run by tires. mentioned therein:— Tire No. Miles Run_ 22083 23,754 25445 25,457 22173 28,330 22181 33,079 26896/28206 21,035 27974/27934 25,322 (Signed) Jam . C. MITCITELL.
Mr. T. E. Harrison, Manager of the Transport Department of Waring and Gillow, Ltd., 164-180, Oxford Street, W., a rites :—" In reply to your inquiry, 1 beg to state that your tires continue to afford the fullest satisfaction, and, during a period of three years, only one tire has shown defects. 1 may add that a tire on No. !25 (threeton motorvan) has recently been withdrawn after completing a record of 25,000 miles, mainly run on rough country roads, the area traversed ranging from Cornwall to the North of Yorkshire. Considerable success. has also attended the use of the experimental rubber-tired trailer."
fly request of the owners, for whose standing we vouch, names are withheld in these four Shrewshury-• Challiner testimonials.
A, dated the 31st 'January, 1911 :-" I will write you in the course of a week as to the size of tires being fitted. This being the tenth year I have used your tires for onmibuses and commercial vehicles, you will be interested to know I have received such satisfactory results as to enable me torecommend them as the best yet brought to my notice."
B, dated the 28th January, 1911 :— " Your tires have in every case ex-. ceeded their mileage guarantee 1,10,000 miles) which, when you take 'into consideration the rough roads and the heavy loads we carry, it speaks well for the excellence of your tires. We. have tried other makes, but in every case they have been more or lesstroublesome."
C. dated the 31st January, 1911 :— " We are agents for the Halley vehicle for Ireland, and are specifying your tires or. all our customers' vehicles, as we have had such good results from them ; in fact, in one particular threeton machine, which has done a mileage of almost 18,000, the tires are still quite good."
D, dated the 20th January, 1.911 Enclosed please find order for retiring wheels . . . the old tire has run 13,000 miles."