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An organization, entitled the British Executive Employment Society, with headquarters at 133, Oxford Street, London, W.1, was founded in January, 1933, by Mr. Ronald Ogden, M.A.F.R., Econ.S., mainly for the purpose of acting as an employment exchange betWeen men of suitable training, experience and social status, for holding. higher-grade executive and technical posts, and employers wanting such men.
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales has interested himself in the society, visiting its clubroom and offices on January 25 last. On this occasion he was shown the system of classification and indexing of the exact qualifications of every member, by means of which the right men for any specific position can at once be found.
The president is Sir Noel Curtis Bennett; other influential men are vice-presidents and members of the executive council, whilst many prominent persons and companies are already numbered among the patrons of the society. All employers are invited to give it the first opportunity of submitting particulars of suitable men required for positions on their staffs. Communications should be addressed to Mr. Guy F. Dowding, A.M.I.Mech.E., vice-chairman.
A Brown Brothers Acquisition.
Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2, advises us that it has acquired the business of S. Webster and Co., of Hull, a concern of factors of cycle and motor accessories. •The company was founded over 30 years ago by Mr. Samuel Webster. Business will continue to be carried on at Kingsway Works, Lombard Street, Hull, under the management of Mr. D. R. Blake.
Lectures on the Oil Engine.
The chief engineer of ArmstrongSaurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Mr. A. Lampert, is giving a series of lectures on the oil engine and its application to road-transport vehicles. The first lectures are being held under the auspices of the Irish Institute of Motor Traders. One of them was given at Cork, Yesterday, and the other takes place at the Technical School, Bolton Street, Dublin, this evening (Tricky). SCOTTISH C.M.U.A. OFFICE BEARERS RE-ELECTED.
The annual general meeting of the Scottish Commercial Motor 'Users Association was held last Friday, in Edinburgh. Mr. Archibald T. Rodger, Glasgow, presided. Mr. John W. Loudon, S.S.C., general secretary, reported that the membership had ,increased by 95.
Tl e. principal officebearers were reelected as follow :—President, Mr. A. T. Rodger ; vice-president, Lord Provost W. J. Thomson, Edinburgh ; honorary treasurer, Sir David Mason. Mr. Frederick G. Bristow, C.B.E., secretary of the British Road Federation, and general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association (London), addressed the members.
An R.H.A. Area Dinner.
The Sheffield and Rotherham subarea of the Road Haulage Association is holding its first annual dinner at Stephenson's Exchange Restaurant., Castle Street, Sheffield, on Saturday.
February 24, at 7.15 p.m. Tickets may' be obtained from Mr. G. Phillips, 428, London Road, Sheffield.