New Transpo rt Companies
Page 42

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Commercial Vehicle services (Birmingham). Ltd. Cap. OM. Dirs.: Frederick H. Eyre, 13 Copthorna Road, Shirley, Solihull, Warwicks; Roland L. Rees-Boughton and H. Ernest Handcock, 82 Velsheda Road, Shirley. Sec.: P. 1-f. Eyre. Reg. office: 82 Velsheda Road, Shirley.
Itanstead Coaches, Ltd. Cap. £1,1100. DifS..: Charles F. Haynes, 2 Devonshire Cottages, Garrarts Lane, Banstead, Surrey, and Albert E. W. Pullen, Shrobland Road, Banstead. Sec.: Doris A. E. Haynes. Reg. office: 1 Shrubland Road, Banstead.
D. and G. Transport (Passenger). Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: Charles F. Griffith,-404 Staines Road, Twickenham, and Alfred B. Coureau, 410 Sipson Road, Sipson, West Drayton, Middx Sec.: A. B.
Comeau. RU1'.. office: Bath Road, Harlington, Hayes.
Rotamix, Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Dirs.: Eugene C. Evans, 11 Park Avenue, Goldthorn Park, Wolverhampton. and William C. Simpson, 53 WolselcY Road, Bilston. Sec.: EURCIIC. C. Evans Reg. office: 36 Darlington Street, Wolverhampton, Poplar Motor. Transport (Lymnil, Ltd. Cap. 01,000. Dirs.: John Radford and Emily Radford, Coroville, Knutsford Road, Bradley Brook, Lyrnm. Sec.: J. Lawrinson. Reg. office: Poplar Garage, Knutsford Road, Bradley Brook, Lymtn.
Rayleigh Depositaries, Ltd. Cap. MO. Dirs.: Frank • A. Grant, Waterloo House. High Street, Rayleigh, Esser, and Fred I. Loveless, 6 Adam Street. London. W.C.2. See.; David I. Baker. keg. oiler: 6 Adam Street, ondon. W.C.2. E. and .1. (Contractors). Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Dirs.: Edward Tunney, Lynsdale, 15 Tudor Close, Penkhult, Stoke-on-Trent, and James Tunney, 21 Dicconson Street, Wigan. Sec.: James Tunney, Reg, office: 29 Wellesley Street, Shelton, Stoke-onTen t.
Gerald G. Newts, Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Dirt.; Gerald 'G. Newis and Mrs. Sheila M. Newis, 47 North Street. Wetherhy. Sec.: Sheila M. Newis. Reg. office: 47 North Street, WetherbY.
Rayly and Bardett (Trartwort), Ltd. Cap. £25.000 Dirs.: Charles A. Grant, 7 Elliott Terrace, The Hoc, Plymouth; William E. Blakeney, Boundary House, Crownhill, Plymouth, and Anthony C. Grant, Landfall. Instow, Devon. See.: G. M. Beard, Rey. office: Sutton Road. Plymouth.
Short Haulage, Ltd. Cap. £100. firs,: Louie Walters, 90 Dock Street, Newport. Mon, and Frederick G. Short, 41 Ncwadd Street, Aticrtillery, Mon. Sec.: Kenneth A. Walters. Reg. office: 4 Chepstow Road, Newport, Mon.
Maurice James anti Co. 09591, Ltd. Cap.
£20.000. [Conan] M. Jones, Mandertey, Cryfield Grange Road, Kenilworth: Clifford W. Ward. 4 Cannon Hill Road, Coventry, and William H. D. Jenson, 21 Gibbet Hill Road. Coventry. Sec.: R A, Dickinson. Reg. office: Mile Lane, Coventry.
Crowther and Hall, Ltd. Cap. L1,500. Dirs.: James Crowther, Woodbine Cottage, East Rank, Winster. Dcrbis, and Mrs. Joan Hall, 14 Crioe Place, "i'oulgrave, near Bakewell. Sec.: loan Hall. Reg. office: Nfawsione Quarry, Youlgrave.