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The Nartli of England Show will -open at. Manchester to-morrow (Fri day). Commercial vehicles will be well represented ; no fewer than 24 petrol-engined vehicles and chassis, three steam wagons and one steam tractor are expected, in addition to interesting exhibits upon the numercos tire and supply stands. With big support offering and given from the heavy side of the motor industry, it is a matter for regret that these exhibits have been afforded such poor space; the Council of the S.M.M.T. must see to it that there is better provision another year, if they wish to retain heavy support for the Society.
Albion (Stand No. /5).
Mr. Tom Garner, of 12, Peter Street, Manchester, the local agent for Austin, Belsize, Humber and Albion commercial vehicles, will show two of the latest Albion 32 h.p. four-cylinder inodels and two two-cylinder machines by the same maker. One of the two larger models will be a van for threeton loads and the other a 25-seated char-h-banes, ivhilst, of the two smaller models, one will be a 16 h.p. shooting brake for nine passengers, and the .other a box-van for 15 cwt. loads. Alley and MacLellan (Stand No. l3.
Notwithstanding the alleged ill-luck which is usually associated with No. 13, that of the stand which will be occupied by Alley and MacLellan Ltd., we do not anticipate that the sixton Sentinel steam wagon which it will show on that stand will suffer any misfortune when it enters the service of Messrs. Kinder Bros., of Blackburn, who will be fortunate enough to take delivery of this machine at the conclusion of the Manchester Show. It is one of Alley and MacLellan's standard type, of which quite a number are doing capital service in the Manchester district.
Belsize (Stand No. 14).
The Belsize Co.'s stand should prove particularly interesting, as on it will be staged four Belsize models, two of which are new. The exhibits will comprise a 15 cwt. delivery van, a taxicab, a three-tonner and a special chassis for fire-brigade purposes. Reference to the two smaller models have frequently been made in the pages of this journal.. They have four-cylinder engines of 14-10 h.p. We illustrate the van herewith, and it shoold be not,ed that Lynton resilient wheels and tires are fitted to the live back axle. The three-tonner has a four-cylindei 28 h.p. motor, whilst the engine of tlit fire-brigade chassis is capable of developing from 50 h.p. to 80 h.p.
Clayton and Co. (Stand No. 51) There are few motor manufacturen who have made such excellent progrest in a couple of years as have Claytor and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd., which company's "Karrier-Car" vehicles arc finding favour in all parts of the coutt try, and one of its exhibits, a 16 h.p. one-ton van, is a repeat order fron the Great Central Railway Co. ; it n illustrated on page 486. A four. cylinder '22 h.p. two-ton wagon Inc Messrs. John Dewar and Sons, the well-known whiskey distillers of Hay. market, London, will be another ol this company's exhibits ; it is an entirely new model. J. Bullock and Sons, of Featherstone, Yorkshire, art the owners of the 30 four-cylin. der, 22-seated char-iv-banes which wil also be shown, and "Karrier-Car" ex. hibits will also include a 30 h.p. three. tonner, fitted with a special brewer': lorry-body and canopy, built to tilt order of Messrs. Ainley and Sons brewers, of Outlane, ITuddersfield.
Commer Cars (Stand No. 11).
The exhibits of Commercial Cars Ltd., will consist of two five-ton ma chines; one a chassis only, the othei will be fitted with a flat lorry-body The latter machine will be exhibitec by the courtesy of its owners, the Co operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., a Balloon Street, Manchester ; it is th■ fifth " Commer Car" purchased b3 that company and is shown or page 487. A sectional model o: a standard " Commer-Car " gearbo) will also be exhibited, so that tho gear-changing mechanism may be de monstrated. The company will be un able to stage any other types, but wil have available for demonstration pur poses outside a 23-seated char-a-banes a 14-seated char-h-bancs, a five-tor wagon fitted with tipping-body, an the 30 cwt. tilt-van. Dennis (Stand No. 52).
Messrs. The Lowcock Commercial Motor Co., of Gaythorne, Manchester, who will occupy Stand No. 52, will display Dennis commercial vehicles only, and there will be three exhibits comprising a two-ton van, which is fitted with a four-cylinder 29 h.p. engine, a five-ton pantechnicon chassis, which has been specially designed to meet the requirements of removal contractors, and a fire-engine which has been built to the order of the Glasgow fire-brigade; the last-named machine is a third repeat order for that corporation. The capacity of this fire-engine, which has a six-cylinder 60 h.p. motor, is 45.0 gallons, and the machine is equipped with a 40 ft. telescopic ladder and other up-to-date fire-fighting appliauces. All these machines have Dennis worm-driven back axles. The makers claim that the pantechnicon chassis is the first one which has been so constructed that a wide well nary be fitted to the pantechnicon hNly ; an illustration is given on the preceding
Fodens (Stand No. 53).
One wagon only will uphold the honour of Fodens, Ltd., of Sandbach, and this will be one of the company's three-tonners with rubber-tired wheels —a type of wagon that may daily be seen in London and other large centres on express-delivery work, as well as by a large number of breweries for the delivery of bottled goods. No type of vehicle has a more-workmanlike appearance than this Foden threetonner. It is deservedly successful.
Lacre (Stand No. 11a).
The Lacre Co. was rather late in the day to secure space at the North of England Show, and, consequently, it has not secured so large a stand as it would desire, but it will make the best of matters by exhibiting one of its new 30 h.p. two-tonners. To compensate for the lack of space inside the hall, the company has arranged that its Manchester representatives, at 107, Palmerston Street, Ancoats, will have at their disposal three or four of the latest-typo Lacre vehicles for demonstration purposes, and at that address the vehicles may be inspected and trial runs arranged.
Leyland Motors (Stand No. 54).
Tho limits of space imposed by the Society prevent Leyland Motors, Ltd,, from showing a number of machines which it would like to include in its exhibits, and among the machines for which there will be no room is an insulated meat van (part of an order for six from the British War Office), one of its latest steam wagons for eightton loads (a repeat order from Messrs. Fairrie and Co., Ltd., of Liverpool) and a standard doable-deck motorbus (a repeat order for the London Central Omnibus Co.). Its actual exhibits will be three in number, the first of them being a 24 h.p. ambulance van for the British -War Office, the second a four
ton petrol lorry which has been running on demonstration work for the London and North-Western Railway Co. for a period of eight months and has been driven upwards of 8,000 miles, and the third an 85 h.p. 450gallon petrol turbine fire-engine which has been built for the city of Calcutta, and is similar to the one supplied by this maker to the city of Sheffield. The turbine pump is hy Mather and Platt. Shrewsbury and ChoHiner tires are fitted to the wheels of all three exhibits. Taskers (Stand No. 12).
Two" Little Giant " exhibits will be sent from the works of W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd., of ...Vridover, Hants. One of these is a standard B2 compound tractor, which will be delivered, on the conclusion of the show, to its pur chasers, Messrs. john Nadin and Son, Contractors, of Sheffield. The uJier exhibit will be one of the company's five-ton steam tipping wagons; has been built to the order of W. E. Willis, Esq., Contractor, of Ystrad, Rhondda, Glam.
White (Stand No. 50).
Three American models will 1,e shown by the White Co., whose Manchester branch is at Albion Street, Gaythorne ; one of these is a threetonner, whilst the load capacity of the other two are 1,500 lb. and 14 tons respectively. All these models have four-cylinder monobloc engines.
Bauly (Stand No. 154).
Of current interest to Lancashire motor-wagon owners will be the winter wheels on the stand of Mr. H. C. Bauly. of the Bow Wheel Works, 131a, Bow Road, London, E. In addition ti his specialized type of wheel for use on snow-covered or frost-bound roads. Mr. Bauly will also be showing a number of wagon wheels with both steel and rubber tires (Parabund band) in sizes suitable for vehicles ranging in capacity from U. to 6 tons.
Brown Bros. (Stand No. 79).
Autoclipse lamps, Raybestos brake lining, and various other specialities will be exhibited by the " William Whiteley " of the motor trade—Brown Bros., Ltd., of Great Eastern Street, London, E.C., which company also has extensive premises at 211 to 273, Dea nsgate, nehester.
Connolly (Stand No. 120).
Connolly hand tires suitable for motor lorries up to a maximum of 12 tons gross load, diagonal tires for motor fire-engines, rubber matting. etc., will be prominently displayed on this stand, as also will be shown a number of tires which have been removed from the wheels of some vehicles belonging to Carter, Paterson and Co.'s fleet. These tires are stated to have rim over 20,000 miles.
Dook-Swain (Stand No. 109).
The nook-Swain Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., of 66, Oxford Road, Manchester, wishes to draw special attention to its Hercules tires for heavy commercial vehicles, a. number of which will be shown on its stand. We are informed that with this tire the company has obtained average mileages between 20,000 and 25,000 miles. Hercules band tires, pneuniatic tires and tubes, as well as motor accessories will be included in the company's exhibits. Dunlop (Stand No. 104).
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., whose Manchester depot is at 109, Deansgate, will stage a number of wooden wheels fitted with Dunlop solid band tires, in addition to a number of loose tires suitable for all descriptions of commercial vehicles_ Pneumatic tires for taxicabs, rubber matting, hood cloths, etc., will also be shown by this company.
Frood (Stand No. 115).
As one might expect, Ferodo brake and clutch lining material will be the chief exhibit of Herbert Fri>od and Co., Ltd., of Sovereign Mills, Chapelen-le-Frith. The use of this type of material is extending rapidly, and, having once tried Fermin a user will never go back to leather clutch lining.
Hoyt Metal Co. (Stand No. 116).
This company will be exhibiting Hoyt standard babbitt or anti-friction metals, the " copper hardening" quality of which is specially recommended for motor bearings, and, we believe, is more extensively used for this purpose than any other metal. It is a high-grade tin-base alloy, and has been specially manufactured to meet the conditions imposed by internalcombustion engines. The Hoyt Metal Co., whose head offices are at 26, Billiter Street, London, E.C., also hopes to show one of its die-casting machines for the production of whitemetal bearings.
Krupp (Stand No. 72).
Herr August Reichwald-, of Finsbury Pavement House, London, E.C., will be showing a number of examples from the Krupp factories at Essen and Annen. These will include front and rear axles, crankshafts, gears and other parts for gearing, frames, complete and in separate parts, material in bars, etc., etc.
Polack (Stands Nos. 102 and 89).
The Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., although it has secured space at the North of England Show, will use it only as a reception room, but the company will probably show a few sections of solid and pneumatic tires, This company has left its local representatives, Messrs. Leo Swain and Co., of 237. Deansgate, Manchester, to uphold the name of the world-famous Polack tires, and on that firm's stand (No. 89) there will be a good display of all types of these tires for eommerciai vehicles, as well as for pleasure cars. It is expected, also, that Messrs. Leo Swain and Co. will show, the A.T. speedometer, which is stated to be highly suitable for commercial Bleriot lamps, Parsons chains. inflators, Hall's spare wheels, Autoloc controls, and various other useful proprietary articles will also be shown on this stand.
Hans Renold (Stand No. 81).
For over 30 years, Hans Renold, Ltd.. of Progress Works, Brook Street, Manchester, has specialized in th manufacture of steel driving
chains. This company makes a very large range of chains suitable for motor-vehicle work in both the roller and silent types. Many complete chives will be shown, including an example of the spring-cushion sprocket, which is particularly suitable for driving purposes when the load is intermittent or impulsive, as is the case with interna hewn bnstion. engined motors.
:Shrewsbury and Challiner (Stand No. 95).
This well-known Manchester company will show examples of its "World," " Giant," and other forms of solid-rubber tires for commercial vehicles, as well as its patent detachable device for the mounting of solidrubber tires without the aid of a hydraulic press.
Willcox (Stand No. 68).
In the way of general engineers' stores, tools and materials, the list of W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd., of 23, Southwark Street, London, S.E., is practically complete, and a representative assortment of its specialities will be shown at Manchester. Lubricating oils and greases, jointing materials, leather belting for fans and general machinery, semi-rotary petrol and paraffin pumps, wire-bound hose,
" Ideal " automatic self closing valves, bearing metals, gas-heated soldering equipment, centrifugal pumps, Storey vices, and lifting jacks are a few of the things which will be shown by this compnny.
Fuels and Lubricants.
The Anglo-American Oil CO., Ltd. (Pratt's spirit), the Gas Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd. (Carburine motor spirit) and Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., are three well-known concerns which will be exhibiting samples of their respective specialities, which will include fuels, oils, greases, etc., and, in addition to these companies, Messrs. C. C. Wakefield and Co. will exhibit specimens of lubricating oils suitable for all classes of machinery.
In addition to the stands already named, interesting exhibits will also be found on the following, the stand numbers being given in parentheses: W. H. Bailey and Co., Ltd. (124); G. Davenport and Co., Ltd. (84); the Lancashire Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd. (67); Joseph Lucas, Ltd. (135); Charles Maekintosh and Co., Ltd. (118) ; the New Motor and General Engineering Co., Ltd. (76); the Pendleton Radiator Co., Ltd. (85); S. Smith and Son, Ltd. (129); and the Zenith Carburetter Co. (70).