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Handling Other People's Goods Is A Growth Area
stowe. Goods bound for European markets frequently go into the Mendlesham "transit camp." The mainstay of the Anglia business, I believe, is local grocery distribution and......
Plenty Of Room For Storage
continued from page 42 seems unlikely that it will move away from the lucrative traffics of Felixstowe, Great Yarmouth and Harwich completely. I am told that there is very......
Growth Area
One aspect which has already been tenatively embarked on is warehousing leasing. Anglia has leased a complete warehouse to Trade Counter Ltd, which distributes paperbacks. All......
Speaking Up Pays Off
Having agreed with almost every word that a frustrated i driver/fitter wrote in a letter published in CM on December 26 under the title "Wake up, England," I am delighted hear......
Shipshape Preservation
History happens quickly these days. Talk about the days when fuel cost four bob a gallon and it seems like an •age ago, but in fact it was as recent as 1962—which was the year......
Commission, Please
Telephones in the CM office, never quiet for long at the best of times, have suddenly come alive with repeated requests for information about IVECO—the company formed from a......
Wow !
Midlands CIT members at a recent seminar at Birmingham University were tickled 'to read the following notice on the Education Department notice board: "Volunteers Required A......