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I T is sometimes claimed that progress in goods bodywork has lagged behind chassis development. If this is true, the indictment...
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B ECAUSE the National Coal Board find it difficult to compete against fuel oil, and privately admit that they cannot sell coal...
Something to Gas About L AST month the works of the Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd., at Honeypot Lane, Startmore, Middx., were...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT I N the next few months it is likely that loads worth tens of thousands of pounds—probably a record...
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A CHASSIS manufacturer was interested in developing a fully hydraulic A . system of transmission employing an engine governed...
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MR. F. R. SIMMONDS, assistant secretary to the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., since 1954. has retired after 40 years' service. MR. A....
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P ETER RHODES, managing director of Oakleys (London and Scottish) Transport, Ltd., was one of four people who appeared at...
-t - 1 A STRIKE by Italian hauliers from today was threatened on Tuesday by the Italian Federation of Road Transport Companies....
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed appeals by 14 South Wales local authorities against the grant of higher fares on stage...
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WORKS BUS SERVICE WAS ILLEGAL: £25 FINE " IN recent months there has been a I strengthening of view [in the Labour Party] in...
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rONFL1CTING views on the relations between independent coach operators and their employees were heard by members of the...
lUIANY uses for a plastics-coated steel al known as Stelvetite and manufactured by John Summers and Sons, Ltd., Shotton,...
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A PARKING ban covering 'a number of streets in Salford's dock area was approved by the city council last week. It will apply to...
WHEN the British Transport Corn mission objected to a haulier's application at Preston, last week, they were accused of acting...
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S EVEN livestock hauliers objected at Preston, last week, when Mr. E. Glover, Wigan, asked for a three-tier 61-ton livestock...
Duritato City Council wish to obtain a refuse collector and a lorry. Osseni Corporation are recmitinended to purchase a...
are to put into service shortly a fleet of nine self-contained mobile radiography units which will visit collieries at regular...
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A PRIVATE bus operator complained tA to the Western Traffic Commissioners, on Monday. that a pool arrangement with the Western...
L T GADS claimed to be among the J- 0 longest ever carried in the. United Kingdom are being hauled by Samuel Williams and Sons,...
Commercial Vehicle services (Birmingham). Ltd. Cap. OM. Dirs.: Frederick H. Eyre, 13 Copthorna Road, Shirley, Solihull,...
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A PROPOSED bus link between Kilsyth, Stirlingshire, and the new Scottish town of Cumbernauld was submitted , to the Scottish...
Title Changed: The name of Wingard (M.A.), Ltd., accessory manufacturers, Chichester, has been changed to Wingarcl, Ltd,...
LATE season coach tours are becoming LATE popular with old age pensioners, the North Western Traffic Commissioners were told...
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'ractor Design M ANY entirely new design features are incorporated in the latest series of road haulage tractor units to be...
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By Anthony Ellis S INCE bulk delivery facilities were first offered by cement producers in this country they have been used in...
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A S reported in The Commercial Motor last week, R.C.A. Great Britain, Ltd., Lincoln Way, Windmill Road, Sunburyon-Thames, now...
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Tests Show Standard Oil Engines with Slight Modifications Will Run also on Petrol and Other Fuels A COMMER TS3 oil engine has...
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sks P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. I ,N the January 9 issue of The Commercial Motor I suggested that a standard...
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Wallace Arnold Apply for Excursion from Leeds to Ringway Airport to Connect with Air Tours T HE act of Wallace Arnold Tours...
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D "'GNED for use in Ceylon for servicing dockyard vehicles and other equipment, a special multi-liquid dispenser has been built...
THE latest delivery vehicle to be placed in service with Heal and Son, Ltd., Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1, offers some...
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A HEARING before the North Western Traffic Commissioners on January 6 was something of a pantomime. There were bursts of...
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Asks Ralph Cropper, M.Sc. (Econ.), B.A., A.M.Inst.T. Agreement with Railways in 1945 on Normal User May Have Gone Too Far and...
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A N anomaly in the Construction and Use Regulations was exposed on Tuesday by Mr. E. Woodbridge, standards and technical...
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Ask Me Another A LTHOUGH transport has always suffered from a surfeit of planners, they have never been so thick on the ground...
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T HERE are two main purposes in the publication of The Commercial Motor' Tables of Operating Costs" and this weekly series of...
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THE first job for a new Atkinson eight' wheeler which went into operation with Acton Transport, last week, was the carriage of...
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W E are only at the beginning of the development of road transport in the overseas territories," stated Dr. R. S. Millard, head...
NAR. G. W. IRWIN, Eastern Area secretary of the Road Haulage Association, has joined Mr. R. B. Brittain, chairman, the rates...
T AKING stock of the bus position in Ceylon after a year of nationalization, the Ceylon Transport Board's operations manager...