0-licence hearing adjourned
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until October.
Problems had arisen over providing information because all correspondence had been sent to Mr Sayers and he, himself, was appointed only in October.
The LA pointed out that when, last September, Sayers Bulk Milk Haulage applied to take up a licence margin of eight vehicles it was found that some of these were specified in the Shelton Hurst application; it also transpired that the discs issued for the interim licence had been surrendered.
Mr J. Barkly, a senior traffic examiner, said he saw Mr Stobart on December 31 and was shown 10 French and Italian permits, listing six vehicles. It was admitted these had been operating and the 10 journeys were all made with unauthorised vehicles. When asked for drivers' records from October-December, Mr Stobart said they were kept in London.
Mr Stobart said he had made inquiries at the LA's office in September concerning the interim licence and was told it would remain in force until December 31.
Problems over the specifica tion of vehicles had arisen because Mr Howells was also a director of a new company, Howells and Reavell Transport (European) Ltd, Southall; it was proposed to transfer vehicles from this company to Shelton Hurst, but this could not be done until its application for a licence was heard in the Metropolitan Area on December 16.
(At that hearing, the Metropolitan LA had expressed concern about the financial position of the applicant, the operation of 29 vehicles from an open space and the company's tenure of the premises. He had granted an operators' licence for only six months.) Mr Stobart said that the Metropolitan LA had now bees informed that certain vehicles were being deleted and specified on the Shelton Hurst licence.
Concerning the records, Mr Stobart said they had beer stolen from his car.
There would be dual main. tenance facilities, at Headlarr and Southall.
He agreed the Metropolitar LA had criticised the facilities at Southall, but two portablt buildings were to be erectec there. If necessary all the ser. vicing for Shelton Hurst coulc be done at Headlam.
Adjourning the hearing, th( LA said he did not regarc Southall as suitable as a main tenance depot and the Head lam facilities must be improve( before making a grant.