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T HE British Road Federation has a powerful case against the bringing into force of restrictions on bridges without the closest...
I T has taken the Minister of Transport a long time to make up his mind as to the exact constitution of the Transport Advisory...
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rr HERE is no lack of evidence that industry in Great Britain is moving south. The development of factory estates close to...
South Africa's bus services are dealt with in a short article. Page 30. Details are given of an interesting agrimotor wheel...
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That even the bridge of size may soon become the bridge of sighs. â0- The question, will compression ratios go up now that...
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by all difficulties Of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
THE Ministry of Transport has sent a circular letter on the subject of safer roads to highway authorities in Great Britain....
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The watch committee of PONTEFRACT Corporation is buying a Leyland fireengine. The English Electric Co., Ltd., has delivered...
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An organization, entitled the British Executive Employment Society, with headquarters at 133, Oxford Street, London, W.1, was...
Details of the Constitution of the Council and the Different Interests that are Represented by Its Members jAVING completed...
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of an interesting lecture recently given by Mr. P. E. Biggar, of Leyland Motors, Ltd., to the East Lancashire and Cheshire...
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A LWAYS alive to modern needs, Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lanes, has taken a further step to meet the new taxation...
An Improved Reclaiming Apparatus OR economical maintenance of in ternal-combustion transport engines it is widely...
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A New Six-wheeler Conversion A CCOMPANYING illustrations reveal an ingenious suspension arrangement which has been incorporated...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent British Hydrocarbon Oils THE BILL'S SECOND READING. T HE House of...
THE MINISTER'S PROPOSALS. A DEBATE took place last week on a motion by Mr. Glossop that this House views with grave concern...
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RR. STANLEY informed Mr. Dobbie 1V1that some progress had been made with the preparations to publish in consolidated form the...
T "EHon. Oliver Stanley, Minister of Transport, made his first appearance in Scotland in his official capacity when he was the...
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LONDON-GLASGOW AND LONDONBELFAST FARES. Further news is to hand from Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd. The company...
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An Informative Summary of Practical Investigations and Analyses of Used Lubricant. Condmions of Value to Oil-engine Users. â¢...
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with Under-frame Engine R ATHER late the German commercial-motor industry has realized the advantages of a short wheelbase and...
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R EADERS of this paper are familiar with the well-known Mammoth Major vehicle produced by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.,...
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A STEADY flow of inquiries concerning the Road and Rail Traffic Act continues to reach us and we publish this week a further...
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of Li g ht Wei g ht for 11 -ton Pay-1 Lds A BIG step forward in steamwagon design was made when the Sentinel Waggon Works,...
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WEAK BRIDGES The British Road Federation Sends a Deputation to the Minister of Transport, Pointing Out the Gravity of the...
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for all purposes F OR some time trailers of various kinds have been manufactured in small quantities by J. Brockhouse and Co.,...
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A FTER two years of practical development a new type Nvheel for agricultural tractors has gone into production in Germany, the...
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to Find Haulage Business T HE home railway traffic receipts form an accurate guide to the state of trade and industry in these...
MENDERS are invited by the following latest dates (given in parentheses) :âW eymouth and Meleombe Regis T.C. for tarmac,...
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Interesting Statistics Now to Hand Concerning the Systems in a Number of Towns in the Union A LTHOUGH road mechanical transport...
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A Wide Range of Vehicles, Tractors and Appliances for General, Municipal and Other Uses S PECIAL prominence at the Ford...
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A Msurne of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A FUEL-INJECTION pump should have two distinct adjustments,...